"It's coming!"

"The Ice Emperor and the mountain blow are coming!"

There was a commotion around Mamoru Inoue, and it turned out that Yamabuki and the people of the Ice Emperor came.

The gray-white legion is vast, and the ice emperor's team is always so exaggerated.

No head at a glance.

As for Yamabuki, a touch of emerald green in midsummer is eye-catching.


Sanada clenched his fists as he watched Kimuraji, who was walking in front of Yamabuki, and it was this man who single-handedly shattered their dream of becoming a national champion at Tachikai University.

This year, they swore to be humiliated and dominate the country.

"Hope to have a great game today, companion!"

Sakaki Taro greets Kanya Companiona as a junior.

"I'm sure it will, they're all a great bunch of kids."

Kan Tian also said with a smile.

Later, Sakaki Taro and Kan Fuda also sat in the coach's bench on the sidelines, and naturally had considerable respect for this old man who coached Yamabuki for more than 20 years, Sakaki Taro.

Not everyone can do this.

For more than 20 years, day after day, I am afraid that only Kanya Futian can understand it.

At least Sakaki Taro has been coaching the Ice Emperor for so many years, and he has already felt some headaches.

"Please play from both sides!"

Soon the referee and staff were already in place, and the referee who climbed into the high chair loudly whistled on his chest and shouted.

Then everyone from Yamabuki and the Ice Emperor lined up in front of the net, most of them were old acquaintances.

"Long time no see, Traces."

Kimuraji shook his hand with Jibu, and he could see that the Ice Emperor generals who had defeated Qingxue became more confident.

"Ready for failure, Kimura!"

Jibu chuckled.

"Your arrogant appearance really hasn't changed at all."

Kimuraji said lightly.

"Then let's walk and see."

The traces did not do too much verbal battle, and in the end, who won and who lost still had to see the truth under his hands.


"The final of this Tokyo Metropolitan Competition is about to begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. Ice Emperor Gakuen Doubles No. 2, Yuta Yamabuki Middle School, Shinji Itake vs. Ice Emperor Gakuen Himawagakuto, Hiyoshiruo!"

"Please play from both sides!"

Soon, the referee began to urge the doubles number two player to play.

"Huh? Why is there no Shinto among the official members of the Ice Emperor today? Kikumaru

was also a little surprised when he saw that there was an extra raw face among the official members of the Ice Emperor.

After all, compared to Hiyoshiruo in the first year, Ryo Shinto is more suitable to appear in today's game.

"Maybe it's because he lost to you."

Kan Zhenji said lightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

Dashi also looked at Kansadaharu with a puzzled expression.

"You should also know that the Ice Emperor's tennis club has more than 200 members, and the competition within them is very fierce. It is said that in the Ice Emperor, those who lose the game will be eliminated. I think the Ice Emperor is probably to blame for the main reason why Shinto and Chotaro lost to you.

"Now he should have been removed from the official roster of the Ice Emperor."

As a think tank of Qingxue, Qian Zhenji naturally learned some things inside the Ice Emperor when collecting intelligence.

Although the above is only his personal speculation, it is not much different from the truth.

Shinto was indeed removed from the official team of the Ice Emperor because of the last crushing defeat to the golden combination of Seigaku.

Today's match against Yamabuki was started by Hiyoshiru, the strongest of the second team, in place of Ryo Shinto.

"How could there be such a thing!"

Kikumaru and Oishi and the others were obviously a little difficult to understand.

After all, whoever dares to say that he is undefeated, a failure will be completely denied.

It's just a bit more brutal.

And this is the supreme law of the weak under the weak of the Ice Emperor, the rule set by the Ministry of Traces after ruling the tennis department last spring.


"It's you."

Yuta was a little surprised when he saw his opponent, he didn't expect that the Ice Emperor boy who had a dispute with Shenji was actually an official member of the Ice Emperor.

Yuta silently looked at Fukaji and Hiyoshi, these two people really had a narrow road.

"How, Hiyoshi, do you know them?"

The people of Himawari are a little strange, Hiyoshiruo is a cold guy inside their Ice Emperor.

Except for Toho Nagataro, who grew up together, Hiyoshiruo has no other friends, and now he actually knows these two first year students from Yamabuki?

"I don't know."

Hiyoshiruo said with a grim face.

Although he had crossed paths with each other, they really didn't know each other.

It can even be said that there are festivals.


Seeing this, Xiangyue people also had to shrug their shoulders, although he knew that there must be gossip here, but since Hiyoshiruo didn't want to say it, forget it.

"The match begins, a set tiebreaker, the serve of the Ice Emperor Gakuen Hiyoshiru."


"It seems that the Ice Emperor is very confident in this first grade."

After seeing that Himawari had ceded the first round of serve to Hiyoshiru, Yanagi immediately captured the message.

This first grade of the Ice Emperor is afraid that there is something.

"Akaya! Give me a little focus, you have to give me a good look at this game.

Sanada caught a glimpse of Kirihara's left-hand movements, and he pressed Kirihara's shoulder and said.

There are three first grades in this match, and these people will undoubtedly be Kirihara's opponents in the future.

So Sanada had to let Kirihara know something about his future opponent.

On the field.

Hiyoshiruo, who got the right to serve, had a cold face, and his eyes under his golden hair were shining.

He won't forget it.

Will not forget his own fiasco not so long ago.

And today is a moment of shame for him, even if it's just a doubles match.


Temporarily forgetting the distractions in his heart, Hiyoshiruo threw the tennis ball in his hand.


With a thunderous explosion, this ball struck towards the receiving area of Qingxue in front of him with amazing momentum.

"What a fast serve!"

The audience exclaimed.

"Look! What a pose is that!

"How does this guy's posture seem to have been seen somewhere!"

Performing martial arts, Hiyoshiruo once again showed his unique tennis system.

Shenji's face was indifferent, and this ball had been thoroughly interpreted by his eyes.

With a slight step on his feet, he easily adjusted his posture.

Then he patted the shoulder and quickly pulled out his arm.


This ball surprised Fukaji a little, and the opponent's serve was much heavier than before.

It seems that I have also undergone some hard training recently.

A large diagonal draw passed diagonally in front of the sun, but the other ignored the ball.

Because he knew that Hiyoshi in the rear was already ready.


Hiyoshiruo's calf muscles instantly exploded, and his body quickly popped out like a squeezed spring.


With a bang, a beam of golden light exploded on the center line of Fukaji and Yuta.

"Game, Ice Emperor Gakuen Hiyoshiru, Himawari Ren Group, 15:0."

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