Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 281 280 Why are you so proficient?

Chapter 281 280. Why are you so proficient?


Even if the students of the same age who watched the battle didn't look at Imayoshi Shoichi's mysterious and unpredictable strength, his end that made Kirihara confused and not lose his temper is enough to prove that this person is not simple.

"It's called psychological tactics."

"Completely controlled the character of the opponent, and even managed to control it."

Although Oishi thinks he has seen a lot of styles of play, this is the first time he has encountered a player like Imayoshi Shoichi who can easily interfere with his opponent through words.

"Terrible fellow."

Taocheng looked at Kirihara who was still in an ignorant state, and muttered with a drop of sweat running down his cheeks.

To be honest, if he was played by his opponent like this, he would rather feel that it would be better to lose quickly.

This is too torturous.

If you lose the ball, you still have to be played around by others, and you can't even get angry.

It was really sold and had to count the money.

"Sure enough, he's not a serious guy."

Kaitang felt that his intuition was correct, that smiling man named Imayoshi Shoichi was just like a sinister fox.

"Tennis can still be played like this"

"This style of play needs to control the opponent's mental state and his character."

"The situation involved and the strength required are very demanding."

"If you want to reproduce, you must"

Listening to Shinji's unstoppable "nagging", Kamio took a step away from him.

"I always feel that I was calculated by that guy before, it seems not bad?"


Seeing the hesitant look of the twin brothers with different hair colors in front of him, Qian Shi suddenly laughed.

Looking at Kirihara's appearance, they felt that it was not unacceptable to be defeated just now.

"What a funny end."

Shido Ryo shook his head, originally he thought Li Haida's newcomer was very powerful, but he didn't expect to be a "fool".

Being dominated by words in a game is really ridiculous.

Fortunately, it was just a private competition. If they were teased like this in an official competition, other people in Li Haida would be overwhelmed.

"That's all."


One of Riji and Feng didn't care, while the other smiled wryly.

"You're acting a little too far."

Aida Reiko looked at Shoichi Imayoshi who came back again, and commented involuntarily.

"There is no way, we can't wait for other people to consume him slowly."

"Akaya Kirihara, his strength is very strong, probably half of the peers present will not be his opponents."

As soon as Imayoshi lifted the water bottle placed on the ground, he raised his head and took a sip before saying.


Junpei Hinata next to him realized why Shoichi Imayoshi took the initiative to play.

When Kamio and Kirihara competed, Imayoshi had already observed Kirihara's level. Considering that no one would be constantly smeared by him on the field, Imayoshi felt that it would be better for him to go up and fool Kirihara down.

Because they chose the tie-break that took the shortest time, the whole process didn't take long.

At this time, Hinata also had to admire Imayoshi's choice, and made the most sensible judgment in just a little time.

It even managed to make Kirihara completely in the mood to continue making trouble.

Looking at Kirihara's way of thinking, it is clear that he has not recovered from Imayoshi's sugar-coated bullets.

Compared with other people's situation, Ruoren is very clear about the cause and effect.

He looked at Kirihara who was still muttering "I'm the ace", "I'm the strongest", and "the other party admitted it" in front of him, and didn't directly remind him.

After all, if people were worried about Qieyuan's accident and causing some conflicts, and now he is "self-controlled", it will save trouble.

"It seems that the Kanto Competition is indeed worth looking forward to."

There is no idea of ​​going up to the competition now, Ruoren just stays where he is and begins to watch the ongoing competition.

"So, that's why you guys are playing basketball?"

"Originally we planned to go to the street tennis court, but we heard that there were too many people there, so we changed our minds."

"I just met Buer and the others here, so I thought about playing basketball together."

"Tezuka and I happened to be a little bored, so we agreed, and it turned out to be more fun than I imagined."

"I was just passing by."

Qian Zhenzhi's eyelids twitched fiercely, and he stared at the various personnel who formed different teams in front of him, never thinking that there would be such a day.

He obviously just came out for a walk on a rest day when he was idle and bored, but he didn't expect to see such an explosive scene.

A group of serious tennis players are no longer playing tennis, but playing basketball on the street basketball court.

Vulcan, Aomine, Sunspot, Ice Room.

Tezuka, Fuji, Shinobu.

And it seems that this group of people is not bad at beating?

Fuji took a step back easily, and pushed the basketball in his hand towards an open space.

Under everyone's amazed eyes, the basketball hit the ground heavily, and then bounced back to Tezuka's hand not far away.

white dragon

Along with Tezuka's jumper, it also ended this attack.

"Well, if A-gan comes, it seems that we can fight 4v4."

As soon as it was over, Fuji looked at Qian Zhenzhi and smiled.

"Isn't that nice?"

"Then play."

"Although I'm not very good at it."

"Well, basketball? Then try it."

Looking at the few people in front of him, Gan Zhenzhi pushed his glasses, but he became interested.

Since everyone seems to be quite powerful, he must not be weak in any way.

But then, Qian Zhenzhi knew that he was wrong.


Seeing the Vulcan jumping up to block the cap in front of him, Gan Sadaharu couldn't stabilize his steps for a moment.

"The probability of a shift towards midfield is"

"Agan, it's too slow, the scoring time is 13 seconds."

Before Gan Sadaharu could think about it carefully, he saw Tezuka galloping out with his brilliance in his car.

"No, it will be us who will score"

Just when Tezuka was about to catch the ball, Kuroko suddenly rushed out from the side, intercepted the ball in an instant, and passed it to Aomine who had already run halfway across the court.

"I just forgot."

"Is consciousness induced?"

"It's amazing."

Seeing Qingfeng score easily, Bu Er didn't care but smiled.

"I said, why do you need to use moves when playing basketball?"

"This is too foul."

"And judging by the way you look, it feels like you're pretty good at it?"

Renzu sighed, the experience was not very good.

"I don't know, maybe this is athletic talent."

While everyone was relaxing, one person returned to the original starting point.

"Ah, Tokugawa-kun? Are you back so soon?"

Irie looked at Tokugawa who had gone and returned very strangely, not knowing why he appeared here.

The joys and sorrows between people are not connected. When everyone in middle school was resting and entertaining, Tokugawa returned to the U17 training camp again to find Oni and Irie.

"Because I deeply feel my own inadequacy for the future games."


"Please guide me!"

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