The sins of one's own creation are naturally borne by oneself.

Kimuraji took the tools handed to him by Kuroba Harufuze and others and began to repair the dilapidated tennis court.


He didn't notice that Kimuraji in the rear hit something with his butt, and turned his head to see that it was Kiki Nozohiko.

In addition, except for Nozohiko Kiki, the rest of Rokkaku Middle School is repairing another half behind Kimuraji.


Kimuraji was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Our hexagonal men are very hospitable! How could you leave this guest alone to do so much work!

Saeki chuckled.

With the help of Saeki and others, the repair of the stadium suddenly became faster, and it only took more than half a day for several people to restore the stadium to its previous appearance.

At this time, it was already three days in the morning, and Dad put down the teacup in his hand and asked Saeki and the others to go home for dinner first.

"Why? Didn't we say that we were going to eat roasted oysters at Daddy's? Why do you have to go home for dinner now? Kikihiko

looked at Saeki suspiciously.

A hundred thousand why the soul asked again.

"Don't ask the tree, let's go!"

Saeki abruptly dragged Nozoki away from his father's temple.

Smart, he immediately heard the meaning of his father's words, which was something to say to Kimuraji alone.

Everyone from Rokkaku Middle School left, and only Kimuraji and his father were left in the temple.

The sea breeze is accustomed to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore is exceptionally clear.

"Congratulations! You have successfully embarked on the path of Asura Shinto.

The father opened his cloudy eyes, and the small child in front of him really surprised him too much.

To have this strength at this age, whether it is mental or talented, it is the best choice.

Before this, he thought that the Byodoin who was sent to him by Mifune Irimichi was already talented, but he did not expect that Ichizan was taller than Ichizan.

He originally thought that Kimuraji would not be able to push open the door of Asura Shinto in a short time, who would have thought that today he actually saw the three-headed and six-armed Ming King Shadow behind Kimuraji.

"This is also thanks to the help of the seniors of the Byodoin Academy."

Kimuraji smiled brightly.

Now he has finally touched a higher stage.

This time, he came to find his father, originally wanting to practice with his father for a while longer, so as to break through the bottleneck that had been touched by him.

But unexpectedly ran into Byodoin, and under the strong pressure given by Byodoin, Kimuraji finally broke the bottleneck and completely embarked on the path of Asura Shinto.


Five Dimensions: Strength: 4.5, Speed: 4.5, Endurance: 4, Skill: 4, Mental Power: 6

Special Abilities: Ancient Martial Arts, Perfect Imitation, ZONE, Asura Shinto.

Ball skills: ancient martial arts tennis, four gods performing martial arts - white tiger, four gods performing martial arts - Xuanwu, goose volley, bullet serve. (Imitated ball skills do not count)

This is the current Kimuraji's personal panel.

Five dimensions and 23 points are already among the level of ordinary elite high school students.

Coupled with the array of abilities he has mastered, even in the U-17 training camp, Kimura is enough to be at the forefront.

Now that he had successfully pushed open the door to the Asura Shinto, Kimuraji's goal was about to change now.

Standing tall and looking far away, standing on a higher stage, Kimuraji naturally wants to see a better scenery.

People are always greedy, and now Kimuraji can look to a more distant future.

For example!

Another dimension!

The other side.

The Byotoin came and went in a hurry.

Hopping on the return train, Byoin-in looked at the scenery that was constantly receding outside the train window, and at the moment all he thought about was Kimuraji's proud appearance.

After arriving at the scheduled station, Byodoin quickly embarked on the way home.

As the sun set, the maple forest among the crimson mountain forests swayed.

Such a beautiful sight did not make Byodoin stop in the slightest, and it didn't take long for him to stand in front of the gate of the homoku.

The metal door opened to both sides with a sound, and Byodoin stepped in without hesitation.

In a dark room in a certain building in the dormitory, Kurobe looked at the byodoin in the monitor screen with some surprise.

"I remember that the Byodoin classmates seemed to have just said in the morning that they were going out to relax, right? How did you come back so soon?

Yukio Kurobe laughed as he stirred the black tea in his hand.

"Could it be that something happened outside?"

Next to Kurobe, Saito Zhi, who was different in height than an ordinary person, looked at the solemn face of Byoindo in the monitor screen.

"How is it possible! That's Byodo-in! "

The muscular man who was doing push-ups on the ground Takuji got up and patted on his thigh, who dares to provoke Byoin.

That guy is not a good guy.

"He seems to be coming at us!"

Kurobe looked at the direction of Byodoin's travel, isn't that where they are?

"Looks like something big is going to happen!"

Saito shook his head, as the new No.1 in the joint residence, Byodoin would not come to them if there was nothing to do.

Not long after, the door to the room was rudely pushed open by Byodoin.

Byodoin, who closed the door, turned on the light by the way.

"I said that you guys like to hide in a small dark room and peek at other people's stinky problems, when can you change it?"

Byodoin scoffed.

These coaches always like to hide in a dark little dark room and watch the picture of the monitor, and Byodoin doesn't know how their proclivities mixed into the position of the dormitory coach.

"Is there anything wrong with Byodoin-san?"

Kurobe put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Byodoin.

Just like Saito said, Byodoin is a person who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

There must be something going on with them taking the initiative.

"Well! Do you think the trash fish in this dormitory... That's just too much! Byodo

Courtyard pulled out a chair and sat down.


The three of Kurobe looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"What do the Byodokuin students have to say?"

Kurobe said lightly.

"It's like a pool of stagnant water now, and I think it's time for those trash fish to get moving."

Byodoin chuckled and threw a piece of information to Kurobe.

"This is?"

The three of Kurobe took a closer look, and it was Kimuraji's information.

When he came, Byodoin had already done his homework.

"Is this your candidate? Byodoin classmates! He is just a junior high school student, and he is still in the first year of junior high school ... We're probably too early for him, right?

Kurobe said with a frown.

"He has already stepped on the Asura Shinto and has taken my light shot head-on!"

Byodo knew that these unreliable coaches would say so, and he naturally thought of reasons on how to convince these coaches.


The three of Kurobe looked at each other.

Is Byodo-in serious? Just this little guy in the first grade of middle school?

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