"What's wrong? Is my serve too fast? Do you need me to let you do a little? Jeon

Bo-so was very impressed by Irie's shocked gaze.

That's right, that's the look.

I was like that myself.

Now it's just a report for a report.

"Hmph! Less proud there!

Irie snorted coldly and changed the racket to the left side of the receiving area.

"Huh..." Seeing

this, Quan Baoxiu sneered and threw the ball again.

He said that he wanted to let the river, but the movements on Quan Baoxiu's hands did not mean to slow down in the slightest.


The ultra-high-speed serve slammed into Irie's backhand area in an instant, and the angle of the ball that bounced from Irie's backhand was also very tricky.

Kimuraji nodded slightly, this South Korean player has some strength.

The super high-speed serve itself is very difficult to control, and Quan Baoxiu can also make the ball path so tricky is a skill in itself.

This goal finally reacted and curtsyed.

The racket is copied from the bottom like a moon on the sea.

However, Quan Baoxiu's figure had already landed in front of the net, and he swept away the unthreatening goal of Irie.

A sharp volley in front of the net swept the ball off the sidelines from Irie's front court.


"Game, All-Treasure Show, 30:0."


"Serve online! What a speed!

"The other party fully anticipated Irie's move!"

"This is bad, it looks like the gap between the two sides is a bit big!"

The crowd of onlookers, you and I said one by one, they all expressed their worries.

They wanted to cheer for Irie, but Irie's current performance really made them unable to open this mouth.

Whether they know each other or not, since Irie is now representing their training camp in the competition, they must be on Irie's side.

At present, the great enemy naturally needs to be unified with the outside world.



The rhythm of Irie is completely absent, and he is completely led by the nose by Quan Baoxiu.

In the round of Quan Baoxiu, he can unscrupulously launch an attack on the Internet, and Quan Baoxiu, who is good at various volleys, is simply not too easy to play in front of the net.


"The game was scored by South Korea's Jeon Bo-so, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides change sides!"

Soon Jun Bo-so won his own serve, during which Irie could only weakly parry Jeon Bo-so's attack.


At the moment when Jeon Bo-so and Irie staggered over, Jeon Baoxiu looked at Irie and revealed a chilling smile.

He wants to completely destroy Irie's heart.

The original Oni Jujiro kept a clean sheet against him, and this time he wanted to keep a clean sheet for the No.20 of the Japanese U-17 team in front of him.

It's a bad breath for yourself.

Irie took a deep breath and threw the ball to lead the racket.

The racket passed over his head, and his arm rotated slightly inward, and the racket hit the tennis ball above his head.


A golden light cut through the court, although the ball speed is also fast, but compared with Quan Baoxiu's serve, it is much inferior.

Quan Baoxiu's dark eyes swept calmly, and the level of this guy on the other side was not worth his vigilance at all.

Quan Baoxiu retreated slightly, and his shoulder led his arm to pump hard.


After a pop, a golden light flew back upside down, and the piercing roar fully explained the amazing power and speed of this ball.

"Well, not bad!"

Park Ji-yong from the sidelines nodded, he was very satisfied with Jun Bo-so's performance.

Park Ji-yong looked at the indelible sad smile on the faces of these Japanese U-17 training camp players around him, and sure enough, it was the right choice to replace Jun Baoxiu.

Irie got up and chased towards the landing point of the tennis ball, and when he was about to fight back, he saw Jeon Bo-so in front of the net again.

Quan Baoxiu once again went online.

Irie's face sank, and the arm that was originally ready to twitch twisted.


The high hanging ball of the bottom line soars into the air, trying to cross the head of Jun Bo Xiu from above.

Quan Baoxiu looked up and instantly judged the height of this ball.

"You are so naïve!"

Quan Baoxiu turned around and took two steps back and jumped directly on the spot, catching up with this ball with his explosive power was a piece of cake in his opinion.


The powerful kill ball bombarded directly on the ground, and the tennis ball that bounced high off the court directly hit the wall behind it.

"Game, Quanbao Show, 15:0."




"This game was scored by South Korea's Jeon Bo-so, the score was 2:0."




"The game was scored by South Korea's Jeon Bo-so, and the score was 3:0."

"Both sides change sides!"


The next match was simply one-sided, and Irie had no way to face Jeon Bo-so's volleying tactics.

"Hahaha, Coach Kurobe, don't you go and give temporary guidance to your players?"

South Korea's head coach, Park Deok-kuai, was smiling, and Jun Bo-so's performance allowed him to face Kurobe again.

"It's too early for me to advise you not to be happy."

Kurobe didn't mean to worry at all, but he was well aware of Irie's strength and temperament.

Although in Kurobe's opinion, Irie is a little bad to do.


Park De quickly pouted his lips in disdain, he only said that Kurobu was in a hard mouth.

Anyway, when the game is completely over, he believes that Kurobe will no longer be able to speak hard.

Irie leaned lightly in his chair, his eyes closed, and he looked weak.

Seeing Irie like this, many people have lost confidence in this match.

Sure enough, the gap between NO.20 and NO.3 is still too big.

"It doesn't seem that the senior of Tanegashima is very worried about the senior Irie."

Kimuraji leaned over to Tanegashima's side and said with a faint smile.

"Aren't you too? Cunning imps. The

corners of Taishima's mouth raised slightly, he really knew his old friend too well.

I always like to play this routine of first suppressing and then rising, and I really love acting.

"What a bad guy!"

Taishima said with some emotion.

Kimuraji glanced at Tanegashima with a strange look, and it seemed that Tanegashima's character was not much better than Irie's.

It's really fifty steps and a hundred steps.

The three-minute break passed quickly, and Irie opened his eyes and picked up the racket on the side.

It looks like a bit of fighting spirit has been restored.

And yet....



"The game was scored by South Korea's Jeon Bo-so, the score was 4:0."




"The game was scored by South Korea's Jeon Bo-so, and the score was 5:0."

"Both sides change sides!"


The game was still not in suspense, and Irie was picked up by the opponent to win two games.

There is only one last round left before the defeat.

The onlookers were no longer hopeful at the moment, and in their opinion, the victory or defeat of this battle was decided.

But what they don't know is that what comes next is the real start of the game.

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