
The scene immediately turned on their backs.

Now many people's first impression of Kimuraji is that he is bold and boundless.

Byodoin, Oni Jujiro.

These two people can be said to be the most terrifying people in this training camp.

And Kimuraji, this guy actually provoked all over again?

What a lawless guy.

Byodoin silently looked at Kimuraji, and he read a touch of seriousness and excitement in the other's eyes.

Byodoin knew that Kimuraji was probably really here.

He really chose Oni Jujiro as his opponent.

"Hmph! Stupidity! Byodoin

snorted coldly, but the corners of his upturned mouth showed that he was in a very good mood at the moment.

Kimuraji, this guy really did not disappoint him, and that boldness was enough to shame most of the high school students present.

Byodoin knew very well that with Kimuraji's strength, he would never fail to detect the horror of Oni Jujiro.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, they are biased towards Tiger Mountain.

Kimuraji is really the ignorant imp who challenged him in Chiba Prefecture.

"Hmph! Then let me send you to hell! Oni

Jujiro snorted coldly, this little ghost is really bold enough.

However, he didn't mind letting Kimuraji know the absolute gap between the strength of the two sides.

He wasn't comparable to the other high school students in the camp.

"Oops, this is really nerve-wracking."

Kurobe and Saito looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Kimuraji, this little guy, chose who is not good, but chose the ghost.

The horror of Oni Jujiro is still fresh in their minds.

Even if it is as strong as Byodoin, he has lost to Oni Jujiro, and Kimuraji really took the initiative to choose an iron plate this time.

However, the wood is already ready, and Kurobe and Saito have nothing to do.

Anyway, even if Kimuraji loses this time, the two of them believe that as long as Kimuraji is willing, he can still enter the ranks of the First Army soon.

After all, Kimuraji has this strength.

This time, let's think of it as a bitter meal for Kimuraji.

It's not good for young people to be too arrogant.

But what they didn't figure out was, is it still called a young man if he is not angry?

Kimuraji and Oni Jujiro stood facing each other across the net.

Although Kimuraji is considered to be a big man among junior high school students, compared to Oni Jujiro, he seems a bit of a small witch.

Oni Jujiro's burly body is full of oppression, and his angular muscles are full of explosive beauty.

"Boy, the opportunity to serve is given to you. Don't blame me for not reminding you, if I don't take me seriously, I will die.

Oni Jujiro said lightly.

Even if he was expressionless, his face looked so fierce.

Extrajudicial fanatics are their own disciples.

"Then I will be disrespectful, senior!"

Kimuraji smiled faintly, as if Oni Jujiro's "intimidation" did not affect him at all.

But also, with the tenacity of Kimuraji's spirit, how could he be intimidated by the might of the language.

"The match started with two wins in three sets. In the first set, Kimuraji's serve. "

When the referee blew the whistle at the start of the game, the focus of the whole audience immediately focused on Kimura.

Many of the onlookers had seen the battle a few months ago.

Byodoin Phoenix VS Oni Jujiro decides who is the No.1 in the training camp.

Oni Jujiro's ghost-like performance is still fresh in their minds, and almost no one at the scene is optimistic that Kimuraji can win.

Because his opponent is too strong.

Kimuraji's palm gently pressed the tennis ball, and the fuzzy surface constantly hit Kimura's palm.

Kimuraji took a deep breath and put all the distractions out of his mind, the opponent he faced in front of him would be the strongest opponent he had ever faced.

The original Byodoin and his fight in Chiba Prefecture was just a joke, but now it is a serious open tournament.

It is a shuffle battle that determines the main selection of the U-17 team.

Oni Jujiro is bound to show his true ability.

However, this is also what Kimuraji wants to see.

Ancient martial arts - Izumo.

In the face of Oni Jujiro, don't think that you can use techniques such as Shinto to catch a ghost by surprise, with the strength of Oni Jujiro, you can easily see through the essence of ordinary tricks.

So the only way to really compete with Oni Jujiro is his own tennis.


A pop accompanied by Kimuraji's racket swinging a golden streamer lightning strike the receiving area in front of Oni Jujiro.

"What a fast serve!"

"And the power is also very amazing!"

The surrounding high school students were shocked by Kimura's ball.

They didn't even see the shadow of the ball clearly, and the ball had already hit the receiving area in front of Oni Jujiro, and the power of this ball could be heard from the sound of the tennis ball hitting the ground.

However, Oni Jujiro's oppressive flesh was surprisingly agile.

Stepping forward, he lifted the racket with one hand.


Oni Jujiro's half-volley brought an astonishing wave of air, and a string of sparks could be faintly seen in the air as the tennis ball tumbled and flew back.

Although it was only a simple half-volley, under the terrifying power of Oni Jujiro, this ball obviously became very terrifying.

The wind was blowing, and Kimuraji raised his eyebrows coldly.

The muscles all over his body began to squirm, and the momentum on his body began to confront the momentum on Oni Jujiro's body.


Kimuraji rushed forward to meet Oni Jujiro's half-volley, his feet stuck to the ground like tree roots, and he waved his racket with his hands.


Kimura's mouth was numb, but his hands were firmly on the handle of the racket.

The impact penetrated the surface and shook the ground, and a dust mist immediately enveloped Kimuraji's court.

In this yellow-brown dust mist, a laser shot through the dust mist, and the tumbling dust wave was swept into the bottom of the ball and smashed towards Oni Jujiro's court.

Full flood.

The yellow sand filled the sky, and there was no slightest emotion on the fierce face of Oni Jujiro.

His gaze penetrated the dust and mist and saw the shadow of the spiraling ball.

Oni Jujiro's feet kicked, and the force shifted to his shoulders and abdomen in a rush, and his arms swept out.


With the same loud bang, Oni Jujiro effortlessly broke the dust mist that rolled up in front of him and hit the tennis ball in it.

The upside-down tennis ball was wrapped in a wave of air and blew away the dust and fog in Kimuraji's field, and everyone was shocked to realize that Kimuraji's figure had actually jumped into the air.

Ancient martial art - eagle strike.


The gravitational pouring of the fall merged with Kimuraji's force, and the powerful killing ball fell like Tarzan pressing down.

Vaguely, everyone's ears seemed to hear an eagle cry!


"Game, Kimuraji, 15:0."

The fleeting killing ball slammed into the wall behind it, and the tennis ball rubbed the wall for a moment before falling to the ground under the action of gravity.

PS: Woo hoo, thank you all for the gifts. In particular, the big health care of the big guy in Hatz, this is the biggest gift I have received, 10 yuan higher than my reading income today.

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