"A ball?".

"Do you think you can beat us by one goal?!".

There was a hint of coldness on Tokugawa's face.

From childhood to adulthood, except for Zong Xiu, no one dared to look down on him so much.

"That's enough for you!".

Onijujiro spoke, then stared at the two of them: "If you want to get out of here, you'd better be obedient to me!".

As these words fell, the fierce aura pressed towards the two of them again.

Not to mention Tokugawa this time, even Echizen Ryuya felt a pressure.

"It seems that there are some great people in Japan!"

The corners of Echizen Ryuya's mouth outlined the arc.

Seeing Junichiro's performance just now, he was also a little disappointed with the Japanese player.

But the ghost Jujiro in front of him made him change his mind.

Because just from this breath, you can know how strong Onijujiro is.

"Which of you comes first!".

Onijujiro ignored the two.

Walk straight up to the court and pull out a racket.

"I'm coming!".

Tokugawa's cold opening.

He is also a high-minded and arrogant person, and he will naturally not back down when he is looked down upon like this.

Walk to the other side with your racket in your hand and assume a defensive stance.

"Courage is commendable!".

"But it's not just courage to win!".

Oni Jujiro's gaze froze.

Grabbed the tennis ball violently, and the black luster instantly bloomed from the ball.

An aura of destruction swept across the stadium.


"With your pride......... Go to hell!".

A loud shout.

A tennis ball with a black sheen is tossed.

As the racket swings, it is whipped the tennis ball.


A deafening roar exploded.

Black light lit up the entire stadium and burst out with terrifying power.

"This is?!".

Echizen Ryuya's eyes shrank, and there was no longer the previous smile on his face.

Then he didn't care about anything else, shook his arm violently, grabbed the racket directly in the bag, and quickly rushed towards the court.


Blocked in front of Tokugawa at the last moment.

At this time, the tennis ball did not hit the ground at all, but rushed straight forward, as if it was about to destroy Tokugawa completely.

The surging air waves rushed to his face, causing Echizen Ryuya to breathe.

But he reacted immediately.

With a grasp of five fingers, the golden light bloomed.

As you press on the racket, light up the entire racket.


A low snort.

The muscles of the arm bulged, and then the racket was swung vigorously.


A sonic boom of thunder exploded.

The racket catches the tennis ball, and the terrifying power sweeps over it like a raging wave.

Echizen Ryuya's arm trembled, and the surface of the racket was even more dented, and the extreme ball seemed to completely destroy the racket.

The golden light and the black light were even more clashing, as if they were devouring each other.

"Give it to me....... Go back!".


The golden light swelled instantly, completely suppressing the black luster.

With the rotation of the arm, the terrifying ball flew out upside down.


The tennis ball slammed into the wall.

With a loud bang, the wall exploded instantly.

Countless debris flew around, and dust billowed up, enveloping half of the stadium.

It took a long time for the movement to subside.

And all the personnel in the club watched this scene dumbfounded, and they didn't expect the confrontation between the two to be so fierce.

"How....... How is that possible?".

Junichiro shouted in surprise and looked at Echizen Ryuya in disbelief: "How can you fight back against the black tomahawk of the ghost boss?!".

The ball that emitted a black glow just now is called a black battle axe!

It's the strongest stunt of Onijujiro.

In previous competitions, no matter who encountered this trick, the final result was a fiasco.

But today, there is one person who hit the ball head-on.

How does this make him believe?

And not only him.

The same goes for Tokugawa, who is behind Echizen Ryuya.

He didn't expect Onijujiro to be so terrifying and hit such a powerful ball.

And Echizen Ryuya, who seems to be harmless to humans and animals, can still fight back head-on.

The change kept him in place.

"So this move is called a black battle axe!".

"But if I'm right, this must be a kind of sweet spot technique, right?"

At this time, Echizen Ryuya spoke solemnly.

In fact, he didn't expect that in a place like Japan, there would be a junior high school student who would use a sweet spot goal.

And looking at the power of the black tomahawk, it is obviously not an ordinary sweet spot ball.

It's a terrifying shot that finds the sweet spot.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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