Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 190: Shogo Ashizaki VS Shusuke Fuji!

Chapter 190 190. Shogo Ashizaki VS Fuji Shusuke!

Atobe Kingdom

Unlike Ice World, it is different from seeing through the dead angle of play and style of play.

This is more part of the insight of the "eye", which is the vision that can directly see through the opponent's joints and bones.

Through observation, you can find dead joints that your opponent cannot deal with

To put it bluntly, it is.

I can see where you can't catch the ball, and as long as you hit it there, you can respond, but your body can't hit it back.

Because the body has limits.

You won't be like the rubber man, twisting your body joints around to catch those impossible balls.

It was a new move developed by Atobe in the duel with Yukimura.

But if you really want to discuss it, this is the first time it has been used in the race.



He clearly watched the ball pass by, but Shiraishi couldn't drive his body to catch the ball.

This is completely different from the dead angle method of the ice world, the difference is simply too great.

Shiraishi has absolutely no way to crack it.


The scores are constantly being lost, and the people in Sitianbao Temple are also very anxious.

"Is there really no other way?"

Xiaochun said with panic on his face and worried tone.

"Shiraishi! Come on!!"

Trying to shout, Yuji also shouted.

Compared with Sitianbao Temple's worries, Diguang's side is much more casual.

"Looks great"

"When did little Akashizu know?"

After Kise understood that Atobe had become stronger, he was a little curious about how Akashi knew.

"Maybe I'm too sensitive to "eyes""

Pointing to his eyes, Akashi replied with a gentle tone.

"Is it true that this trick can only be broken by twisting the joints and bones?"

Aomine watched Atobe's performance seriously, trying to think of a solution.

"That's the most direct way."

"If you are special enough, let him not see the dead ends of your joints and bones."

Putting his hands in his pockets, Bai Jin knew the weakness of Atobe's move.

Although it is strong, it still has the means to deal with it.

It seems that these moves are outrageous in Wang Wang's world, but it just happened to respond to that sentence, moves are used to break.

It seems that there is really no trick in the play that cannot be cracked.

"However, it's useless for you to think about it now."

"It is impossible for the Ice Empress to appear as an opponent."

Akashi suddenly switched his personality, and said in a regretful tone.

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"No matter how you look at it, Atobe will win."

"As long as you win No. 1 in the next singles match, won't you be promoted?"

Kagami didn't quite understand what Akashi said, so he asked.

"Idiot, think about it carefully, who else in Bingdi can win steadily in singles number one?"

Midorima glanced at the demoralized Ice Emperor candidates and said pointedly.


Hearing this, Vulcan looked over and found that Ice Emperor really seemed to have no combat personnel.

"The reason why Atobe played in doubles number one."

"That in itself is that he and Coach Sakaki predicted that the opponent would avoid the number one singles position."

"So do the opposite and prepare to intercept and kill the opponent."

Akashi can also infer Atobe's thoughts. When he has insufficient cards in his hand, it is best to find a way to win the key victory.

Therefore, Ice Empress made special adjustments at the beginning of the formation.

Jiro went to the third in singles, Ren Zuzu played the second in singles, and Atobe played in the first in doubles.

The purpose is to use these three games to advance the ice emperor.

As for the doubles No. 2 and singles No. 1, they didn't even think about fighting for it.

Saying this may be cruel to Shishido Ryo and Mukahidake, but they were indeed not expected.

In a group of geniuses, ordinary is the biggest mistake

On the contrary, Shitianbaoji also tried to grab three wins with the idea of ​​avoiding Atobe.

Therefore, doubles No. 2, singles No. 3, doubles No. 1, and singles No. 2 are their opportunities.

Even Osamu Watanabe subconsciously thought that Atobe would only be number one in singles.

Therefore, Shiraishi and Qian also formed a doubles and put them together.

It's a pity that, in addition to Mori, Hira Yoshiyuki, and Hara Tetsuya who were steadily captured, Shiraishi and Ken were also captured by Atobe.

But it's actually not that big of a problem.

Because Osamu Watanabe knew that this was the last resistance of the Ice Empress.

The most powerful Atobe is placed in this position, so the remaining singles No. 1 have no suitable strong people to replace them.

That's why Atobe said "Sitenbaoji is a group of lucky guys."

And Osamu Watanabe sighed, "Sitianbao Temple walked through the gate of ghosts once."

Because of Mori Kosaburo's victory, the plans of Atobe and Coach Sakaki were disrupted.

This person has become so strong that they could not have expected it.

It just so happened that Mori Jusaburo's victory or defeat was the key to the advancement of Sitianbaosi and Bingdi.

"The game is over! This game is won by the Ice Emperor, the score."


Until the end, Shiraishi still failed to break through the "Atobe Kingdom", even if Ken tried to help in the end, it had no effect.

That sturdy record also narrates the strength of this king.

"You may have to face a more terrifying abyss."

Before leaving, Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief as Atobe's words echoed in his ears.

Atobe's attitude shows that he really has no successors left.

But at the same time, Shiraishi also knew what the words he mentioned were.

In the next match, it will be the strongest enemy that Sitianbaosi has ever encountered.



"The game is over! The total score is 3:2, and Sitianbaosi will advance."

As expected by others, the singles No. 1 Bingdi just fell in love with an unknown senior.

Then he was defeated by the Ishida Silver Squad sent by Sitianbao Temple.

Therefore, Ice Emperor's achievements in the top eight in the country stopped here.

The Sitianbao Temple is a step further.


"3:0! Advance to Lihai University Affiliated High School!"

Lion music did not do anything special in the match against Haida.

The three failures of singles No. 3, doubles No. 2, and singles No. 2 resulted in no follow-up.

Chitose and Jujuping looked at Li Haida who was leaving with unwilling faces.

In the match just now, Chitose lost to Nioh, and Tachibana lost to Sanada.

And they were all defeated by big scores.

As the No. 1 singles player, Bupo Ironman ended the final middle school tournament without even having a chance to play.

They didn't take Shizi Le seriously at all, but everyone in Lihai University cared about the other side of the competition area..

The Confrontation Between Aigaku and Yamabuki

...time back to before...

The match between Yamabuki and Aigaku

The third singles are Sengoku and Gan Sadaharu.

In this confrontation, Sengoku was once dominated by Gan Sadaharu's data tennis.

But at the critical juncture, he relied on his excellent skills and stable mentality to break through his defense and complete a comeback from adversity.

In the end, the game was won in a 7-6 tie-break.

Oishi and Kikumaru easily won the doubles No. 2

The two schools formed a 1:1 situation with each other.

And the next singles No. 2 of the two sides is...

Haizaki Shogo

Fuji Shusuke

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