PS: New books for collections, flowers, evaluations.


The game is over.

The JR Games ended with Yukimura winning the championship.

Amid everyone's cheers, Yukimura held the championship trophy high and became the focus of the audience.

"Tezuka ........".

Fuji whispered.

I want to comfort my friend, but I can't talk about it.

"I'm fine. "

Tezuka said calmly.

The defeat in this game did make him a little unwilling.

But he is not a small-bellied person, and he will never be annoyed and angry because of defeat.

"I didn't expect Yukimura Seiichi to be so strong. "

Fuji sighed.

I thought Tezuka was the most powerful player in elementary school.

I didn't expect that there were people outside the world, and Yukimura was so strong that he could even keep a clean sheet in Tezuka.


Tezuka nodded.

Before the start of the game, he didn't expect his opponent to be so powerful.

However, he was not discouraged, but scrappy.

Because the stronger the opponent, the more reason he has to become stronger.

In the midst of the discussions, the award ceremony ended.

Sohide also brought Yukimura and Sanada to the two.

"Zong Xiu senior. "

Tezuka and Fuji shouted respectfully.

They already know that the reason why Yukimura is so strong is because he has been guided by Sohide since he was a child.

And the trick of extinguishing the five senses was also taught by Zong Xiu.

From these two points, they can guess how strong Zong Xiu is.

"Remember what I said to you in the morning?".

Zong Xiu asked.

"Morning words?".

The two were stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask, "Senior Zong Xiu said to join........ Lihai Da?".

"That's right!".

Zong Xiu nodded, and looked at Kazuka Kazuka with a serious face: "Lihai University is the best tennis school in Kanto, and both the facilities and the atmosphere in it are first-class in Kanto. "

"Only by joining this kind of strong school can your talents be maximized. "

"This year, I will lead Lihai University to win the national championship!"

"Next year, Seiichi and Ichiro will also go on to study at Lihai University, and if you add the two of you, Lihai University may be able to create an unprecedented four-in-a-row hegemony!".

He didn't say this to fool the two of them.

Because Yukimura, Sanada, Tezuka, and Fuji are all masters in the original work of the king of the net.

If you gather in Lihaida, you can definitely sweep any team.

Therefore, it is not a fantasy to create a four-in-a-row hegemony.

"An unprecedented four-in-a-row hegemony?!".

Not to mention Tezuka and Fuji, even Yukimura was surprised.

If they can really create an unprecedented four-in-a-row hegemony, then their names will be recorded in the history of tennis in the country.

"Think about it!".

"It's to join a school that doesn't go well and waste your talent. "

"Or join Lihai University, see more masters, and then create unprecedented greatness!".

Zong Xiu glanced at the two of them deeply.

Tezuka's talent is definitely the top existence of the king of nets.

was delayed for two years in the original book, and can still stand at the top of the country.

After recovering his arm, he joined the German U-17, and in just a month or two, his strength reached a level that made the main generals of all countries tremble.

From this, you can know how terrifying Tezuka's talent is.

If Tezuka can join Lihai University, let regrets not happen again.

When it comes to the timeline of the original book, the other party can definitely reach the world-class.

That's right!

Not national, but world-class!

Because in terms of light talent, Tezuka is definitely a level of Wahedoin.

Byodoin can be world-class in the third country, and Tezuka who is not injured is definitely okay.

But he's already said what he needs to say, and then it's up to Tezuka and Fuji to make their own decisions.

But he believes that Tezuka and the two will never refuse.

Tezuka, in particular, experienced a fiasco.

Although he is calm on the surface, he must be unwilling in his heart.

Now there is a bright road in front of us, and no one will give up.

"If the four of us were on the same team, no team would be our opponent. "

Yukimura's eyes had a touch of yearning.

Although Tezuka lost to him, the strength of the other party is undoubted.

Although Fuji didn't show his strength, he was able to become Tezuka's best friend, and his strength would definitely not be weak.

In this way, with the four of them in place, it is enough to sweep all opponents of the same age.

"I'll go back and think about it!".

Tezuka replied with a serious face.

He didn't reply immediately.

First, because he is only a quasi-sixth grader, and he still has a year to go to junior high school.

Second, to join Tachikai University, you must leave Tokyo for Kanagawa.

So in this regard, he wants to ask his parents.


"I hope to see you in a year!".

The corners of Zong Xiu's mouth outlined the arc.

He could be sure that Tezuka was already tempted.

Otherwise, with the character of the other party, they would not say such a thing as thinking at all.

After speaking, the group waved goodbye.

And Tezuka also looked at the backs of Zongxiu and the others, and fell into deep thought.

"Tezuka, do you really want to go to Tachikai University?"

Fuji on the side asked.


Tezuka was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then calmly replied, "I want to go on the tennis road all the way!".

If it had been before, he would have hesitated.

But with today's defeat, he understands how important a good environment is.

If you join Lihai University, you can get in touch with a broader world.

And like Yukimura, you can get the guidance of a master like Sohide.

This is definitely a huge benefit to the improvement of strength.

So he was really tempted.

I want to join Lihai University, make myself stronger, and at the same time see if I can achieve the four consecutive hegemony that Zong Xiu said!

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