"Abominable Kimura!"

on the train, Yakuzu looked viciously at Kimuraji beside him.

He didn't know why this guy had to bring himself.

He lost again, to Kimuraji, the nasty guy.

What Yakuzu is most angry about now is that he is obviously working so hard than Kimuraji, and as a result, the gap between the two individuals has not narrowed but has become even wider.

This makes him go where to reason.

"This guy must have been training secretly in private! What a cunning fellow!"


face was gloomy as water, the only explanation he could think of.

Kimuraji, this guy, although he usually doesn't seem to train much, but it must be just a smoke bomb he released to numb himself.

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking? Kimuraji

pushed Yakuzu with a puzzled look, how could this guy have been distracted since he got into the car.

It's not like Yakuzu's style.

After getting off the station, the two walked for a while, and when Yakuzu saw Kimuraji take him to Fudomine Middle School, he was even more puzzled.

"What the hell is this guy trying to do?" Yakuzu

was puzzled, Fudomine Middle School seemed to be a school with little fame according to his impression, right?

Several third-grade ones were repaired by Yakuzu last year.

Fudomine's school spirit caused the school gate to be almost unguarded, and Kimuraji and Yakutsu easily entered Fudomine's campus.

Although the Fudomine students who came and went were surprised by the sportswear worn by Kimuraji and Yakuzu in the Yamabuki Middle School tennis club, no one came forward to stop them.

After all, there are few people from other schools in this school, but it is not impossible.

Every now and then, a few appear, which they have long been accustomed to.

"Kimura, what are we doing here? Be careful when others think of you as a spy here to spy on intelligence.

Yakuzu looked at the strange gazes of the people around him and couldn't help but ask.

"Spying on intelligence? Does anyone believe this kind of thing, and besides, if you want to squash the two of us, I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on them!"

Kimuraji chuckled.

A national champion to spy on an unknown school?

When Kimuraji and Yakuzu touched the Fudomine Middle School tennis club, the atmosphere here happened to be a little tense.

"Hey, little devil over there, hurry up and pick up the ball for me!"

a third-grader shouted at Kamio Akira in a high-spirited voice.

Among these newcomers who joined the department this year, the one he hated the most was Akira Kamio.

Who called this little devil to drag to the sky all day.

He deliberately hit the ball so deflectedly just now, in order to make this little devil run more.

"Abominable fellow!" If

eyes could kill people, the third grade in front of him would have already been unloaded by Kamio Akira.

He knew very well that the goal just now was clearly deliberately hit by the opponent on the sidelines, and he also named him to pick it up.

Such a clumsy method made Kamio Akira furious.

"I'll pick it up, don't be angry, don't be angry. The

people around calmed Kamio Akira, who was about to explode, and offered to help Kamio Akira pick up the ball.

"Stop for me, I'll ask him to pick it up."

The third-grade man sneered and stopped the person who was going to help Kamio pick up the ball, and then the old god looked at Kamio Akira in the presence.

If this first grade is disobedient, he will make this first grade suffer a little.

Kamio clenched his fists, although it had only been a few days since he joined the Fudomine Tennis Club, he couldn't stand the atmosphere here.

Why can first-grade students only pick up balls, and they must be called by these second- and third-grade wanton calls.

It is clear that his strength is stronger than these second- and third-grade students, why can't he play off.

What he didn't know was that these second- and third-graders had come this way, and this evil tradition had been going on in this school for a long time.

The hardships he once endured back then naturally want to be tasted by newcomers now.

That's what these second and third grades think.

"Gee, I didn't expect the level of the players in Fudongfeng Middle School to be so poor. This ball control is a little too bad to even

be compared to kindergarten children, right?" Kimuraji

knew that it was time for him and Yakuzu to play, so he emerged from the corner.

"What do you say!"

was naturally very angry when he said that his level was

not even comparable to that of kindergarten children, but his teammates on the side grabbed him.

Look who this guy is standing next to him!"

his teammate whispered.

"What! It's this guy!"

the third-grade pupils shrank slightly, and Yakuzu's iconic face reminded him of a not-so-good memory.

These people themselves have been severely repaired by Yakuzu alone.

Of course we have to use tennis to talk to them!" the

third-grade pretended to wave his hand calmly, his voice loud and deliberately to Yakuzu.

He was also afraid that Yakujin would come up directly and make a move if he was unreasonable, and he really had no chance of winning with these people.

As for the others, I am afraid that they will not help themselves if they really fight, and he knows this very well.

The wicked still need the wicked to grind, and Yakuzu shocked them as soon as he appeared.

"Oh, want to compete with us in tennis

?" Kimuraji's

mouth lit up with a playful smile, this guy is serious,

there are people in the whole of Tokyo who don't know him?"

They are from Yamabuki Middle School. His

teammates didn't know Kimura either, but they knew Kimura's Yamabuki Middle School tennis team jersey.

It was a dress that only regular members of the Yamabuki Junior High School tennis club were eligible to wear.

In other words, these two guys in front of me are official members of the tennis team of Yamabuki Middle School.

That is, a member of last year's national championship team.


The third grade suddenly said suddenly, he couldn't fight and couldn't play tennis.

But he also said it, how can it end now.

Kamio Akira, Itake Shenji and the others naturally also heard the words of these third-grade official team members.

"Official members of the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School!! a look

of envy flashed in the eyes of Akira Kamio and Fukaji Ibu.

But the thought that

they can only pick up the ball here now, their eyes quickly dimmed.

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