"Japan U-17 team appearance - Kimuraji (junior high school)!"

When Kimura's identity information appeared on the big screen, the audience fell into a boil.


"What the hell is the Japanese team?" "

Are they no one to play? They actually sent a junior high school student!" The

audience in the stadium laughed, and no one would think that a junior high school student

was qualified to stand on such a stage.

Not only the audience was boiling, but even everyone in the army was stunned.

"Initial... Junichi?!"

Kimishima Yudou looked at Kimuraji

on the field stunned, no wonder the other party had been so polite to them.

The seniors shouted non-stop.

At first, Kimishima thought that Kimuraji was such a polite person.

"Spare me, how can it be a junior high school student! It's still a junior high school student!" Daqu Ryuji was also confused, is the current junior high school already so horizontal!

The only four people in the first army knew the identity of Kimuraji's junior high school student

, so they would not be so surprised and shocked.

Oni Jujiro also got the news from Irie later.

"Hmph, even if this kid Kimura is the first year of junior high school, what's wrong, are you his opponents?"

Seeing that more and more people in the team began to talk, Byodoin couldn't help but snort coldly.

Their training camp exists to select the best elites to compete in the World Cup Open.

And Kimuraji joined the team that participated in the World Cup with his own strength, and he did not come in from behind.

Even if he is a junior high school student.

As long as there is strength, the Equal Court will not care about these trivial matters.

Seeing that the Byoban-in was a little angry, everyone in the First Army immediately changed the topic.

The power of the Equal Court is still very strong in the First Army, and naturally no one will dare to touch his brow.

What's more, Byodoin is not wrong, Kimuraji himself has this strength.

"Hmph!" Seeing

this, Pingyuan snorted coldly and returned his gaze to the field.

To be honest, he was actually a little worried in his heart, after all, Kimuraji's age was too young.

However, the main player of the Mexican U-17 team is not strong, and Byodoin believes that it is not a problem for Kimura to win easily as long as he plays normally



and the moment Kimuraji stepped onto the court, the system in his mind gave him a new task.

The mission is to defeat the main player of the Mexican U-17 team in front of him, which is almost like giving it for nothing.

And the reward of the mission is

a side-spin serve!

and Ryoma's outspin serve is actually a type of side-spin serve.

"Little ghost, I advise you to hurry home and drink milk, this is not the place for you!" the

Mexican boss apparently regretted seeing that his opponent was a junior high school student.

I actually used such a precious opportunity to temporarily change players on a junior high school student?!

But the wood is already done, and now he has no way to change this fact.

So he plans to vent all his anger on this junior high school student in front of him.

Although Kimura

couldn't understand what the Mexican U-17 leader was saying, he could still see the lingering contempt in the other side's eyes.

Kimuraji chuckled, it was obvious that he was underestimated!

"The match starts, one set tiebreaker, XXX serve!" In

the group stage, the match is a one-set tiebreaker, and only when it reaches the final semifinals is a three-set two-set format.

Therefore, the group stage is more testing the coaching level of each coach.

How to arrange the players reasonably in order to hide the strength of the team and stabilize the qualification is the first thing that each coach should consider.

"Little ghost, don't blame me for being cruel down there!" The

Mexican team leader was not relentless because of Kimuraji's junior high school student, but he was even more excited.

The powerful topspin serve was struck with a roar, and there was a slight side-spin spin in this ball.

The tennis ball suddenly bounced off the ground and bounced towards Kimuraji's face under the blessing of the side spinning rotation.


The European ladies and ladies covered their eyes, they really couldn't bear to see the next picture.

But they obviously overthought it.

How can it be rare for Kimuraji to fall with this level of chasing balls!

Kimuraji shook on his feet, and his body was like electricity.

Samba moves run amok with the blessing of his soft muscles.


Raised his hand and twitched, a sharp yellow glow galloped forward.

It was obviously a surprise to see his serve hit so easily against the Mexican Under-17 team's owner, but he blamed it all on Kimura's good luck.

After all, he doesn't think a junior high school student on a team at the bottom of the ranking will be any strength.

His figure quickly moved sideways across the baseline, and then pumped hard at the bouncing tennis ball.

A powerful forehand lunging straight into Kimuraji's backhand area.

The corners of the Mexican U-17 team's mouth rose slightly, as if he had seen the goal win.

And yet....

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!" A

tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and the power of the king of beasts could not be resisted by the players in the world's last team.

Even if this person is the main general in their team.


, Japanese team Kimuraji,

15:0. "


After seeing Kimuraji's easy counterattack score, Heiin bowed his head slightly, it seems that Kimura this kid doesn't need him to worry too much.

In his opinion, as long as Kimuraji's mentality is not problematic, the leader of a fish-belly team is not Kimuraji's opponent at all.

And Kimuraji's super semi-volley-style ancient martial arts tennis is even stronger than when he fought against Oni Jujiro before.

Obviously, Kimuraji did not become intimidated by stepping on the world stage.

He was also the proud boy familiar to the Byodo Institute.


"The game was scored by Japan's Kimuraji to make it 1:0.

"Both sides change the field!" As

the referee's voice fell, many people at the scene were slightly stunned.

This junior high school student... Successfully broken?

It's unbelievable.

Although the Mexican U-17 team does not rank high in the world, they are at least a few nouns above Japan.

And now their main general was directly broken by a junior high school student, which is really shocking.

PS: Immediately skipped the world competition and returned to the national middle school.

Oh! How has the recent reading been dropping, it's really miserable! 300,000 words have not been given!

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