
Yakuzu looked at him coldly and threw the tennis ball in his hand.


After a bang, a slightly curved golden curve smashed straight into the inside of Mori Shouzaburō's backhand.

For most people who aren't used to backhand counterattacks, this angle bounce is one of the most difficult paths to handle, but apparently Mori Shusaburo is not among them.


After adjusting his posture sideways, Mori Shusaburo's backhand holds the racket and pads the bottom of the ball.


The moment the tennis ball collided with the racket, the huge force continued to vibrate Mori Shouzaburō's arm through the racket.

"Huh... Give me back! Mori

Shouzaburo sneered, and his arm was raised brazenly without the slightest trembling.

"It's so powerful, even this ball of Yakuzu can easily hit back!"

Hirota couldn't help but be shocked, even if they were in the third grade now, they didn't dare to say that they would definitely be able to receive this ball from Yakuzu.

This ball is not just a tricky angle, what is really deadly is the heavy force of this ball.


Yakuzu was not too surprised, if Mori Shusaburo was knocked down by one of his serves, he would not be worthy of being his opponent.


Yakuzu quickly sprinted to the midfield, at which point the tennis ball that was hit back by Maori fell to the ground.

Super Half Volley!


Fast, accurate, ruthless.

The essence of the super semi-volley was vividly realized by Yakuzu.

Before he could catch his breath, Mori Shouzaburo spread his footsteps again, and after being forced into the bottom corner on the left side by Yakutsu's serve, Yakutsu hit the ball into the bottom corner of the far right of Mori Shūzaburo with a super semivolley.

As a result, such a narrow distance and the amazing speed of the super semi-volley of Yakuzu made it impossible for Maori to swim better.

"This ball Yakuzu should have won!"

Qianshi squinted and said coldly.

Although Mori Shouzaburo is constantly approaching the bottom corner, looking at the speed of this ball, Chishi's intuition tells him that he is still one line behind.

Mori Shusaburo was one line away from this goal.

Hearing this, Minami Kentaro and the others nodded, and they felt the same way.

Only Kimuraji silently watched the field, he knew that this ball Maori Shouzaburo would definitely be able to receive.

As long as he wants!


"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 15:15."

In the end, this ball passed close to the racket in Maori Shouzaburo's hand, just like Chiseki and others guessed, it was just like that.

"Boom! Why don't you use that trick of yours?


empty and proud eyes went straight to Mori Shouzaburō's eyes, and he naturally said that Maori Shouzaburō's move of dislocating joints.

If Mori Shouzaburo had just used his joint skills, he would definitely have received that ball.

"No why! Keep playing, not cute little brother!

Mori Shouzaburo said with a faint smile after standing up straight.


Yakuzu whispered and turned away.

"It's so calm!"

Kimuraji nodded secretly in his heart, Mori Shouzaburō's treatment was flawless in his opinion.

The game has only just begun, so there is no need to pay too much for the gain or loss of a goal.

No matter how talented you are, such joint dislocation skills can also damage the joints.

Once used frequently, it is bound to cause a certain burden to the body.

If the physical burden is too heavy, it will become a fatal weakness when the game enters a protracted battle.



"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 30:15."




"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 40:30."




"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides change sides!"


"Well... That's awesome!

"These two individuals are so strong! It is really worthy of being the singles number one player of Yamabuki Middle School and Tachikai Daifu High School! "

The intensity of the first game was beyond everyone's imagination, with Yakutsu's wildness setting off stormy waves, and Mori Shouzaburo riding the stormy waves.

The fierce exchange between the two sides shocked many people present.

If the threshold for Kimuraji and Yukimura's match before was too high, and many of them watched the clouds, then this match is definitely in line with the performance of the high-end game in their minds.

The confrontation between Yakuzu and Mori Shouzaburo does not have any bells and whistles, but only a competition of its own five dimensions and basics.

Such a showdown can be seen by the audience at a glance.

Offensive and defensive conversion, the two sides exchanged the right to fire for the first time.

Mori Shouzaburo gently patted the tennis ball in his hand, he was buying himself a little more time to breathe.

The anxiety of the last game was a big drain for him, both physically and mentally, but looking at Yakuzu's appearance, it was as if nothing happened.

What a monster!


Mori Shouzaburo raised his arm high, and the mustard yellow ball shadow slowly rose into the air under everyone's gaze.


Immediately after that, a purple-red racket hit the tennis ball, and a wave of gas exploded in an instant.

"Ho ho! Not bad!

Yakuzu sneered, and the gray-white figure quickly moved two steps sideways.

As soon as the tennis ball bounced, Yakuzu grabbed the racket and greeted it fiercely.


Even the power of Mori Shouzaburo's serve was borrowed by Yakuzu, and the speed and force of this ball rolling back was very terrifying.

Mori Shouzaburo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to admit that the physical fitness of Yakuzu, a junior, was indeed excellent.

But that doesn't mean he'll give up on this game.


Mori Shouzaburo sprinted forward with his racket in his hands, and he had already started the fight before the tennis ball had fallen.


Even if it is a heavy counterattack, as long as you master the right timing and the right point, you can easily fight back, which is the blessing of the sweet zone technique to the player.


Yakuzu looked at each other coldly and locked the goal that was hit back.


Yakuzu's left hand pressed the ground and his body rushed like a beast, so that Yakuzu's explosive power increased sharply.

"What kind of posture is this!"

Someone in the team of Lihai University exclaimed, this guy Yakuzu was actually running like a beast.

With his hands and feet braking with an emergency stop, the muscles of Yakuzu's arms kept squirming.


The arm that struggled to throw out clenched the racket and whipped on the flying tennis ball.



The tennis ball only paused slightly and flew backwards back to the half of Mori Shouzaburo at a faster speed.


"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 15:0."

Yakuzu's sudden outburst caught Maori off guard, and it was not so simple to deal with the pursuit of a violent intercept in front of the net.

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