"The first match of this Tojo-ku Regional Qualifier will begin, with Yamabuki Middle School vs Konmatsukawa Gakuen. "

Please play from

both sides!"

At the urging of the staff, the players on both sides lined up across the net.

"Please advise!" "

Please advise!"

The two sides exchanged views very friendly.

It's just that while morale is low, there is a hint of excitement mixed with ease.

The teams that also participated in the regional qualifiers were in two different situations.

Game 1 Doubles Two.

After seeing that their opponents were Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental, these two players near Matsukawa had actually given up resistance.

They know they have no chance of winning.

Originally, there was a gap in strength, and now even the fighting spirit was lost.

South and East naturally won this game effortlessly.

At the end of the match, Kentaro Minami and Masami Touhou won the group, and the score was 6:0. "

A hearty victory made some people who looked down on Yamabuki Middle School shut their mouths.

No matter whether Yamabuki Middle School has lost its combat strength this year, they have always been a powerful school at the national level.

"Shhh!" Yakuzu

, who came on the court next, was more like a bad boy, and the player from Konmatsukawa Gakuen, who was on the same side as him, was completely intimidated by Akuzu's empty gaze.

He was so scared that he didn't dare to resist.

And this one ended much faster than the previous one, and could even be said to set a record for the fastest regional qualifier.

The ministers and coaches of Konmatsukawa Gakuen were all ashen.

They knew that there was a gap between themselves and Yamabuki Middle School, but they did not expect that the gap was so large.

So big that they couldn't even think of resisting.

"Yuta, it's time for you next.

Kimuraji turned to look at Yuta, who was already ready to warm up, and nodded firmly.

This is the first game of his junior high school career, and he will definitely deliver a perfect answer.

After seeing Yamabuki Junior High School playing in the singles three of a first-grade singles player near Matsukawa Gakuen, I felt a little luck in my heart.

In case, in case he wins by chance.

That's the glory that can blow for a year.

"The match begins, a set tiebreaker, Yamabuki Middle School Fuji Yuta's serve!"

Today, even luck was on Yuta's side, gently pressing the tennis ball in the palm of his hand, constantly adjusting his state.

After stepping onto this court, Yuta found that he seemed to be less nervous all of a sudden.

Yuta grabbed the bouncing tennis ball and threw it out, his gaze locked on the slowly climbing ball.


had no intention of keeping his hand, and he wanted to leave a very positive opinion on himself in the first official open match.

The pupil of the singles number three near Matsukawa Gakuen shrank slightly, and he did not see the trajectory of this ball clearly at all.

Then a golden glow passed by his cheeks, and a moment later a strong wind made his eyes narrow unconsciously.

The ball that seemed to pierce the barbed wire fence startled the spectators standing outside the barbed wire.


How can a first-year grade play a serve like this?!

However, after thinking that this was the first grade of Yamabuki Middle School, many people were relieved.

Yamabuki Middle School, it is understandable that newcomers are strong.

However, Yuta's opponent is somewhat incomprehensible.

Four side-spin serves, and the single number three near Matsukawa was a retreat on the bottom line.

He was afraid, afraid that he would be hit by this ball if he took a step forward.

Winning first, Yuta completely mastered the momentum of this game with his sidespin serve.

After the two sides exchanged courts, the singles number three near Matsukawa Gakuen has been comforting himself in his heart that the opponent must be a player who is good at serving.

Yes, that's right! He's just good at serving.

If he didn't comfort himself like this, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to raise the mind to confront Yuta at all.


Strong, he played a topspin serve with anticipation.

Kimura shook his head from the sidelines, and the opponents in the regional qualifiers were indeed a little low.

Such a serve can only be described as soft.

Yuta's eyes froze, and he had already lowered his body and swung forward when the tennis ball had just bounced.

The half-volley was fast and hard, and the single number three near Matsukawa was just about to take a step when the ball flew off the court not far from him.

"What a quick counterattack!" "

Is it a half-volley, this first grade actually hit such a good half-volley?!" The

audience was even more surprised.

Yuta's side-spin serve and half-volley made them look squarely at the first year in front of them, and they had to admit that Yuta's strength had surpassed most of them.

The faces of some of the other teams who came to scout turned gray smoothly, and if the three new first-year students of Yamabuki Middle School this year were of this level, they would have no hope at all.

Soon, Yuta won his first official open.

At the moment when the referee announced Yuta's victory, there was a round of warm applause.

This is a tribute to the victors.

The applause around made Yuta a little intoxicated, and he immediately liked the feeling.

The feeling of victory.

After Yuta left the court, Kamio couldn't wait to come to Kimuraji, and after getting Kimuraji's permission, Kamio also immediately ran into the court.

His body was already boiling, and Kamio felt that the clockwork on his body was full.

He had already removed the weight from his body long before he set off, and now he wanted to see the limits of his speed.

Facing the incoming ball, the god tail stepped out, and the racket in his hand firmly intercepted the opponent's serve with the center of the racket face.

Near Matsukawa Gakuen's singles two has some ideas, serve online.

The return attack of Kamio directly pressed the ball and pressed it into the left bottom corner of Kamio.

The sound of hurried footsteps made the face of the number two singles near Matsukawa Gakuen stiffen, and he had thought that the goal that was stable was actually intercepted by Akira Kamio.

"Keep up with me, rhythm!"

Kamio was excited, it turned out that it was such a wonderful feeling to run on the court.


"Sonic bomb!"

fused the force of the dash and centrifugal force into the pumping ball, and Kamio's sonic bomb brought a sharp sound of breaking the air.

The match ended with Akira Kamio winning the game at 6:0. "

Another 6:0 game.

Kamio Akira once again used his strength to fight back everyone's doubts.

"That's awesome

!" "Yamabuki is so good in the first grade this year!" "

The next singles should not..." The

other school players present looked bitter, and they seemed to see their future in the defeated players of Konmatsukawa.

Fukaji, who appeared in the finale, faced the head of the tennis department near Matsukawa Gakuen.

Although he tried hard to save face for his school, he still couldn't do it.

Fukaji won another 6-0 game.

The bright five 6-0s on the sideline scoreboard made everyone understand that Yamabuki was still the same Yamabuki.

The team that won the national championship last year.

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