PS: New books for collections, flowers, evaluations.


"Zong Xiu really doesn't show mercy at all. "

"Tanejima can still rely on the Extinction Light to hit the ball, but after a long time, his arm will definitely hurt. "

"The game was deadlocked, and I didn't know how Tanejima was going to solve this unfavorable situation. "

The team members began to talk.

And in the discussion, the game between the two sides continues.


You went back and forth on the court, and the two of them fought two or three rounds of hitting light shots and defusing light shots, and neither of them got any bargains.

"We have to find a way, we can't go on like this!".

Taneshima gritted his teeth.

Although he hit back the light shots in succession, he experienced a tingling sensation in his arm.

He knows that if he continues like this, he will definitely be the first to bear it.


Defuse the light shot again.

However, this time he had no intention of fighting hard with Jong-so, but hit the ball to the opposite corner.


Youdao's figure suddenly stopped in front of the net, and the racket waved gently.


There was a crunch.

The tennis ball arcs and falls against the net

Tanejima was startled, and before he could react, the ball stopped bouncing.


"Shuji, do you think I'll always use light shots?".

Jong so put the racket on his shoulder and grinned.


Taneshima came back to his senses and smiled bitterly.

Jong-so's continuous use of light shots really left an impression on him.

Thought that Zong Xiu would keep using the light ball to forcibly crack his extinction.

But who would have thought that Zong Xiu would suddenly hit back with a short ball.

Under the strong change, he did not react.


Take a deep breath and continue serving.

But he was greeted by a light ball.

Tanejima was startled, and immediately used the power of the tennis ball to defuse it, and then hit the ball back.

But Zong Xiu repeated the old trick.

Instead of using a light shot, you use a short ball.


The tennis ball bounced lightly to the ground and then stopped.


The game came to the second set point.

"It's really tough. "

Tanejima was a little helpless.

If Jong-su keeps using light shots, he can keep cracking them.

But Zongxiu didn't do it at all.

It is a combination of light and short balls.

This time, he not only has to guard against light shots, but also to prevent Jong Xiu from suddenly using short balls to score.

This feeling of being single-minded made him a little scrambling.

"The last goal. "

Zong Xiu opened his mouth to remind.


Tanejima came back to his senses, then nodded.

Gently hit the racket to the ground, then slammed down the arm, and the tennis ball blasted out.

Seeing this, Zong Xiu used the same method and wanted to get the last point of the game.

However, Taneshima has become vigilant, and Zong Xiu has no idea what to do for a while.


The tennis ball flew back and forth on both sides, and the match became more and more intense.

"Shuji, try this trick!".

Zong Xiu shouted.

Hold the racket in both hands and hit it towards the tennis ball.


The racket swings from the bottom up.

The ball just crossed the net and was blasted into the air by Zong Xiu.

After reaching a certain height, it stops, and then bursts down.


A violent sound of breaking the air exploded.

But in the blink of an eye, tennis balls become dozens.

Dozens of tennis balls were blasted down from the sky together, and the terrifying power was terrifying.

High Hanging Ball: Falling Star!

One of Jong-so's stunts.

"There has been, Jong-so's falling star!".

"Although this ball is a high lob ball, the height of the fall is far beyond the limit of the high lob ball, so the power of the drop is unimaginable. "

"Not only that, but it's a phantom ball, and if you can't find a real one, you can't fight back at all. "

The team members exclaimed.

The speed at which the ball bounces after falling is already amazing.

And Zong Xiu's ball has even transformed into dozens of ball shadows, making it impossible to detect the real ball.

If Tanejima had hesitated, he would have lost the last point of the second game.

"Sure enough, that's the trick!".

Tanejima stares at the falling tennis ball.

In fact, when Zong Xiu waved the auction, he had this premonition, so he was prepared.

Looking at the falling ball, he stomped heavily on the ground with his feet, and then rushed out.

At this moment, his figure turned into eight paths.

Eight figures swung their rackets at the same time, whipping towards the tennis balls.

Eight balls at the same time!



There was a burst of breaking sounds, and the phantom of the tennis ball was constantly disappearing.

At the end of the day, only the last ball remained.

The phantom around Tanejima had vanished, and the real figure sprinted towards the final ball.


There was a burst of applause, and the racket swung.

Extinct ......... Launch!

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