After a short break, both sides stepped onto the pitch again.

In the eighth game, Birch's serve.

I saw a faint flash of dark light in Huadi's eyes, and his brain quickly recalled the action just now.

The thick palm holds the tennis ball, as if an ordinary person holds a pigeon egg.


Birch released his palm, spinning the falling tennis ball like a top, which made many people's eyes stangle.

Is it again!


The tennis ball in Hua Di's hand was quickly lifted from below, and after a crisp sound, the tennis ball whistled and flew towards Fuji.

Opening your eyes feels a little strange.

And Yuta remembered when he was a child, his brother fought with people for himself.

That was also one of the few times in Buji Zhousuke's life and hands-on.

For his own brother.


Yuta muttered.

In fact, he doesn't hate his brother, he just wants to prove to everyone that he is not just a genius Shusuke's younger brother.


The tennis ball in mid-air swayed up and down, left and right, left and right.

Suddenly, he disappeared in front of everyone.

"Did he really do it?!"

Qianshi's face was also a little solemn, he thought that those people around him were talking nonsense.

I didn't expect that in addition to Kimuraji, a pervert, there were really other guys who could imitate other people's ball skills at a glance.

However, it is obviously naïve to deal with Fuji with a serve that will disappear.

I saw that one foot was the axis, and the back was quickly drawn.


Not far from where he was standing, a tennis ball on his racket was firmly clenched.

Then Buji's arm shot hard, and the ball was hit back by him.

"Knocked back!"

Mukahito took a deep breath and said.

"Isn't that inevitable? Do you think this trick serve will work for him in two weeks?

Shinobu glanced at Himawari.

"That's what I said..." Himawari

also realized that he had thought too much, and he must have known the landing point of this ball.

A flat-hit pump, there is almost no spin on this ball.

Naturally, he knew how to block his tricks, but he didn't expect that one day he would actually play his least favorite ball path.

And Hua Di's eyes are still ancient wells without waves, and his burly body moves to the back of the tennis ball.


In the other way, he also applied to the other body, and played a more powerful flat pump.

In the face of this goal, he will naturally not engage in any tug-of-war with the other party, and he has suffered losses before.

The strength of the birch land is far above the two, if the two use the flat blow and the hard consumption of the birch land, the first thing that cannot be supported must be his wrist.

The tennis ball hit the racket and then rubbed his racket frantically.

Fuji's wrist trembled slightly, and he used his technique to remove the heavy force contained in the ball of Birch Ground.


A high parabola flew high into the air from where Fuji was standing, and then hung down towards the place where Birch was standing after crossing the net.

"Hmph! Want to induce Birch to hit a killing ball so that he can use the unicorn to land on the ground to fight back? What a naïve! Shinobu

snorted coldly, Birch Land would not be fooled.

"Huh... You can experience it well, no two weeks help! With

a wanton smile on his face, Kazuchi would appear in the singles three, but he and Sakakitaro had arranged it specifically for Fuji Shusuke.

Geniuses are not two weeks to help, and the same genius birch will deal with it.


Birch was not at all interested in the chance ball that Fuji played, and the racket in his hand was raised upwards.

An equally elevated parabola saluted in return.

"Damn it! This guy is not fooled at all.

Kikumaru looked a little anxious.

This game is simply torture.

The guy on the opposite side is simply a copy of the other, and the strength is stronger.

The most important thing is that the opponent looks a little silly, but he can always ignore the chance ball that he plays.

This made Kikumaru not know how to evaluate Birch.

To be honest, now I don't know how to deal with the birch land in front of me.

The other party is like a mirror, he will do what he will.

And the power is great, each ball is heavier than itself.

Although the speed is not fast, the other party is tall and big, and his steps are farther than his own step.

So you can also keep up with your own counterattack.

It's really hard to deal with.

"Well, since that's the case! Let's see who the winner will be! "

Buji put aside the distractions in his mind. Now he has no other way.

Only the stalemate with the other party until the last moment.

See who is more obsessed with winning or losing.




The audience was surprised to find that the two people on the field actually began to fall into a continuous tug-of-war.

"Hmph! Do you want to compete with Birch Land for endurance? Endured

a disdainful sneer, the genius of Qingxue could not help but that.


Oishi, Kikumaru and the others looked at Noji on the field with a worried expression.

If they are strong, they can only compete with each other with the most basic tennis, and they can help a lot.

Tezuka stood in front of the young students with his hands folded to his chest, his face without sorrow or joy.

In his opinion, Takahiro Huadi is undoubtedly a very good opponent for Fuji.

Because only by surpassing yourself can we make greater progress.

Generally speaking, the definition of self in ordinary people's minds is very vague, and it is difficult to understand.

But now there is such an opportunity, a chance to surpass yourself.

"Kimura, who do you say will win?"

Chiseki suddenly asked.

He was curious to know what Kimuraji thought.

"I don't know. However, I am sure that the person who wins must be the one with the strongest mental will, and the one who is the most persistent in winning or losing.

Kimuraji said lightly.

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Qingxue's Buji Zhou Suke is not a person with a strong desire to win or lose, and Hua Di's simple heart is obviously better.

Now it is only to see if Zhou Suke can make a breakthrough again under the pressure.

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