Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 356: 355 A Seamless Domain (Zone)!

Chapter 356 355. A Seamless Domain (Zone)!

supreme realm

It was a move that Tezuka honed carefully and developed in combination with Domain and Phantom.

And sublimated it into a stronger version of "gravity" and "repulsion" through the effectiveness of the warrior domain.

Generally speaking, this is a dimensionality reduction blow to other players.

Because no matter how to attack, the initiative will fall on Tezuka.

If you can catch it, hit it, if you can't catch it, pop it out

Innately invincible.

But it's a pity that I met a relatively different player.

Akashi Seijuro.

In the true sense, he managed to crack the Supreme Realm, and let Tezuka see its shortcomings.

(If it is the effect of the phantom, it may be better at this time.)

Holding the ball silently, Tezuka recalled the Supreme Realm that had just been cracked.

Phantom's "rotation force" and supreme "repulsion force".

I thought the latter should be the condition to win over the former

But I didn't expect that there would be such a flaw as being "offset".

It can only be said that Akashi broke the supreme realm from a very subtle angle.

And that is a technique that other players may not be able to replicate.


The corners of his mouth raised a slight arc, but Tezuka felt an indescribable sense of happiness at this moment.

This back-and-forth confrontation.

It was exactly what he had been looking forward to.

The faces of Shiratsu, Yukimura, Atobe, Akashi and others flashed in my mind

he is very happy

I am glad that I was born in such an era and can compete with these peers.

The cyan radiance shone more and more, and even the entire venue was covered by its aura, making it difficult to see. Finally, the radiant light began to shrink, and finally condensed in Tezuka's body, leaving only a faint cyan light covering him. on the body surface.

Golden lightning emanates from the pupils, forming lightning sparks around the body. Matching the fluttering hairstyle

It looks like

"Is he transforming?"

Bai Jin's face was very strange, and it's not just that he thought so, it's because Tezuka's appearance is too "scary".

Brilliant body + Lightning + hairstyle change

This looks like a "transformation".

"what are you saying?"


Faced with Bai Jin's strange nagging, Momoi asked curiously, but what he got was the latter's perfunctory.

"Is that the new state he obtained by combining the power of Seamless and Zone?"

Atobe stared carefully at Tezuka, whose appearance and momentum had changed drastically, and began to observe carefully with his "eyes".

But immediately, Atobu's expression became embarrassing.


He couldn't see Tezuka's weakness in this state!

"Yo, Minister, what do you think?"

Nioh leaned on the chair, watched the changes below, and asked someone.

"Really? That's true."

"Tezuka has become so strong."

As if he had received some response, Nioh also continued to look down.

"finally coming?"

Omokashi looked at the "transformed" Tezuka in front of him, knowing that the real competition would start now.

(Then let me see.)

(The power of seamless fusion with Zone!)

Akashi was waiting like Ri Akashi, he could feel a sense of trembling from Tezuka that he had never felt before.


With Tezuka's shout, the ball was sent out.


Without the slightest slack, Omo Akashi rushed over in person, and when the ball landed, he also watched the future from his radiant eyes.

(The ball will bounce very fast)

(and that strength)

The abnormal bounce speed, if it is not able to see through the future, it will lose points in an instant due to poor preparation.

Even if he can react to catch the ball, he will fly because of the excessive explosive power behind him.



The racket just came into contact with tennis, and Omokashi still felt the indescribable vibration transmitted through the racket.


(This power is also exaggerated.)


The racket was blown away, and when the future became a reality, Akashi realized how powerful Tezuka is today.

Although he observed the future through the ability of the "eye", it was only after he actually tried it that he realized how exaggerated the power was.


When the next ball was sent, Akashi did not use his own ability to catch the ball, but transformed "Vulcan" and "Murakahara" together.

"Hey, there are three people in one breath."

"And Xiao Vulcan and Xiao Ziyuan are both explosive and powerful players"

Looking at the choice made by Akashi, everyone also realized the seriousness of the situation at this time.

Being able to force Akashi to take out these two at once means that Akashi himself cannot catch the ball Tezuka is playing now.


Use the skills of "Murasawara" and "Vulcan" with "Midorima" to attack and defend.

This time, he hit the ball back safely, but what followed was Tezuka's volley.



Then the two sides started a fierce confrontation

"Looks like it's stabilized."

Huang Lai swallowed his tongue and said as he looked at the air in front of him that generated a huge turbulence every time he swung the racket.

"not enough"

Midorima frowned, but expressed a different opinion.

"Huh? Isn't that fellow Akashi very stable?"

"Vulcan-kun, don't you realize that Akashi-kun is very struggling right now?"


"Kuroko and Midorima are right. Compared with Tezuka, who is more comfortable, Akashi didn't make an effective attack even if he used Kagami and Murasakibara."

It has been a long time since I saw Akashi who was suppressed like this, Shirazu turned his attention to Tezuka.

(No matter where the ball hits.)

(He can make split-second decisions and make perfect counterattacks)

(It's not so much thinking, it's better to say the body's instinctive reaction.)

(The body's ability to respond even surpasses the mind)

The more he confronted Tezuka, the more surprised Akashi became.

The information analyzed by the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven undoubtedly made him see new possibilities.

Generally speaking, when a player confronts others in a game, no matter what, it will be in the order of "brain→body", that is, the brain first filters the situation before the body starts to act.

Even Qingfeng, who has never used his brain to play, will make a judgment on the situation in front of him, and then move his body again.

It is not thinking with the brain, but the inflow of information will first go to the brain, and then the body will react.

Now Tezuka is different

He moves his body first, then reacts with his brain

The moment Akashi hit the counterattack, Tezuka's brain may not have received the "information of returning the ball", but the body has already taken the lead in "action".

and it's a perfect move

Do not waste too much physical energy, unnecessary body movements and small habits

It's like removing all its flaws.

Even the "eyes" of Atobe in the stands can't see through his weakness at this moment.

"The radiance is released, and then compressed and condensed in the body, giving the body explosive growth."

"Zone's strength has maintained the peak period and there will be no possibility of reduction, even the defect of a large amount of physical exertion has been overcome."

"The body is able to make the best response faster than the brain"

"This is"

"A seamless domain (Zone)!"

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