"Thank you for your advice!"

Kimuraji walked to the net and said lightly to Sasabe.

Sasabu raised his head and looked at the teenager who had just crushed him, his heart full of bitterness.

"Sure enough, I'm still too weak!"

Sasabu finally faced his weakness.

In fact, Sasabu used to be a spirited guy, but unfortunately he was hit by the talented high school freshman who continued to emerge this session.

His ranking also fell all the way to the fifth court on the way to the rise of the freshman in high school.

After falling to the fifth court, Sasabu suddenly lost his heart and was willing to stay on the fifth court to be the titular strongest.

To say that it sounds good is to call Ning a chicken head not a phoenix tail, and to say that it is difficult is that he is timid.


But now he finally faced up to his inner weakness.

This is also the biggest gain of Sasabu this game.

"Little ghost, thank you!"

After figuring this out, Sasabu also opened his mouth and thanked Kimuraji who woke him up.

Kimuraji is a little confused, shouldn't this guy be beaten stupid by himself?

Although he lost the game and was relegated to the No. 6 court, the back of Sasabe, who left, became taller.

He has decided to start climbing up again.

After the game, the onlookers slowly dispersed.

They had to digest the shock that Kimuraji had just brought them.

Even if the vast majority of them are substituted into the role of Sasabe, they may not end much better than Sasabe.

Kimuraji, who originally only had some skills in their eyes, suddenly turned into a raptor crossing the river.

The players in the top-ranked courts who thought they were inferior to Kimuraji were all enemies.

No one knows if he will be selected by Coach Kurobe to be the lucky one who fights against Kimuraji.

After everyone left, it was time to start their daily training.

Soon, the black-clad coaching staff came to direct everyone to start today's training.

The rest of the people on Court Five, you look at me, I look at you.

They silently distanced themselves from Kimuraji.

Kimuraji didn't care, he was used to such a situation.

It wasn't an easy training program for these No. 5 players, and Kimuraji was quickly completed.

I even practiced by 20%.

After getting used to the volume of training at U-17 training camp, Kimura has always added to himself.

And these two percent are far from the limit for Kimuraji.

It's just that Kimuraji knows the truth of hesitation, and does not put too much burden on the body that is still in the development stage.


After sitting quietly in the dormitory, Kimuraji silently found an unoccupied court, faced the wall of the court, and began to practice batting as usual.

In this unfamiliar place, Kimuraji can only practice alone.

The only person he knows is Byodokuin, but unfortunately Byodokuin is not in this U-17 training camp now.

"Hey, Shuuji. Look who that is! "

Coincidentally, the figures of Irie Sota and Shuji Tadashima also appeared in this stadium.

Speaking of this remote course, which is usually used for daily training between Taneshima and Irie, Kimuraji actually inadvertently occupied the courses of Tanishima and Irie.

"It's actually him!"

Shuji Tadashima was also interested, and the two quietly hid on the side to watch Kimuraji's batting practice.

"It's amazing, every ball can hit the same drop point!"

Shuji Tanishima's eyes were keen, and he clearly saw the deep imprint on the wall.

Each ball of Kimuraji fell to the same point, leaving a deep mark on the wall for a long time.

"Shuuji, do you want to go up and say hello?"

Irie's eyes rolled and he chuckled.

"You mean..."

a playful smile also appeared on Tanishima's face.

Kazurie, who was a teammate during the junior high school period, naturally understands the meaning of Irie.

This is to see Kimuraji's strength, and I want to let myself test the other party.



Shuji Tanishima straightened his clothes and walked towards the court with Irie Sota.

"How boring it is to practice alone, do you want to have a friendly match?"

The sound behind him made Kimuraji stop his movements, and Kimuraji turned his head after grabbing the rebounding tennis ball.

It's actually these two?!

Although Shuji Taishima looked a little different from the boiling sheep in the future, Kimuraji recognized it at once.

As for Irie, it is not far from what I remembered.

"Hello, my name is Sota Irie, and this is Shuji Tachijima."

Irie briefly introduced the two of them.

"Good senior. My name is Kimuraji. "

For these two Kimuraji, naturally he will not be as rude as he is against those guys full of malice.

He could feel that these two people were full of kindness to themselves.

It's just that the personalities of these two are a little bad, which makes Kimuraji a little nerve-wracking.

He still likes to communicate with guys like Byodoin.

"How about it, do you want to have a friendly match with me?"

Shuji Tadashima said impatiently.

He had long wanted to personally weigh Kimuraji's two pounds.

"Didn't Coach Kurobe say that private matches are not allowed in the training camp? Violations of the rules are punishable by expulsion from the training camp.

Kimuraji asked suspiciously.

He wondered if he planted the island and Irie didn't know about this rule.

"It's okay, the camera here broke not long ago. And we only play a small game, which is not a real game.

Tadashima said with a smile.

Kimuraji thought about it, since he was not afraid of planting islands, then what was he afraid of.

And if it's just a small game, even if Coach Kurobe knows it, he will turn a blind eye.

"Okay, then ask the seniors to teach you."

In the end, Kimuraji agreed.

He also wanted to see how strong Tanegashima really was during his freshman year of high school.

How does it compare with Byodo-in.

"Then I'll be the judge!"

Irie volunteered, with a cunning face.

"Then the right to serve will be given to me, the senior, no problem, Kimura."

Shuji Tadashima smiled and walked to the court opposite Kimuraji and pulled out a tennis ball.

The corners of Kimuraji's mouth twitched, and Takushima was really unpolite enough.

And shouldn't it be the seniors who let the juniors?

How did it get to Takujima, here it's the other way around.

However, seeing that Takushima had already taken out the tennis ball, Kimuraji had no idea of refusing.

Anyway, it's just a small game, and it's not an official open.

It doesn't matter if you have the right to serve or something.

Tanishima glanced at Kimuraji with a smile and suddenly looked up into the distance.

"Look! There are planes! The

words had not yet dissipated, and the muscles in Taishima's arm were already squirming.


A clear light galloped forward.

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