"What the hell is that pose!"

Sasabe Kojiro was shocked.

Although I had heard about it for a long time, this was the first time Sasabu had seen Kimuraji's ancient martial arts tennis balls.

He actually hit back his chasing ball so easily, and he really can't underestimate this little ghost.

Sasabu put away the contempt in his heart and for the first time regarded Kimuraji as an opponent on the same level as himself.


Sasabu snorted softly, his arm gripping the racket and waving it over his head.


The high-speed serve rushed through the field, bouncing off Kimuraji's backhand.

The advantage of serving from the left is used by Sasabe.

Kimuraji shifted sideways, his movements small but dexterous.


The tennis ball that bounced up with his hand was directly struck back by Kimuraji.

A large arc of diagonal kicks leaves a sinuous mark in mid-air.

"With such dexterous movements, his muscles must be very soft."

Irijiang Sou on a staircase said with some emotion.

Shuji Tanegima, who was beside him, did not care about this, he was more concerned about why Irie did not accompany the expedition.

"Sodo, why don't you have to join an overseas expedition?"

"That's because I have a valid reason, of course!"

Irie said with a mysterious smile.

"Justification? Say it and listen! Shuji

Tadashima looked incredulous, he felt that this evil guy Irie must have used some method to evade the call for this overseas expedition.

"I told the coach I was airsick!"

Irie chuckled.

"What! Isn't that my reason? Bah! What reason, I was originally airsick! And you don't have it at all! Shuji

Tanishima's face was speechless, if Irie's lie was debunked by the coach, I am afraid that he would not even wonder if he was really airsick.

"Anla, watch the game, watch the game!"

Irie Sota nodded towards the field not far away, signaling Tanishima not to care so much.

After all, the wood has already been completed, and Byodoin and Oni Jujiro and the others have already set off.


Shuji Tadashima shook his head helplessly, and was burdened by Irie again.

He no longer knew how many times he had been involved in the river.


On the field.

Sasabu became more and more frightened the more he fought, and this little devil actually hit all his return balls back.

And it seems to be at ease.

Sure enough, it's a raptor crossing the river.

However, he is not a vegetarian either.


Sasabu stopped the brakes sharply, and swung his racket in his arm to intercept the flying ball.



Sasabe's arm was raised sideways, and a golden arc curved at a large angle turned from Sasabe's front court into Kimuraji's front field.

"Take it!"

The corners of Sasabe's mouth rose slightly, and he believed that his sudden sprint would definitely catch the imp on the other side by surprise.

"Isn't it too early for seniors to be happy!"

Kimuraji's voice came faintly.


Sasabe's pupils shrank, and in his line of sight, Kimuraji had already reached the front court at some point.

Kimura grabbed his racket like steel and shook it gently under the tennis ball.

The mustard yellow ball shadow slowly climbed upwards, and finally passed the net and fell in front of Sasabe's net.

"Game, Kimuraji, 30:0."


"Hey, Soto! You see that, right?


face also turned a rare upright.

Kimuraji, who was just in his eyes, seemed to have crossed most of the distance of the court in one step.

"Hmm! His pace seems to be a bit problematic! "

Irie's round face flashed with an inexplicable smile, what an interesting little guy.

Not only the two of them, but also the other high school students looked incredulous.

"Hey, hey, hey! Am I blinded? Why did I just see this guy step into the front court?

"Did you see that too?! I thought it was my delusion! "

Demon... Enchantment?! "

The high school students looked very ugly, and they didn't understand how Kimuraji did it.

Inside the small black room.

The knowledgeable Kurobe put down the black tea in his hand.

"This seems to be Okinawan martial arts in the Okinawa region, right? I didn't expect that this little guy was actually good at so many kinds of ancient martial arts.

Kurobe smiled.

"It seems to have incorporated a trace of spiritual power, and I have to go to the scene to see for sure."

Saito took his folder and waved it.

"It's going to be small this time..."

Kurobe's careful heart could not say a word, and Saito hit the eaves of the door again.

"Looks like you have to make the door a little higher."

Kurobe shook his head helplessly and turned his gaze to the monitor image.




"Game, Kimuraji, 40:0."




"The game was scored by Kimura Ji, and the score was 1:0."

"The two sides change the field!"


No matter where Sasabu hit the ball, Kimuraji always appeared first.

The elusive figure made Sasabe's brows tighten even more.

His serve was strongly broken by Kimuraji in the first game.

"How come! Sasabu actually didn't score a single point and was broken by that little ghost! "

The people at Stadium Five couldn't believe their eyes, Sasabu was the pride of their Stadium Five.

Many of the higher ranked seniors had solemn faces, and if Kimuraji defeated Sasabe, it would soon be their turn to shuffle with this imp.

After switching sides, it was Kimuraji's turn to serve.

Kimuraji looked at the malicious gazes around him and made up his mind, it was time for them to see the power of the national junior high school.


Kimuraji threw the tennis ball in his hand, then bent his knees and kicked his legs, swinging his racket with the force of the rebound to hit the surface of the tennis ball fiercely.


Under the strong force of Kimuraji, the ball instantly flew forward, and almost in a breath it flew above the net.

Sasabe's eyes were solemn, and all parts of his body were ready to strike.


Sasabe's pupils shrank, and the tennis ball flying over the net in his sight suddenly disappeared!

That's right, it's gone!


Sasabu subconsciously swung the racket, but the empty touch made his heart sink to the bottom instantly.

Not far from him, a mustard yellow ball suddenly appeared and slammed into the ground.

“ACE! Kimuraji, 15:0. The

referee's voice immediately sounded.

Kimuraji smiled high.

"This trick is called Shenyin, and I also ask the seniors to taste it."

Chitose Chisato Kamihide was brought into this U-17 training camp in advance by Kimuraji.

"Very nice change ball!"

Shuji Tadashima nodded, such a change ball is rare.

"I'm getting more and more interested in him!"

Irie pushed his glasses, and Kimuraji's suddenly changed style aroused his greater interest.

More and more, he wanted to find out what kind of character Kimuraji was.

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