On the first day of further education, there are naturally no academic tasks.

The first class was naturally the same self-introduction session around the world, and even Yakuzu came on stage with an unhappy look and introduced himself a little.

The morning class came to an easy end, and as the bell rang, everyone in the classroom rushed out of the door, and they each went to their favorite clubs, and this afternoon is the time for all the clubs to recruit.

"Why aren't you guy leaving?"

Yakuzu glanced at Kimuraji, and only he and Kimura were left in the entire classroom.


Kimuraji gave Yakuzu a mysterious smile and then walked out of the classroom as well.

As a famous tennis school in Tokyo, Yamabuki Junior High School can be described as an evergreen existence, especially his doubles is famous all over the country, and he has reached many national tournaments in the history of the school team, and he is a frequent visitor to the Kanto Tournament.

Yamabuki Middle School Tennis Department is naturally very complete as the school's card club venue.

Today is also the day of recruitment of the tennis department, and a large group of newcomers are pouring towards the tennis club.

With a kind smile on his old face, Kanya Botada, who has been teaching at Yamabuki Middle School for more than 20 years, undoubtedly has a deep affection for Yamabuki Middle School, and his long-cherished wish has always been to help Yamabuki Middle School win the next national championship.

Over the years, although Yamabuki Middle School has often entered the national competition, their best results have not been able to enter the national final four.

Among this group of children, Kan Tanji also valued nothing more than a child named Qianshi Qingchun. Yamabuki has many players suitable for doubles every year, and together with the training of Kanya Fuda, Yamabuki's doubles can be said to be among the best in Tokyo, but singles are not.

Maybe it's a curse, Yamabuki hasn't had a strong singles player for many years, which is an important reason for shackling them to advance to the country.

But this year, the appearance of Chiseki made Kanya Fuda shine, a child with excellent athletic ability, and Kan Fuda seems to have discovered some other characteristics in Chishi's body. In addition to Senishi this year, Kan Fuda also found a few good seedlings, but they are only suitable for doubles.

Kan Tian also smiled kindly, and the folds on his face were squeezed together.

This year's Yamabuki seems to have a good chance of breaking into the whole country.

On the high platform in the distance of the tennis club, this is the highest top floor in Yamabuki Country, and it is also the place with the widest view. Kimuraji looked at the tennis club in the distance with a smile on his face, there was no hurry, the finale player always had to appear last.

Also, before that, he had to get Yakuzu. If according to the route in the original book, Yakutsu will not accept the invitation of Kanya Fuda to join the Yamabuki Tennis Club until two years later, and if he loses the combat power of Yakutsu, the strength of Yamabuki Middle School will be greatly reduced, and Kimuraji must let Yakutsu start tennis training this spring.

"What should I do?"

Kimuraji muttered to himself a little nerve-wrackingly, this guy Yakuzu is a stubborn temper, if he invites directly, he will definitely be ridiculed by this guy and then the time to refuse

slowly passes, it has been a week since Kimuraji was promoted to Yamabuki Middle School, in this week, Kimuraji has not joined the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School, and he is not worried that he will miss the

recruitment of Yamabuki Tennis Club, Because as long as Kanya Fuda is still the coach of Yamabuki Middle School, he will definitely not miss the combat power of Kimuraji.

Saturday, happy holiday.

Kimura was carrying his tennis bag and was about to find a court nearby to warm up, if he remembered correctly, there was a tennis court nearby.

"Yakuzu, please leave this stadium!"

Kimuraji, who was walking on the path outside the stadium, overheard Akuzu's voice, which came from inside the stadium, and Kimuraji pulled away the bushes blocking his view and found that Akuzu was surrounded by a group of tall looking junior high school students.

"An impolite person like you will lower the standard of tennis."

"That's right!"

"That is, nasty guy!"

Everyone was bored with Yakuzu, and Yakuzu's arrogance in his eyes made each of them feel very unhappy.

"Huh! This guy


Kimuraji shook his head in the shadows, Yakuzu is really a natural troublemaker, no matter where he can get into trouble.

"Rory, what's the matter with me!"

This finger-pointing attitude of these guys made Yakuzu suddenly angry.

"The level of tennis? Don't be naïve, you self-righteous guys beat me with tennis first! Yakuzu

looked at this group of middle school students with an arrogant face, although they were all taller and more numerous than Yakuzu, but Yakuzu was not afraid at all.


Forced in front of him by Yakuzu, the group of middle school students couldn't help but take two steps back. Although they are large in number and have the advantage of height, they have never fought with anyone, and even if it is compared to tennis, they can't beat the guy of Yakuzu.

Although Yakuzu is very arrogant, they have to admit that Yakuzu has arrogant capital, and they have witnessed Yakuzu easily kill a player they are familiar with.

That's right, it's to kill it!

Yakuzu's tennis is so dangerous.

"Okay, I'll fight you."

At this time, a voice came from the gate of the stadium.

"It's Bai Yu!"

"White Jade!"

This group of middle school students seemed to have found the backbone of the main heart.

"White Jade! It's good that you came, I'm telling you it's this guy, very arrogant!

"Who are you?"

Yakuzu pressed the racket to his shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey! How dare you talk to Bai Yu like that. "

He's been a senior tennis education since he was five years old, has finished runner-up three times in junior tournaments, and reached the top four twice!"

The person known as Bai Yu is obviously the trump card of this stadium, and he doesn't need to open his mouth to be cheered for him.

"Hello! Are you Yakuzu? Good! Then play with me, I can promise you to play with you. However, if you lose, then please leave the stadium immediately, this is everyone's request!

Bai Yu's face smiled, in his opinion, it would take no effort to deal with a little ghost.

"That's fun, okay! But what if you lose?

Yakuzu said lightly.


Yakuzu's gaze was full of oppression, which made Bai Yu's heart sink.

"What is this guy talking about?"

"He wants to win over Bai Yu?"

"What a guy who doesn't know how high the sky is."

Everyone was laughing at Yakuzu's incompetence, and only Kimuraji understood that although Yakuzu did not have any advanced tennis education, his physical talent was enough to support him to finish off some ordinary players.

And this one called white jade is obviously very ordinary.

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