

"This game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro and Masami Oriental, and the score was 1:0."

"The two sides change the field!"

The first game ended quickly, and the perfect cooperation of South and East allowed everyone to see the strength of the Yamabuki Junior Ace Tag Team Combination.

Sakaki tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair, and Yamabuki's performance in the first-year doubles became more mature to him.

They will definitely get stronger next year.

If you want to compete with Yamabuki, you must cultivate a pair of doubles combinations that can compete with them.

Sakaki Taro's gaze swept over Shinobu, Himawari, Shito, and the others, constantly calculating which two people could carry the banner of the Ice Emperor doubles.

Renwang and Liu Lianji walked side by side through the midfield, and even if they were won by the other party first, the two did not have the slightest worry.

For them, this victory is a must.

"Renwang, don't drop the chain!"

Liu Lianer said lightly.

"Poof! Rest assured!

Renwang nodded.

Although the Renwang on weekdays is somewhat unreliable, Liu Lianji believes that on such an important occasion, Renwang will not let himself, Yukimura, and Tachikai down.

Liu Lian'er squinted her eyes slightly, and his eyes looked as if they were closed.

It was his personal habit not to let people read anything in his eyes.

The data man will never allow his information to be leaked in the slightest.


After adjusting her standing posture slightly, Liu Lianji threw the tennis ball in her hand straight away, and then the racket swung out from the top of her head in a slightly inclined position.

"Side spin serve?! Come on! Masami

Dongfang looked ahead, and when he stepped onto the court, his abdomen ached faintly.

It's just that this kind of pain will only make his spirit more concentrated and make his strength more powerful.

Dongfang Yamei bent her knees slightly, her arms hanging low and then lifted up from her feet.


A golden arc rises from the ground from the feet of Oriental Yamei.

"Sure enough! It was easily shot back! Liu

Lianer's heart flashed with a hint of clarity.

After more than a month, it is clear that the extent of the opponent's progress is still very obvious.


Liu Lianji moved a few steps sideways, then flew sideways with a forehand, and the straight straight cross ball did not mean to put the other of the potato male soldiers in the eye at all.

"Huh... Huh..."

a gleam flashed in Minami Kentaro's eyes.

He was underestimated!

How unreasonable!

Kentaro Minami was quick to intercept the shot, and his arm and wrist simultaneously pressed the racket down.


Fast, accurate, and ruthless are the essence of volleyballs, and Minami Kentaro is a variety of good players who are immersed in this way.

"This ball was won!"

Minami Kentaro's face showed a hint of joy.

For his thunderous blow, he was obviously very sure.

"What are you happy about?"

Renwang's voice came faintly, and the slightly hunched figure suddenly broke into Minami Kentaro's sight.


Nioh volleyed the ball with a backhand, and a golden streamer galloped past Kentaro Minami, smashed into the sideline and then bounced off the sidelines.

"Game, Likai Daifu Junior High School Yanagiji, Nioh Masaji Group, 15:0."


Minami Kentaro was shocked in his heart, he thought that his movements were very hidden and fast with the goal just now.

But what he didn't expect was that this guy Renwang Masaharu actually followed his movements.

No, it's not right!

Minami Kentaro's heart sank, I am afraid that the other party either judged his actions in advance or synchronized with his own actions when he moved.

Either way, he had to be extra careful.

Liu Lianji glanced at Renwang in front of him, and then came to the left tee line.


Liu Lianji threw the tennis ball in her hand.

Bending her knees and kicking her legs to rebound, Liu Lianer took the opportunity to shoot over her head.


A white glow disappeared into Liu Lianer's hand in an instant.

"So fast!"

Minami Kentaro's heart tightened, it seems that in the past month, not only has he and Dongfang improved, but the strength of his opponent has also continued to improve.

After all, Nan Kentaro and Liu Lian and others are all in the golden stage of rapid physical development.

As far as their strength is concerned, it can be said that there will be a lot of improvement in a few days, let alone more than a month.


Kentaro Minami backhanded everything and pressed the tennis ball back to Yanagi's feet.

This ball flew past Renwang's side, and even if the ball was not fast, Renwang had no intention of moving.

He stared closely ahead, and his pair of light blue pupils full of cunning were concentrated on Dongfang Yami's body.

How could the silver fox not know the other party's intentions.

Kentaro Minami's cutting ball obviously contains a very complex rotation, and there is a high probability that a sharp return cut ball so close in front of the net will hang the net.

King Ren, he wasn't that stupid.

What's more, in terms of the attainment of cutting balls, there is a master of them behind him.

Liu Lianji moved sideways to make up for it, and his figure appeared behind King Ren.


With her feet nailed to the ground, Liu Lian's hands were raised flat and her arms were open.

"This is!"

Kentaro Minami, Masami Dongfang and the rest of Yamabuki all stared at each other.

One of the two great tricks of Lihai Taiyanagi Renji, the scythe!


The violent air flow in front of Liu Lianer's body continued to surge, and an invisible cyclone formed.


Liu Lian's hands were clasped together, and the tennis ball was wrapped in a violent air flow and quickly popped forward.



This time, South and East avoided the fatal blow, but the hastily organized resistance was instantly defeated by the terrifying impact contained in this ball.

The rackets in the hands of the two of them were also shaken down in response.

"Game, Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Yanagi Renji, Nioh Masaji Group, 30:0."


"What a terrifying high-speed chipper!"

Buji Shusuke's voice was cold, and at this time, the corners of his eyes rose, and his azure pupils were full of solemnity.

The same cutting ball master, Buji naturally knows the extraordinary of Liu Lianer's ball.

"This is the strength of Lihai!"

Tezuka said lightly.

He couldn't help but think of the scene when Yukimura invited him to attend Lihai University High School with him.

At that time, Tezuka didn't care too much about Yukimura's words, but for now, it seems that Yukimura really did what he said.

As long as Tachikai Dai was able to overturn and defeat Yamabuki, Yukimura fulfilled the vow he had made with Sanada.

They will join forces to seize the world.



"This game was scored by Lihai Daifu Junior High School Liu Lianji, Nioh Masaharu group, the score was 1:1."

After Yamabuki went down first, Tachikaida immediately launched a counterattack, and Yanagiji and Nioh easily won their serve with their own strength.

The score was tied.

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