"It's now!"

Michinoku Yuma drank.

Just when the tennis ball is about to hit him, swing the racket hard.

At the last moment, the racket stands in the way.


There was a dull loud bang.

When people looked again, they noticed that there was already an extra tennis ball on the racket.


Date Nan'er's face changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, the opponent only used one round to crack his stunt.

"Do you think we didn't prepare anything this year?"

Michinoku Yuma drank.

Last year, they lost to Date and Companion.

So this year, the two have been looking for tricks to crack the boy spring and the big bang.

Coupled with the help of the data master Yajiudou, the two of Ida's stunts have long been thoroughly analyzed by them.

Under the shocked gaze of the people, Michinoku Yuma jumped to his feet.


There was a bang, and the tennis ball fell.

The speed of the ball was so amazing that before Date Nan and his companion could react, the ball rushed out of bounds.

"Michinoku Yuma scores, 15-0!"

The referee blew the whistle immediately.


The body falls to the ground.

Michinoku Yuma took a deep breath, his arm shaking.

Although the spring of the boy is fought back, the strong strength is not comfortable.

"It's okay, brother!"

Mutsu asked in a low voice.


"I can continue to hold on!"

Michinoku Yuma nodded.

The race continues to be played and is more intense than before.

Bang! Bang!

Ten minutes!

Fifteen minutes!

Twenty minutes!

With the addition of the previous half-hour, the game has been going on for almost an hour.

After an hour of intense duel, both sides were about to reach their limits.


The game still did not decide the winner and entered the tie-break.

A similar scene reappeared. "

Tanejima chuckled.

It was the same last year.

After a long duel between the four of them, their physical strength was exhausted.

In the end, in the tie-break, Date Naner and his companion also relied on strong physical fitness to win the final victory.

"As long as it continues, the final victory will definitely belong to Date and Riya. "

Zong Xiu didn't have any worries.

Generally speaking, strength players are more physically fit than technical.

After all, strength doesn't come out of nowhere, it's increased through eating and exercising.

So in the protracted war, the two Date boys have a natural advantage.


The race continues.

At this point, it is impossible for either side to back down.

With the sweat swaying, the tennis ball does not fly, and the score of the two sides continues to increase.









Another fifteen minutes, and the game still couldn't be decided.


Michinoku Yuma's sweat kept slipping down, soaking his clothes.

His face was pale and his lips were chapped.

Apparently due to the long game and excessive water loss.


Mutsu Youbu also looked anxious.

It was the same last year, when the four of them hit a tie-break.

In the end, they lost the game because they were physically exhausted.

I thought that after a year of hard work, my strength had improved a lot.

When you meet Date Nan and Banriya again, you can easily win.

But it turned out to be the same as last year.

If they continue to consume like this, they will definitely be the ones who can't hold on in the end.

"Brother, let it go!"

Mutsu drank slowly.

He understands that he can't put it off, otherwise the result will be the same as last year.


Michinoku Yuma nodded heavily.


Throwing the ball up violently, the moment it fell, the racket swung down.


The sound of the blow was heard.

The tennis ball bursts out, leaving a trail in the air.

"Fight with all your might!"

Date growled.

He saw what the two were thinking.

Now the opponent has gone all out, and they have to do the same.

Because this is a tie-break, every point is precious.


The body rushed out.

The muscles of the arms bulged, and then they slammed down.


The deafening sound exploded, and the tennis ball flew wildly.

"Come on!"

Mutsu drank slowly, without flinching.

He knew that the game had reached this point, and there was no possibility of backing down.

Once fear is generated, the results can be imagined.


The racket swung and the air exploded.

After hitting the tennis ball, fight back.

But by this time, the companion had already rushed to the net and jumped up.

"Big, boom, boom!"

A low roar.

The muscles of his arms bulged, and then he slammed them hard.


The deafening sound exploded.

The tennis ball roars down like a cannonball, and it has unparalleled power.


Xeon smashed the ball down and exploded like a bomb.

The Mutsu brothers' eyes shrank when they saw the ball.

"Leave it to me!"

Mitsunoku Yuma gritted his teeth and rushed out.


Instantly block ahead.

Hold the racket tightly with both hands and swing it vigorously.


The two touched, and a loud bang roared.

Immediately, Michinoku Yuma felt an unimaginable force.


Ten fingers were in sharp pain, and the racket came out of his hand.

The tennis ball and racket crash down together and then burst out of bounds.


As long as one more point is scored, Lihaida will win.


Mutsu on the side hurriedly ran over, a look of anxiety on his face.

"No....... It's okay!"

A look of pain appeared on Michinoku Yuma's face, and his hands trembled even more.

Their physical energy was already overexerted, and now they are still this powerball, so much so that they hurt their arms.

"But ......."

Mitsu looked worried.

"We can win with just two more points, so we have to play!"

Michinoku Yuma whispered.

Then endure the sharp pain in your arm and assume a defensive stance.


Seeing his brother like this, Mitsu Ao could only grit his teeth and return to the bottom line.

The game continues.

But everyone knows that the game has come to the last minute.

Perhaps the next goal will determine the final victory. _

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