After winning the regional qualifiers, the atmosphere inside Yamabuki Middle School suddenly became even warmer.

After seeing the scenery of the main selection, the first-year students naturally riveted and wanted to become the main selection. And the second and third grades naturally worked harder, because that should have been their place.

For the craze for training in the tennis club, Kimuraji and Kan Fuda will naturally not stop it, which is a good thing for the tennis club.

Everyone is working hard to win the school ranking tournament and the main selection challenge at the end of this month, and participate in the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament that will start next month as an official member of the Yamabuki Junior High School tennis club.

Another sunny weekend.

Kimura carried his tennis bag and came to the court where he and Yakuzu played tennis for the first time.

There are many tennis players who come to this stadium on weekdays, but today I can't see any of them. Kimuraji didn't have to think about it to know that those people must have been driven away by Yakuzu's violent means.


Yakuzu looked impatient, but he had been waiting for Kimuraji for a long time.

"You just want to taste failure again?"

Kimuraji smiled slightly, he really didn't expect that Yakuzu would dare to challenge him again so soon.

"Less nonsense, let's start quickly!"

Yakuzu pointed his racket at Kimura Jido.

"Good, good, really convinced you."

Kimura put down his tennis bag and took a racket out of it and walked to the court opposite Yakuzu.

"This opportunity to serve is given to you."

Yakuzu snorted coldly, which was regarded as a tribute to Kimuraji.

"Huo! Then don't regret it!

Kimuraji chuckled and walked slowly to the end line on the right.

"It's going to go, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji raised his head on his knees, his eyes fixed on the slowly climbing tennis ball.

"Tiger Cannon!"

Kimuraji's body jumped high into the air, and the golden rooster's independent lead smashed down, and an ear-piercing roar struck towards Yakuzu like a fierce tiger's roar.


Yakuzu looked down at his feet like a dream, and the marks left on the grass were clearly visible.

"I said Yakuzu, with the idea of trying to defeat me, is this the result?"

Kimuraji smiled as he walked behind the end line on the left.

"Less nonsense!"

The gloomy face on Akuzu's pale face was about to drip water, and Kimuraji naturally knew the ball just now, it was the killer of the guy named Chiseki in the tennis club.

But the power of the tiger cannon shot from Kimuraji's hands was far above Senishi, and just now he was just stunned, and missed the opportunity to fight back.

"Next, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji threw the ball high again, and the golden rooster jumped independently and slammed it down.

"The same trick Hugh wants to deal with me!"

Yakuzu's cold voice sounded, and he quickly swung his racket after lowering his center of gravity. Only Yakuzin's physical talent was able to hit Kimuraji's smash-style serve like this, and the loud sound of tennis balls colliding with rackets immediately attracted the curiosity of passers-by.

"Not bad, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji's pace was extremely fast, and it seemed that it only took a moment to rush from the left to the right.


The straight crossing ball quickly crossed the court and aimed at the outer corner of the no-man's land directly in front of it.

"You got your way!"

Yakuzu was on tiptoe, and the perfect muscles of his calves squirmed wildly like a cheetah.

The racket poked into the bottom like a moon in the water and lifted up, and a high parabola hung from the air into Kimuraji's field.

"I won this ball, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji's voice came from the air, and Yakuzu looked up to see Kimuraji's figure bathed in sunlight shining like a god.


The killing ball infused with Kimuraji's whole body strength fell heavily, and this time even Yakuzu couldn't catch up.

Yakuzu's face was gloomy, and after receiving Kanya Hakita's teaching, he could clearly feel that his strength was constantly improving, and such a clear understanding gave him the illusion that he could defeat Kimuraji. But when he really fights Kimuraji, the sense of urgency that the slightest mistake will lead to losing all games makes Yakuzu see clearly the gap between him and Kimuraji again.



The first inning ended faster than Yakuzu expected, and although he could keep up with Kimuraji's movements, Kimuraji's experience was obviously much more experienced than he was.

"Yakuzu, you are still too tender now!"

Kimuraji smiled slightly and crouched down on his knees in the backfield.

"Less proud there, you haven't won yet!"

Yakuzu hates a self-righteous guy like Kimuraji the most, and the teased Yakuzu is obviously about to reach its peak in anger.


The muscles on Yakuzu's body are as solid as iron, and his physical talent does not require much exercise to be proud of his peers.

Under the dual effect of force and rotation, the tennis ball spun on Kimuraji's beat, and finally Kimuraji forcibly annihilated the rotation and force on the ball and hit back into Yakuzu's field.



In the serve of Yakuzu, Yakuzu obviously has to play a lot more actively, constantly pulling back and forth with Kimuraji on the bottom line, and wants a strong topspin to suppress Kimuraji's actions and prevent Kimuraji from having the slightest opportunity to go online.

Kimuraji hit back at Akuzu's incoming ball while running, and he didn't expect that Akuzu's progress was so great. Yakuzu's physical talent is rare in ten years as the companion said, and such excellent innate conditions and Yakuzu's belief that he wants to defeat Kimuraji has made Yakuzu so much progress in such a short time.







Despite Akuzu's desperate pursuit of the ball, the gap between him and Kimuraji still exists. The score rose slowly, and the scales of victory had tilted in Kimura's favor from the start.

"Yakuzu, you are far from winning me!"

Kimuraji jumped high, and under the tumbling placket, you can clearly see Kimuraji's perfect eight-pack abs. For an ancient martial arts inheritor like him, day after day, tempering his body year after year is already commonplace.

As Kimuraji won another round, the momentum on Yakuzu's body became more and more terrifying, and the expression on his face was like a man-eating beast.

The knuckle of Yakuzu's left finger clasped the tennis ball, and the tennis ball made of rubber seemed to deform under the force of Yakuzu's finger.


The force of this ball was extremely heavy, and the tennis ball that swept the surrounding air flow into the bottom seemed to get rid of the resistance of the air and flew straight towards Kimuraji.

"That is?"

Kimuraji raised his eyebrows, and the strong oppression and momentum coming from Yakuzu's body made Kimuraji have to do it with all his strength.

"The force of the ball has become heavier!"

Feeling the touch coming from his hand, Kimuraji finally confirmed the guess in his heart.

"Not bad, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji laughed heartily, and under his pressure, Akuzu finally had a new breakthrough.

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