The regional qualifiers are over, but this is at best this year's hors d'oeuvres.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, which will begin a month later, will be the opening of the event.

The best players from all regions of Tokyo are gathered, and the number of schools participating in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Competition at a time is even higher than the Kanto Metropolitan Competition and the National Competition.

Although some of them are mixed, Tokyo is still a bit of a powerful school.

For example, last year's national champion, Yamabuki Middle School.

Inside Yamabuki Middle School.

Kanya Hakita smiled and praised Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji for their performance in this regional qualifier.

The performance of these three newcomers is indeed worthy of his praise.

Maybe I was a little nervous at first, but later, as I experienced the tempering of the main competition, the mentality of the three became more and more calm.

And what Fan Tian Gan also wants is the rapid maturity of the three of them.

Not age, but mentality.

For any powerful school, cultivating new people is a top priority.

Only a steady stream of winning rankings and even championships can enhance the reputation of a school and attract more new blood.

And if you want to maintain the combat power to win the championship, you must have outstanding new people join every year and cultivate talents.

Otherwise, it will be like last year's Makinoto.

Although the legacy left by his predecessors still allowed Makinoto to enter the national competition, it was no longer enough to support Makinoto to win the championship again.

And this year, Maki Zhito's strength may be even weaker until it finally disappears from everyone.

And Kan Fuda obviously didn't want the newly improved Yamabuki Middle School to be this no longer than Kimuraji's generation.

At the beginning of the school year, Kan Tanda was indeed a bit nerve-wracking, because Yamabuki Middle School didn't even have a single one who could pick a big beam in the first grade of this year.

However, fortunately, Kimuraji solved this problem for Yamabuki Middle School in time, and brought back Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji from outside.

Now that Kimuraji has solved the problem of fresh blood for Yamabuki, it is his turn to play home next.

Sitting alone in the office, Kan Fuda also looked at the tennis club in the distance with some relief, how many years he had waited for the moment when Yamabuki rose.

As the coach of Yamabuki Middle School's tennis club, he must make these children grow up again as soon as possible.

Carrying his hands to his desk, Kan Fuda also dialed the phone of the old man Ma Guhu, the tennis coach of Rokkaku Middle School, who he had only obtained last year.


This weekend.

After taking a week off from work with the school for the tennis club candidates, Kan Fuda also gathered everyone together.

We went to the destination of this joint accommodation by bus from the school.

Rokkaku Junior High School tennis club in Chiba Prefecture.

After thinking about it, Tana Gan still decided to give these cubs a place to practice.

However, the object of this dormitory is not easy to arrange.

Originally, the first thing that came to mind was Qingxue.

After all, old acquaintances.

However, considering that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Competition will start next month, it is really a bit inappropriate to find a youth student at this time.

In the same way, the Ice Emperor Academy was also ruled out by Bandan Gan.

Among the rest of the people, only the hexagonal middle school he knew.

Rokkaku Middle School is an established national powerhouse and the overlord of Chiba Prefecture.

Last year, their first grade was also some very talented young people, and they were all old acquaintances.

In addition, the unique training method of the coach of Rokkaku Middle School made Kan Tan, who was also very impressed.

Kan Fuda also believes that this will be a perfect stay.

On the bus.

Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji were obviously a little excited.

This was the first time they had left Tokyo.

Chiba Prefecture, a place they had never been to before.

The thought of them makes me tremble with excitement.

Especially after hearing that the other party is still a national-level old strong school, the overlord Rokkaku Middle School in Chiba Prefecture.

Kimuraji naturally saw the hands of Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji.

He smiled and shook his head.

"It's still young!" Kimuraji

, who had already entered the second grade, was already old-fashioned.

Still a familiar place.

The place where the bus stayed is exactly where Kimuraji and others came last year.

"Welcome to Rokkaku again, Kimura!" After

not seeing him in a year, Saeki became even more Yushu Linfeng.

Of course, compared with Kimuraji, it is still inferior.

"Long time no see, Saeki!"

Kimuraji and Saeki hugged each other as they got out of the car, they had not seen each other in almost a year.

"Hey, man, long time no see!"

Kuroba smiled and greeted Yakuzu, but the latter obviously didn't pay much attention to him.

Just answered coldly.

For Yakuzu's rudeness, Kuroba naturally did not pay attention to it, they were all old acquaintances, and he naturally knew Yakuzu's nature.

Kimuraji glanced at the team of Rokkaku Middle School, and Hikaru Tengen's burly body was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

"It seems that Rokkakon Middle School has received very good new recruits this year."

Kimuraji said to Saeki with a smile.

As the overlord of Chiba Prefecture, the first target of elementary school students who like tennis in Chiba Prefecture is Rokkaku Middle School.

This is the essence of Hexagonal Middle School.

The enduring reputation continues to attract outstanding talents in the vicinity, and these excellent talents will maintain the reputation of Rokkaku High School under the tutelage of the old man Maguhu.

This creates a perfect cycle.

"You Yamabuki are too, and you received three at once.

Saeki pointed to Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji behind Kimura, who had already heard about the three first-year students of Yamabuki Middle School from a report in a monthly tennis magazine.

"I picked them up from outside.

Kimuraji smiled, it was all his credit.

"Let's go, Daddy is already waiting for you inside. Saeki

led the way, and the crowd of Yamabuki and Rokkaku rushed towards the tennis club.

Even Chiseki and the others were stepping into Rokkaku Middle School for the first time.

The last time they came, they went directly to Daddy's Dream Works next door and the beach not far away, mountain and forest training.

I really haven't stepped into the hexagonal middle school that is just across the net.

Unlike Yamabuki, the entire school of Rokkaku Middle School exudes a heroic atmosphere.

Both the slogans and the buildings in the school reveal the meaning of blood.

Although it was the weekend and there were no other students in the school, Kimuraji could imagine what Rokkaku Middle School looked like on weekdays.

The group arrived at the tennis club of Rokkakon Middle School, just a net away from their previous "game" dreamworks.

Kan Fuda also went to discuss the dormitory with Rokkaku Middle School's father first, while Saeki took Kimuraji and others to visit the tennis club of Rokkaku Middle School.

And Kimuraji and the others were also the first players to come to other schools in this tennis club.

Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji followed behind the seniors, and everything around them was quite new to them.

They began to look forward to the rest of their shared life.

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