PS: New books for collection.


"Is it really strength?".

Tanejima whispered, a hint of seriousness on his face.

Knowing that the temptation is coming to an end, the next match is a real showdown between the two.


Rush out quickly and get in the way of the tennis ball.

After aiming at the diagonal position of the court, swing the racket quickly.


The tennis ball flew and hit the ground with a bang.

But before the tennis ball bounced, Zong Xiu came there in advance, as if he had already predicted everything.

The racket swings, and the bouncing ball hits the racket right onto it.


The sound of the blow was heard.

Tennis balls shoot like bullets.

"Serious Zong Xiu, in terms of reaction and explosive ability, has become even more terrifying!".

Taneshima's face was full of solemnity.

React immediately and quickly catch up with the tennis ball.

After catching the tennis ball, a strange force spreads.


Facing Zong Xiu, who was starting to be serious, he used his stunt.

The power and spin contained in the tennis ball are reduced to nothingness under the extinction.


The arms rotate and the tennis ball flies upside down.

However, as soon as the ball crossed the net, Zong Xiu's figure blocked in front of the net.

The racket is towed into the air, and a smash.


The tennis ball shot down like a streamer.

"Not good!".

Tanejima was taken aback.

I don't know when Jong-su came to the net.

I didn't care about anything else, and rushed towards the landing point as fast as I could.

At the last moment, shoot the ball back.

But as soon as he hit back at the tennis ball, he heard a blow.

Then there was a tremor on the ground, and a pale yellow beam of light swept through him, rushing out of bounds.

"Zong Xiu scored, 15 to 0!".

Yohito Nara's voice came.

Taneshima's expression froze, and cold sweat slipped down his forehead.

It wasn't a big shot, but it made him feel a lot of pressure.

Because Zong Xiu's reaction speed is too fast.

Every time he waited for him to fight back, Zong Xiu was already waiting at the landing point, and fought back in less than half a second.

The response at this speed was like a raging storm, and he couldn't react at all.

The game continues.

Zong Xiu, who went all out, showed his terrifying strength.

Taneshima's physical fitness is also very strong, but he can't keep up with Soxiu's rhythm.

Whenever he hits back with a tennis ball, Jong-su will anticipate it in advance and hit the next ball with a super reflex.

The rhythm is slowly controlled by Jong-so, and the situation begins to change.


The final ball lands and bounces out of bounds.


Jong Xiu took the lead in winning the first game.


"Zong Xiu didn't use any powerful stunts at all, but he completely restrained Tanejima. "

"I'm afraid no one can keep up with this kind of terrifying reaction and speed of retaliation. "

"A seemingly ordinary riposte reveals something extraordinary!".

A group of Lihai team members discussed.

"Although Xiu Er's Extinction Wu is powerful, the strength of this move is based on catching the tennis ball, and now Xiu Er can't even catch the ball, and he can't use the Extinction Wu at all. "

Date Nan'er said with a sigh.

Extinction is indeed a miracle.

This trick is said to be able to defuse any trick.

However, no stunt is invincible and has its own flaws.

The same is true of the extinct nothing.

Now Taneshima can't even catch the ball, so naturally he can't use the extinction.

"If Shuji can't keep up with Zongxiu's rhythm, I'm afraid he will lose points. "

The companion also said in a deep voice.


The group heard this nod.

At the same time, he looked at the pitch and wondered how Tanejima would fight back.

on the pitch.

Tanejima took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He understands that when times like this happen, he has to be calmer and calmer, and only then can he come up with a way to deal with it.

"Let's swap places. "

Zong Xiu opened his mouth and smiled.

Compared to Tanejima's solemnity, he looked relaxed.

Because that level of confrontation is just pediatric for him.

"Hmm. "

Tanejima nodded and walked towards the other side.

The two sides exchanged courts, and Tanejima served in the second game.


The sound of hitting is heard, and the tennis ball bursts out.

In the face of this kind of high-speed ball, Zong Xiu still did not use any stunts, and still used his super reflexes to fight back.

But this is the case, but it puts a lot of pressure on Tanejima.


Jong so swung his racket and hit the ball in the midfield.

Seeing the ball, Tanejima quickly followed, and then used the power and spin of the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew upside down, but Jong-so had already netted the net.

The racket swings from the bottom up, and the tennis ball flies high.

"High lob ball?".

Taneshima was startled and immediately retreated to the bottom line.

In the middle of the day, he caught the lob and fired back.

"Shot back?".

"That'...... What about short balls?".

Zong Xiu chuckled.

With complete control over the pace, there is no pressure at all.

The racket sweeps and knocks the ball away with ease.

The ball flew over half court and smashed against the net.

At this time, Tanejima was in the baseline position and could not react to this short ball at all.


The bouncing sound sounded, and the tennis ball stopped.

"Zong Xiu scored, 15 to 0!".

Yohito Nara's voice rang out.



Tanejima took a deep breath, a little helpless.

It's not that his reaction is too slow, but that Jong-su can always be one step ahead of him, whether it's anticipation or counterattack.

He was a little helpless against this stormy attack.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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