Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 193 193 wins!

Chapter 193 193. Win!



After Fuji's scoring moves were all "looted", a strange picture appeared on the field.

Haizaki continued to use Fuji's moves to attack, but Fuji tried to counterattack.

"It's the phoenix returning to the nest!!"



"This time it's the White Dragon!!"

"This round was won by Qingxue Fujisuke! The score"


"It's amazing, I even covered the ball with a mayfly and hit the ball back!!"

But what is surprising is that Haizaki's move was finally countered by Fuji's "only remaining" move.

(Aren't you going to use sublimation moves? No two)

Seeing that Fuji was still using the previous move, Tezuka remembered the new move he had developed before.

That was a change in the basic moves, and logically speaking, it should not have been affected by "plundering" and could be used.

But Tezuka found that Fuji seemed to have no idea of ​​using it at all.

"What a great guy"

"But you have nothing to do this time, right?"

Haizaki's serve game, he had to admit that the genius Fujisuke was better than him.

If there is no influence of "looting", I am afraid that the winner will have been decided long ago.

But now that even the last move of "Mayfly Shroud" has been taken away, then he has no strength left to fight back.

Disappearing tee shot.


Fuji found where the ball really was and hit it back.


Phoenix returned to the nest and played, but was intercepted by Buer Internet.

"This move!"

Bailong showed that Buer quickly retreated to the backcourt to observe the changes in his fall, jumped high and performed a smash.

"Come again!"

"It's the unicorn that landed!"

"All three tricks have been used!!"

Qilin used the counterattack stunt developed for the smash, and the ball jumped high, drawing an arc in the sky and falling towards the bottom line.



"It's true, it's all broken in one breath!"

But unfortunately, even so, Fuji directly swung the racket and hit a tennis ball to score.

So far, the first three moves and triple counterattacks that Haizaki plundered were all resolved by Fuji.

"Using the developer's moves to hit me is the worst choice no matter how you think about it."

Echizen Ryuya looked at the situation Haizaki was in, and felt a little sympathetic to him.

Although Budu's moves will be "looted", it doesn't mean that he himself loses the ability to play tennis.

Therefore, as long as it is not a special move, Fuji still has the power to counterattack.

"Then what about this trick!"

Let the ball slide violently against the surface of the racket, and at the same time make a flip action.

Guardians of Hetotoncris!



"Well, this is still a bit tricky."

With his eyes closed, he seemed to enjoy this kind of game very much, Fuji said with a smile.

(This feeling of fighting against one's own moves is really wonderful)

In his heart, Buer didn't panic at all.

Even if he really couldn't fight back against the guard of Hetocleus in a short time, it was not a serious matter.




Next, Haizaki still chose to play the "Guard of Hektoncris" in the confrontation.

The balls hit by Bu Er hit the net one by one

"Oops, I caught up again!"

Seeing that the score was evened again, Kikumaru became anxious.

“Actually okay”

"Didn't you realize that Haizaki Shogo has not been playing the Phoenix serve just now?"

Qian Zhenzhi didn't worry about anything, but reminded him.

"That's right, just now his serve has been hitting the disappearing serve"

"That is why ah?"

"Of course he can take away the perfect Phoenix serve, but his wrist must be able to bear that burden."

"Fu Er's limit is 4 serving games, but he seems to be able to last only 3 games."

"That is to say, in fact, he plundered the past, so the power and effect of the moves are still closely related to him?"

"That's right, it's different from Teiko's imitation of Kise Ryota and the phantom of Rikkai Daiino"

"The moves that Haizaki loots will always limit his physical ability."

"This is also the reason why Buer was able to easily return the triple counterattack just now."


"That's right, he's gradually getting used to the guard of Hetoncris."





The ball began to gradually climb towards the top of the net, and the "Guard of Hektokris" played by Haizaki has been gradually eroded and cracked by Fuji.



It was completely useless, Haizaki had to use a later counterattack move.

"What about this trick?!"

The brilliance of the stars was shining, and under the blowing of the wind, the falling trajectory of the ball drifted unknown.


Close your eyes, no longer rely on vision to feel, but let your instinct to play.


Xinghuahuo was hit back, which means that the score will be opened again



Although there are still unused mayflies hanging over him, Haizaki knows that it will not trouble Fuji Shusuke at all.

"Obviously the one whose moves were taken away is Fuji, but now the one who is at a disadvantage is Shogo Haizaki."

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses and looked at the changes in the venue, and couldn't help sighing.

Logically speaking, Fuji who has his moves taken away should have fewer offensive methods, and on the contrary, Haizaki who has acquired the moves should be able to gradually become stronger.

But all the moves Haizaki plundered were counterattacked by Fuji.

Even reached the point of anti-repression.

In addition to his own deep understanding of moves, his physical ability has also surpassed the past.

"Qingxue's uniqueness is really amazing."

Qian Shi sighed in admiration, and knew that this one might be hanging.

(Is it not enough just to take away the moves?)

Thinking to himself, Haizaki panted, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stared at Fuji.

He didn't expect this to happen.

"It disrupts the rhythm of the body, and it is really difficult to grasp."

"I know I have a problem, but I can't correct it."

"Your ability is very strong, but unfortunately, I know my own moves very well, and it is still very easy to deal with them."

Haizaki's "plunder" can cause a lot of trouble for Fuji, which can be felt from the score.

If it weren't for the moves being taken away, he wouldn't have a problem with Buer making zero seals.

You can only rely on the only physical foundation to deal with it. This is the first time you have played like this.

Although the opponent has used his own moves, he can easily find the weak point to crack, but it can only be said that there is a big gap between Haizaki and him.

If he is at the same level as him, he will fight hard, and the outcome is unpredictable.




"This game was won by Qingxue Buer! The score"


In the end, along with the referee's declaration, Bu Er won the victory, indicating that Qingxue preemptively reached the end of the match.

"Tsk, I will definitely surprise you guys next time!"

Facing Fuji, Haizaki tried to put on the fierce look before and spoke.

"It's really troublesome. If you really get worse, it's really hard to deal with."

When he said this, he was very serious.

If the person in front of him can really continue to become stronger, he might really have to come up with new moves to deal with it.


It was too late to go back yesterday, so I didn't make up the monthly pass stamp.

Try mending today!

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