Begonia, who returned to the bottom line, looked speechless, he didn't know what the hell the Ice Emperor was doing.

Actually sent a guy who dozed off on the field.

In the short time he had just decided on his serve, he had already woken up his opponent three times in a row.

But Begonia thought that this was not bad, at least his chances of winning were greater.

Although some victories are not martial.


Begonia will not show mercy to his subordinates because the other party is half-awake, and after throwing the tennis ball in his hand, the right hand holding the racket brings a strong wind to hit the tennis ball fiercely.


The tennis ball turned into a rainbow of light and burst out of the air, and then flashed at Toshiro Wasagawa's feet.

"Game, Youth Gakuen Kaoru, 15:0."


Serve scores, Begonia's high-speed serve is deep in the essence of Qianzhenzhi.

Of course, this is also the result of his own efforts.

"What a fast serve."

Himawari raised his eyebrows, although it was still much worse than Nagataro's heavy artillery serve, it was also quite good among the first grades he had seen.

"After all, he is an official member of the Youth Academy, and he should have some skills."

Shinobu said lightly.

It's just that such a serve doesn't work for Toshiro Wasagawa.

After Begonia changed to the left serve line, the score of the previous goal gave him more confidence.

Even if he was a second-year official member of the Ice Emperor, he Haitang Xun was not afraid at all.


Another ball was thrown, and Begonia's arm swung the racket forward for a quick swing.

Begonia, who has always practiced himself, is confident that his current self is no longer the immature teenager who has just entered the youth school.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball whistled and flew out, and the ball that pushed away the air quickly smashed into the inside corner of Toshiro Wasagawa's backhand area.

This angle is the hardest way for the average person to hit back.

Toshiro Wasagawa's eyelids lifted a little heavily, and he quickly took half a step back under his feet, his arms deftly rounded an angle, and then raised his backhand.

Begonia's ball was actually hit back by him like this.

"Is this guy asleep or not?!"

Begonia stared grimly at the opposite court, and after returning the ball, Toshiro Wasakawa returned to his sleeping appearance.


Begonia struggled to pull forward, and this ball he picked the farthest bottom corner of Toshiro Wasagawa.

He wanted to see if Toshiro Wasagawa would chase the ball.

"Cilang! Cheer me up! Trace's

voice came from outside the field, which immediately shocked Toshiro Wasagawa's heart.

"Yes... It's..." Toshiro

Wasakawa followed the sound of breaking the air to see the ball, and he quickly moved sideways to the other side on the bottom line.

After quickly approaching the tennis ball, Toshiro Wasagawa's racket poked out, and then his waist and abdomen suddenly pulled out.


A golden beam of light rolled back upside down, straight at a straight angle to the bottom corner on the other side of the begonia.

Toshiro Wasagawa's choice of angle is equally tricky.

After fighting back, Toshiro Wasakawa immediately rushed towards the net, which was the most comfortable place for him to hit.

"Want to go online to intercept?! Good! The

afterglow from the corner of Begonia's eyes swept to Toshiro Wasagawa's online movements, and after intercepting the tennis ball in the midfield, Begonia arched forward, and his arm led his wrist to draw a clear light in the air.

"Snake ball!"

The ball flew straight towards Toshiro Wasagawa's face, and suddenly changed direction as he approached Toshiro Wasagawa.

A large curve bypassed around Toshiro Wasagawa's body.


"Game, Youth Gakuen Kaoru, 30:0."



"What kind of ball is this!"

"What a powerful topspin to pick a high ball!"

The audience was amazed.

You must know that it was only a first-year student of Youth Academy who played this ball.

It would have been a surprise that a first-year player could play such a strong topspin and high ball.

"Traces! Did you see that! That ball just now will turn a corner, alas! That's awesome! After

receiving another point, Toshiro Wasakawa didn't seem to have the slightest negative emotion.

Instead, he was quite interested in Begonia's snake ball, and came to the sidelines and shouted at the traces.

"Got it, then you give me a good game."

Traces waved his hand a little helplessly, Ci Lang this guy is really ...

"It's such a shame..." Himawari

felt a little embarrassed when he noticed the gazes cast by the audience around him.

Doesn't this guy know that he is playing right now?

Although now Ci Lang was taken the lead by the other party to win two points, the people of the Ice Emperor did not worry about the victory or defeat of this game at all.

Because the horror of Tzuro has not yet been revealed.

Let's make this first grade on the other side proud.



"This game was scored by Kaoru of Youth Gakuen Haitang, and the ratio was 1:0."

"The two sides change the field!"


The first game was won by Begonia very smoothly, and Begonia also let go of his hanging heart a little.

This second grade of the Ice Emperor did not seem to be strong in his opinion.

In the second game, Toshiro Wasagawa's serve.


With a swing of the ball, Toshiro Wasagawa's figure followed closely and rushed forward.

"Serve online?!"

Begonia's gaze froze slightly, and then he stepped out and hit the tennis ball back with a large volley.

This ball went straight to Toshiro Wasagawa's feet, which is the least adept path for netizers.


Toshiro Wasagawa stopped sharply and gently picked the racket before inserting it into his toes.

The seemingly unstable body actually hit this ball back.


The tennis ball gently falls on the front court of Begonia.



"Damn, how can this guy's luck be so good! Begonia, this guy is really unlucky.

Kikumaru stomped his foot angrily.

In his opinion, Begonia's ball was a very beautiful and good ball, but it didn't win.

"Is it really just luck?"

Based on his keen knowledge of intelligence, Kansadaharu sensed that something was wrong, as if this was not the case.

Later, Toshiro Wasagawa's performance proved that his instincts were right.



The same plot repeats itself, and the opponent can always hit the tennis ball at his feet with a weird posture.

"This game was scored by Ice Emperor Gakuen Toshiro Wasagawa, and the score was 1:1."


"Huh... His body's joints and muscles are really soft enough. Chiseki

also sensed the extraordinary nature of Toshiro Wasagawa.

If a normal person has been fighting back in this posture, he would have been injured a long time ago, and only Toshiro Wasagawa, whose body joints and muscles are very soft, can always fight back in this posture.

"It's his talent, but we have someone who can do that."

Kimuraji said with a faint smile.

"That's what I said."

Chiseki nodded after being silent for a moment, he naturally knew who Kimuraji was talking about.

Yakuzuhito, that monster.

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