
"This... What happened here?

"What a dexterous movement!"

The audience was shocked by Kisaratsu's dexterous time difference play.

They did not expect that there were players like Kisara Tsujun in St. Rudolph's school, which was not famous.

"What a beautiful feint, such a strong stagnant ability and interception ability."

Even Qianshi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that this Saint Rudolph still had a capable person.

"This kind of thing is useless once or twice."

Kimuraji smiled and nodded, he was not surprised in the slightest.

For him, he naturally knows Kigenozinjun's time difference playing style.

It is indeed a very elegant technique of intercepting in front of the net, but Kimuraji believes that it is still difficult for Fukaji and Kamio.

"That's what I said."

Qianshi nodded, he also trusted the abilities of his two juniors.


"Feint! We were deceived, Fukaji.

Kamio snorted.

"Well, can he actually stay empty for so long? This is worth noting, and the stub also plays very well, which should also be noted. Fukaji

didn't seem to have heard Kamio's words, and his mouth kept chanting.

"Please... Don't break your mind at this time, okay, Fukaji!

Kamio looked speechless, what was Fukaji doing.

The game came to the third inning, Kamio's serve.

"Feasting, huh?! Then give it a try!

Kamio snorted coldly in his heart and raised his arm up slightly.

With a pick of his wrist, the ball was thrown by Kamio.

The tennis ball had only been tumbling in the air for a few weeks, and Kamio's racket had already slammed into the tennis ball from behind.


A golden ball shadow grew closer and closer in Kisaratsu's eyes.


"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Kamio Akira, Ibu Fukaji Group, 15:0."


"What a fast move!"

"It looks like it's a split second to the serve!"

"What a great first grade!"

The audience was also taken aback by Kamio's half-throw serve, which was equivalent to the principle of feint like this, and this half-throw fast serve was Kamio's response to Kisarazu Jun.

"This kid..."

Kangetsu also secretly clenched his fists, he didn't expect that Kamio's semi-throwing fast serve was actually so fast.

Even Kisara Tsujun, a member of his own reinforcement group, could not react in time.


"Let's take it!"


Although they knew that Kamio was going to play a half-throw fast serve, when all their attention was concentrated and they could only see the rainbow light breaking through the air, the Kisarazu brothers were somewhat frustrated in their hearts.

By the time they reacted, the ball had bounced off at a very tricky angle, and they both lost and fell under Kamio's ball before they had time to retreat.

"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Kamio Akira and Itake Shinji, the score was 2:1."

"The two sides change the field!"

The sound of the referee came from the high chair, and the Kisarazu brothers, who had managed to pull back the game in the last round, once again neatly let Kamio win their own serve.

At this moment, anyone with a little eye can already see that there is a certain gap between the two sides.

After the two sides exchanged courts, it was Kisarazu Jun's turn to serve.

Kisarashi gently patted the tennis ball in his hand, and his mood was somewhat complicated at the moment.

With the dream of proving himself, he followed Kangetue to Tokyo, and the first strong enemy he encountered was actually two first-year students.

Is this the essence of a big ball market like Tokyo?

No wonder Tokyo can achieve good results in the Kanto Contest and the National Contest all year round.

"But don't underestimate me!"


Kisarazu Chun shouted, which surprised both the moon watchers.

He had never seen Kisarazu make such a gaffe.

It was clear that things had gone in a direction beyond his control.



Ryo Kisarazu and Jun Kisarazu naturally felt the same way, they had never wanted to win a match like they did now.


Kisara's footsteps were like the wind, and his arms were thrown out with a roar like a long whip in the face of the oncoming tennis ball.


A golden light exploded at Fukaji's feet.

"Game, St. Rudolph Gakuen Jun Kisaratsu, Ryo Kisaratsu-gumi, 30:40."


"It's a pity... Just now if I had reacted a little faster, this ball would have been received, and this game would have been won. Fukaji

kept muttering in place.

"Forget it, Fukaji, it's just a matter of another goal anyway."

Kamio patted Fukaji's shoulder and said.

He was a little surprised by the Kisarazu brothers' outbreak, but the other party's outbreak was obviously unrestrained.

The Kisarazu brothers' breathing had begun to become noticeably rapid.

Compared to the two of them, Kamio and Fukaji were in much better shape.

Under Kimuraji's strict requirements, Kamio and Fukaji have not only made leaps and bounds in physical strength, but even have a slight understanding of how to distribute physical strength reasonably.


"Look at my sonic bomb!"

Once again, Kamio stepped on his own beat to catch up with the ball that had been hit into the bottom corner, his arm upwards.

The bullet-like tennis ball galloping forward is cloaked in a layer of air.

That's because the ball is so fast that the air is piled up underneath the tennis ball.


"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Kamio Akira, the score was 4:1."

"The two sides change the field!"

The referee's pronouncement made the hearts of the Kisarazu brothers even heavier.

Except for the first inning, the brothers never scored again.

They were suppressed by Yamabuki's two first grades.

This is a fact and must be acknowledged.

"Kimuraji, you guy is a good partner!"

The beginning of the month is also a bit nerve-wracking.

No matter how he looked at it, the two first grades on the opposite side had no weaknesses to exploit.

One is a guy with extraordinary foot power, and most of the balls hit by the Kisarazu brothers in the Yamabuki arena were intercepted by Kamio.

One constantly pressed with spinning balls in front of the net, and most of the points lost by the Kisarazu brothers were won by Fukaji in front of the net.

Such a combination of both attack and defense seems to fit perfectly with a set of elements of a perfect doubles pair.

Although he told the Kisarazu brothers some information about Kamio and Fukaji that he had gathered during these rounds, this did not prevent the Kisarazu brothers from failing.

Twenty minutes later.

Fukaji in front of the net blocked the trajectory of the tennis ball in a few steps, and the racket made a forward move.

"Oops! It's a high hanging ball! Kisarazu

followed Fukaji's gaze and looked back to see the large backfield exposed by Kisarazu Ryo chasing too deeply.

He knew that the other party had already aimed there.

"You got your way!"

The turned, Kisarazu burst out with even more amazing speed than before, because this was their last chance.

And the muscles of Shenji's forearm in front of the net tightened violently, and the original movement was also abruptly slowed down.

"Short... Ball, feint..." The

sound behind him made Kisarazu slowly stop, and when he turned around, he saw Fukaji's indifferent childish face.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Fukaji always remembered the ball that was used as a backdrop by the other party.

"The match ended, by Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Kamio Akira won, the score was 6:1."

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