"Fix two..... You've lost!".

Jong so came to the net and grinned.


"But you're too perverted, aren't you? "

Taneshima wiped his sweat.

I was so tired that I wanted to live or die, and my wrist was even more injured.

And what about Jong-so?

Apart from being a little tired, there were no other problems.

This terrifying physical quality made him deeply envious.

"Sure enough, it was Zong Xiu who won!".

"Haha, now you can't call Zong Xiu, he will become the new minister of Lihaida. "

"Minister Zongxiu?".

The team members of Lihai University began to discuss, their faces full of excitement.

They can see Zong Xiu's strength.

Whether it is a light shot or a falling star, it is far beyond the national level.

If he becomes the new minister of Lihai, he will definitely be able to lead the team to glory.

"All the team assemble!".

At this time, Nara Yohito drank heavily.

The team members who were still talking immediately lined up.

And Sosu and Tanejima also walked off the field and came to the first row of the line.

"It's a pleasure to be on the same team and spend three years with all of you!".

"But as I said before, there is no such thing as a feast, and we will also graduate from Lihai University and retire from the tennis club!"

"Although we are gone, I believe that the tennis club will achieve even more brilliant results!"

Nara Yohito said in a deep voice.

The players who had been immersed in the game just now immediately came to their senses.

There was also a trace of sadness on his face, knowing that he was going to be truly different from these seniors.

"Zong Xiu!".

Nara Yohito drank low.

"Minister Nara!".

Zong Xiu walked out of the line and came to the front of everyone.

"You defeated Tanejima, and according to the rules of Tachikai University, the strongest person is the new head of the tennis club. "

"That's why Lihai is ....... Please!".

Words full of emotion and anticipation came from the mouth of Yohito Nara.

He believes that after Zong Xiu becomes the minister, he will definitely be able to lead the team to create new history.


"Lihai University will definitely win the national championship this year!".

Zong Xiu replied in a deep voice.

I know that from now on, I will take on the responsibility of the entire team, and I will lead Lihai University to win the championship no matter what.


"From now on, Zong Xiu will be the new minister of Lihai University!"

Yohito Nara nodded, then glanced at the team members and shouted.

After saying that, he immediately got out of the way of the main position at the front of the team and handed over the position to Zong Xiu.

"Minister Zongxiu!".

The team members looked at Zong Xiu and shouted loudly.

Although Zong Xiu is a second-year student, his strength is the strongest in Lihai.

Therefore, no one objected to Jong-so's appointment as the new minister.

"Now that I've become a minister, let's talk about Lihaida's future goals!"

Zong Xiu pressed his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.


The team members were a little curious when they heard this.

"That's right!".

"From now on, we have only one goal, and that is to win ........ National Champion!".

Zong Xiu spoke in a deep voice.

"National Champion?!".

All the team members were stunned.

The same was true of Lihaida's previous goals.

But in the past ten years, Lihaida has never won the championship.

From the original Liuliqiu era to the later Lion Music era.

Last year was supposed to be the year when Lihai University was most likely to win the championship, but halfway through, a Makino vine was killed.

Therefore, although winning the national championship is Lihaida's goal, it is more of a slogan.

This kind of slogan has been shouted for ten years, but it has never been completed.

"We are kings of the sea!".

"Winning the Kanto Tournament for 12 consecutive years, we are the strongest team in the Kanto region. "

"So Lihaida either doesn't participate in the national tennis league, and if he does, he must win the national championship. "

A flash of fierceness flashed in Zong Xiu's eyes.

He knew the current situation of Lihaida.

Although it is a strong Kanto region, it aims for a national championship.

But they haven't won a championship for more than ten years, so the goal of winning a championship is out of reach for everyone.

Now that he has become a minister, it is natural to reverse the situation.

"Must win a national victory?".

All the team members had their hearts beating.

In the past, their goal was always to win the championship.

But there is not much confidence in whether he can win the championship.

Now hearing Zong Xiu's announcement of winning the championship, everyone has a sense of trance.

Because of this kind of declaration, they haven't heard it for a long time.

"That's right!".

"This year's champion will only be Lihai Da, and it can only be Lihai Da!"

Zong Xiu said in a deep voice.

What he wants to do now is to be firm in the goals of all the players.

Because only in this way can everyone burst into 120 enthusiasm.


"Lihai University must win the championship trophy!".

The eyes of all the team members grew brighter and brighter, and then they shouted in unison.


As the powerful people of Kanto, how can they only be the overlords of Kanto.

The national hegemony is what they deserve.

For a while, the players were in a stirring mood, and a loud roar spread throughout the arena, as if they were swearing the beginning of the road to the king of the sea.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Zong Xiu's face.

He believes that under his leadership, Lihaida will become the king of the country!

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