"What happened?"

"I don't know..."

"Go, go over and take a look."

It is human nature to like to watch lively, and after getting the news, more people rushed towards the No. 1 court.

Soon the No. 1 pitch was full of people inside and outside.


After everyone at Stadium One had gathered, Kurobe and Saito Zhi, and Takuji Ryuji also appeared in front of them.

Everyone in the No. 1 court looked positive, and the three coaches appeared together.

This has never been the case in their mind.

It seems that something big must have happened.

"Ahem... I just got a call that tomorrow a group of players from South Korea will have a friendly match with you.

Kurobe simply explained the matter.

"South Korea's..." "

Friendly match?"

The players on Court One and the surrounding high school students immediately discussed.

They all wondered how it could be so sudden.

What friendly matches are played at this time?

"Next, the person whose name I reported will go back in the evening to prepare, and participate in this friendly match tomorrow morning."

Kurobe looked at everyone, and then reported the names of eight people.

This friendly match adopts the team format, which is the usual format of two doubles and three singles.

Therefore, Kurobe selected a pair of high school and one high three doubles from the No. 1 court, and they are the two strongest doubles pairs in the No. 1 court.

As for singles, Takujima, Irie and Kimura are naturally the ones who are in charge.

There is also a person as a substitute.

After announcing the news, Kurobe asked everyone to go back and rest and adjust their fitness for tomorrow's friendly match.

The rest of the people at Court One were naturally very excited, after all, it was a very rare experience to play against players from other countries.

Especially for them, the players of the second army.

As for Kimuraji and Tanishima, the three of them were not too excited.

The dormitory area of the First Army was dark, with only sporadic lights flickering.

That's because most of the people in the First Army had already followed Byodoin on their expeditions, leaving only Tachijima, Irie, and Kimuraji.

In the dormitory of Tanishima and Irie, the three are sitting on the sofa in the living room discussing tomorrow's friendly match.

"Irie-senpai means that tomorrow our opponent will be the main force of the South Korean U-17?"

Kimuraji asked suspiciously.

That's a bit intriguing, taking advantage of the emptiness inside their U-17 training camp.

"If nothing else, it should be like that."

Irie's face was full of smiles, he knew this group of people in South Korea too well.

When he followed the Byeongwon expedition to South Korea before, he had already seen the faces of this group of South Koreans.

What is the face for a stick in South Korea?

Can I eat it?

"That's kind of interesting."

Kimuraji immediately became interested.

Originally, he thought it was a friendly match between the two armies.

South Korea's Second Army may not even be as highly regarded in Kimuraji's mind as his group of opponents in the middle of the country.

However, if it is an army, it is not impossible to learn their skills.

"Anla, an, with the three of us, they can't make any waves."

Tanegashima lay leisurely on the sofa and waved his hand.

Although the lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, the South Korean group is really not worth taking the island so seriously.

After all, South Korea's U-17 team ranks even lower in the world than the mess left by their predecessors.

Belonging is the real bottom of the existence.


Early in the morning, the people of the Second Army had already assembled at the No. 1 Stadium.

There are other players from other stadiums as well.

There was no training scheduled for the entire training camp today, which is the highest standard treatment that Kurobe has given to the South Korean baseball team.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The South Korean stick team then slowly came to the training camp.

Originally, Kurobe planned to entertain them at the training camp, but they were squeezed by the coach of the South Korean baseball team.

And what conditions are not good, their Korean underworld players will not accept this and that.

As soon as Kurobe was annoyed, he simply dismissed the idea of entertaining this group well.

He knew that no matter how thoughtful the hospitality was, as long as today's friendly match was lost, this group of people would definitely make a big fuss when they went back.

Just leave them alone.

This group of South Koreans also came to this U-17 training camp for the first time, and along the way they followed Grandma Liu into the Grand View Garden.

However, when they came to Kurobe and the others, they still forcibly pretended that they had seen the world.

Kurobe quickly moved on to today's theme after a period of courtesy with South Korea's accompanying coach.

In order not to suffer losses, this South Korean stick team actually brought its own referee, for fear of being blown black whistle.

Kimuraji shook his head secretly, it seemed that there was no need to expect too much from this group of guys.

"The doubles number two match of this Japan-Korea friendly match is about to begin, please play from both sides!"

After taking a seat in the simply built stands, Kurobe took a microphone and shouted.

Out of the South Korean team came two tall, skinny contestants, their hair covered in hairspray and their faces that seemed to be dotted.

People who don't know think they're here to be cowherds.

The Japanese team came out with a pair of doubles pairs in high school.

More than an hour later.

"The game was over, won by the South Korean team, and the score was 6:4."

The South Korean players returned to their ranks in high spirits.

Kurobe hurriedly asked the medical team to take the players on the field down for treatment, yes, treatment.

Originally, the two teams played inextricably, but who would have thought that the players of the South Korean team suddenly began to play black.

They kept attacking the Japanese players with chasing balls, which gave them the upper hand and eventually won the game.

"Despicable! How despicable!

"This group of guys!"

At this time, whether it is the first year of high school, the second year of high school, and the third year of high school, the players are naturally unanimous, and they naturally despise the small actions of these people in South Korea.

Compared with them, the small movements of the senior juniors in the training camp during the competition were simply too gentle.

In the face of the contempt around them, the South Korean stick team not only did not feel ashamed, but laughed.

That's what they want.

"The doubles number 1 match of this Japan-Korea friendly match is about to begin, so please play from both sides."

The South Korean team's players are still so sharp and full of fan.

And this time, the player who appeared in the second army was an "acquaintance" in Kimuraji's impression.

"It's actually them..."

Kimuraji smiled and nodded, it seemed that this match would be a bit of a spectacle.

Mutsu Yobu, Mutsu Yuma.

That blonde twin brother.

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