After winning the youth school, Yamabuki was already confirmed to advance to the final. By the time Kimura returned to the team, their final opponents had already been announced.

Not surprisingly, this year's Tokyo Metropolitan Competition final is another drama between Yamabuki and the Ice Emperor, which is also expected by the organizers, it can be said that in recent years, almost all of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition has been the two schools competing for the final championship.

The final is next Saturday, so Kimura has one more week to adjust his form.

The time of the week seemed to be extraordinarily slow for Chiseki and the others, and they couldn't wait to fast forward directly to the day of the final.


One location, Tokyo Central Park.

Although there was only one match between Yamabuki and the Ice Emperor today, there were still many tennis fans and defeated school players who came to watch.

This year's Yamabuki and Ice Emperor are very strong, and almost no other school has threatened the two schools along the way, which has led many people to speculate who will win and who will lose the collision between the two learning.

"Tezuka, who do you say will win today?"

In the crowd, Tezuka, who was already the new minister of Seigakue, led Fuji and Kikumaru and others to watch the game, and Fuji asked Tezuka with a slight smile.


Tezuka said lightly.

"Do you have that much confidence in Kimura?"

Fuji was very curious, Tezuka had obviously not competed with Kimura, how could he be so confident in Kimuraji's strength.


Tezuka's intuition told him that Kimuraji's strength was definitely not below him.


Fuji nodded, trusting Tezuka's instincts. Yamabuki Middle School has the presence of Kimuraji, and coupled with their doubles combination, Fuji actually thinks that Yamabuki's winning face is bigger.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Two teams dressed in different colors slowly entered from outside the field, and suddenly there was a tsunami-like sound on the scene.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor! "

Yamabuki! Yamabuki! However

, in comparison, the Ice Emperor Tennis Club, which has more than 200 members, is naturally much stronger than Yamabuki in terms of cheerleading, so the scene seems to have the advantage of becoming the home of the Ice Emperor.

The two teams came to the net to interact before the game, and the coach of the ice emperor, Sakakitaro sat down elegantly on the sidelines, and he looked particularly handsome today in a burgundy suit.

"The final of this Tokyo Metropolitan Competition is about to begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. Ice Emperor Gakuen Doubles No. 2 match, Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, Touhou Masami Group vs. Ice Emperor Gakuen Shinto Ryo, Himawatake Group, please both players to play!"

Soon, the voice of the staff was heard on the radio hanging high in the air.

"Come on, South, East!"

"Go and win this one!"

The people of Yamabuki Middle School cheered for Kentaro Minami and Masami Touhou, and this first match was the key to the morale of the team.

"The doubles number two of the Ice Emperor and Yamabuki are both first-grade?"

"I heard that they have performed very well in previous competitions, and it seems that this year the Ice Emperor and Yamabuki have very good newcomers to join!"

After seeing that the Ice Emperor and Yamabuki sent a group of first-grade doubles at the same time, the audience was obviously a little surprised, and they could stand out as a first-year in an old strong school like Ice Emperor and Yamabuki, presumably these two groups of doubles must be very powerful.

"The match begins, a set of tiebreakers, Ryo Shinto of the Ice Emperor Gakuen serve."


At this time, Ryo Shito was still with slender hair, and as the leader of the first-year players of the Ice Emperor Academy, he was successfully selected as an official member of the Ice Emperor, and he naturally had a sense of pride in his heart. Although his opponent is a first-year player like him, Ryo Shinto does not think he will lose.


The combination of strength and rotation bursts out of the topspin serve ball extremely fast, and the angle of bouncing up after landing is also very tricky, which can be seen that Ryo Shinto's strength is indeed good.

But he faced Masami Dongfang, one of the players who was best at defending and counterattacking.

Masami Dongfang caught up with the ball with a few steps, and with a backhand he returned the ball to Ryo Shinto's front court.

"It's such a quick counterattack, it seems that Yamabuki's pair is not simple."

Shinobu Yuji, who had just arrived in Tokyo from Osaka this year, pushed his glasses, and Shito's serve was not flawed at all, and being so easily countered by his opponent could only be said to be too strong.

"Leave it to me, Ryo!"

Himawari swept his eyes sideways and quickly filled the position in front of Shinto Ryo, and at the same time Shinto Ryo also began to sprint diagonally forward to surf the net.

"Look, the Ice Emperor's Shinto Liang rushed to the Internet, is he planning to use the tactics of double Internet access to suppress the south and the east?"

"It's really daring, I actually played this trick in front of the south and the east!"

The members of Yamabuki Middle School were talking about it, obviously surprised by the spirit of the Ice Emperor and the first-grade doubles.

"So naïve!"

The corners of Minami Kentaro's mouth rose, and he moved to pick up the elbow of one hand with the side of the elbow inward.


The high hanging ball in front of the court instantly soared into the air, crossed the net, and smashed towards the bottom line of the backcourt of Ryo Shito and Himawari people.


The Xiangyue people looked up, snorted coldly, and jumped up, and their light bodies flew towards the tennis ball like fallen leaves.


"This first-grade of the Ice Emperor is so strong in bouncing!"

The audience was shocked, can such a height of high hanging ball actually be received?

The racket cover in the hands of the Himawari man pressed down, and the killing ball that fell at an almost vertical angle rushed out of the south and east courts like lightning.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 15:0."

The Xiangriyue who fell smoothly from the air smiled contemptuously, and then gently jumped on the ground twice.

"Oh? So that's the case, not afraid of high hanging balls, right? Although

Kentaro Minami was a little surprised by the bouncing power of the Himadaku, he was not too worried, doubles is not a fast jump.



Ryo Shinto continued to serve, and his direct double-net tactics with the Himawari were based on his foot power and the bouncing power of the Himawari people, which seemed to be very effective at the moment.

"This game was scored by Ryo Shinto of Ice Emperor Gakuen and the Himawada group, and the score was 1:0."

"The two sides change the field!"

The first game was easily won by Ryo Shido and Himawari Ren.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!

"Come on, Shinto, Himawari!"

After winning the first game, the morale of the Ice Emperor was greatly boosted, and the cheerleaders with a large number of people showed their role at this time, and the scene instantly became the home of the Ice Emperor.

"Huh! East, they seem to think they have won!

Kentaro Minami listened to the cheers in his ears and chuckled.

"Then let's shut them up!"

Dongfang Yami wiped her racket and smiled slightly.

"That's what I said!"

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