On the coach's bench on the sidelines, the afterglow from the corner of Sakaki Taro's eyes swept over Kanya Fuda on the side, and he sighed slightly in his heart, the other party prejudged his prejudgment?

It is really worthy of being Kanya Mita who has been coaching Yamabuki for more than 20 years!

For Sakaki Taro, he will definitely not take Yamabuki this school lightly, and their doubles are definitely at the top level in the country. Coupled with the fact that this year, I heard that three new first-grade singles have been added, and each strength is very good, and Yamabuki is undoubtedly the fierce rival of the Ice Emperor.

According to the general situation, a team's singles number one will undoubtedly be the strongest one, so Sakakitaro simply put the trail in the position of singles number three, and put Shinobu Yuji in the position of singles number two.

As long as the Ice Emperor's doubles can win any match, their winning rate against Yamabuki will undoubtedly be raised. But now, one can only hope for the three first-grade singles of the Ice Emperor.

"The singles three are actually the ministers of both sides? Is this negotiable?

"Now there is a good show, both of them have served as the head of their respective tennis departments in the first year, and I really want to know which of these two individuals is stronger."

The audience was full of discussion, apparently full of surprises about the singles three being a contest between the ministers of the two sides.

"Tezuka, Kimuraji is coming out!"

In the crowd, Fuji's eyes under the chestnut hair opened slightly, looking at Kimura Jido who slowly entered the field in Yamabuki's team.

"No, this game must be very exciting!"

Although I don't know how strong Keigo of the Ice Emperor is, there must be something extraordinary about being able to become the head of the Ice Emperor Academy as a first-year student, and Tezuka is looking forward to the next collision between Kimuraji and the Trace.

Keigo Jibe stepped into the stadium with graceful steps, followed by a tsunami of cheers from the members of the Ice Emperor.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!

"Traces! Traces! Trace

stretched out his right hand and pointed high to the sky, and then Bing snapped his fingers, and the sound of the scene suddenly stopped.

"The winner will be Uncle Ben!"

Traces hold their heads high, and the tear moles at the corners of their eyes add a bit of charm to them in the sun.

"Please, why is this guy so messy!"

Minami Kentaro patted his forehead, apparently defeated by the "gorgeous" appearance of Jibe.

"The match begins, a tiebreaker, Yamabuki Middle School Kimuraji's serve!"


After Kimuraji slowly came to the end line on the right, although the trace department was indeed considered to be the national level, the current trace department was still too weak. Even if it is not against himself, or against Tezuka, Yukimura, Sanada and any of the traces do not have the slightest chance of winning, but what the traces are really terrifying is his evolution speed in the thousands of miles.

"So, try to catch up, Traces!"

Kimuraji threw a ball, and the morning sun fell on him like starlight, and the figure that bounced up instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"He jumped so high!"

"Is this a ready smash serve?"

The Ice Emperor's main candidates looked at Kimuraji's figure and muttered.

"Tiger Cannon!"

A burst of smoke and dust erupted from the sky, and the violent air flow wrapped the tennis ball and smashed it straight down.


The wave of air that swept over the side of the trace made the trace also a little surprised.

"Game, Kimuraji, 15:0."

Trace turned his head to look at the mark left behind him by this ball, and said to Kimuraji quite unexpectedly: "Sure enough, there are two sons!"

"Huh! And then on, Traces!

Kimuraji smiled slightly, and accepted the praise that the Ministry had given him.


"Tiger Cannon!"

Chiseki watched Kimuraji play his own trick again, and he couldn't help but feel a little bad in his heart. Whether his own trick is too cheap, or Kimuraji is too devilish, he actually learned his tiger cannon just by looking at it.

Even Jibu, who faced Kimuraji's tiger cannon for the first time, won two points in a row.


"I think you should have figured it out, the trajectory of my ball!"

Kimuraji changed his hair to the right again, and after lightly tapping the tennis ball a few times, Kimuraji squeezed the tennis ball in the palm of his hand.

"Uncle Ben's eyes can see clearly!"

Jibu chuckled.

"Tiger Cannon!"


The condescending golden beam of light shot out fell towards the feet of the trail like a meteorite, and the trace's eyes froze a few strides to the landing point of the tennis ball, as he said, his eyes could see all the paths of this ball clearly.

The twist between his waist and abdomen led his arm to twitch out, and the net in Jibu's hand firmly covered the uneasy ball.

"Give me back!"

Facing Kimuraji's tiger cannon track, he finally hit back on the third ball, and the national-level trail will naturally not be defeated by such a serve that relies purely on strength and speed.

Kimuraji sprinted forward, and in a few breaths he felt the ball fall, and the bouncing tennis ball hit the racket in Kimura's hand impartially.

Super Half Volley!

Fast, accurate, ruthless.

That's the secret to super semi-volley.



"Yamabuki's new minister really has some strength!"

Mukahidaku couldn't help but sigh after seeing that Kimuraji had once again completed an online volley with the advantage of serve, knowing that Trace was defeating him and Ryo Shinto by one against two when he first took over the Ice Emperor Tennis Club, and at that time, Trace was still in the state after a wheel battle with everyone's official players.

The strength of the trail is beyond doubt, and now it seems that the trail department is suppressed by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and it is conceivable that Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School is definitely a master who has stepped into the national level.



"The game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 1:0."

"The two sides change the field!"

Soon, Kimura took advantage of his serve to score another point with a half-volley to save his serve.

After changing sides, it is the turn of the track's serve.


The tennis ball was gently tossed by the trace, and then the trail slammed the racket overhead, and a golden high-pressure curve fell from the top of the trace's head into Kimuraji's backcourt.

Kimuraji did not dare to be careless in the face of the serve of the Trace Department, the competition between the national levels is not only based on five dimensions to determine the winner, but more importantly, the player's presence and competitive state.



The two of them launched an amazing battle on the bottom line, and a sound of hitting the ball sounded in the field, which stunned everyone.

"This... Are these two individuals really junior high school students?

"Is this the battle between Yamabuki and Minister Ice Emperor! What a terrible confrontation!

"I can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

Many players from other schools around couldn't help but swallow, had they been competing with such guys to win the competition?

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