"Will it disappear? Are you kidding?

Minami Kentaro scoffed, how could there be such a thing?

However, the tennis ball that was about to be touched by the racket in Kimuraji's hand really disappeared in an instant!


Dongfang Yami exclaimed, how is this possible!

Kimuraji was not surprised in the slightest, he knew that there was indeed such a trick to cut the serve to do this fantastic magic trick.

Turning his arm around, Kimura had already changed his position after tossing and turning, and a tennis ball appeared out of thin air on the face of the racket in his hand.

"What! Has the trick been cracked?

Kikumaru looked shocked, although he didn't know how to make the serve disappear, but such a serve was undoubtedly a unique trick reserved by Buji, but now it was directly cracked.


However, he was not too surprised, since such a trick could not be concealed from Tezuka, it was normal that Kimura could not be concealed.

"Look, he's also on the net!"

Kikumaru exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention back to Fuji.

"It's also a drop under the net! No, is he still in color against a goal? Dashi's

eyes widened, and these two wonderful duels made him a little dazzled.

"Huh! I didn't expect your competitive spirit to be quite strong!

Kimuraji chuckled, and the muscles that outlined the calves on the ground on his toes began to squirm wildly.


A powerful topspin ball on the backhand picks up the ball, passes through the ear and finally smashes it hard near the bottom line.


"Well... So strong! "

Kawamura's words are unfavorable, such a fierce confrontation makes him doubt his tennis again, can he really defeat such a guy with strength alone?

"I thought this goal would definitely score points..." Kikumaru

was a little disappointed, he thought that this ball would be a clarion call for counterattacks.



"The game was scored by Kimura, and the score was 1:0."

Ryuzaki Jin sighed and reported the score. The game ended faster than she expected, in other words, the gap in strength between Kimuraji and Fuji was even bigger than she thought.



By the time Kimuraji's serve game, Kimuraji's offensive became more fierce, and he could surf the Internet as he pleased, but he couldn't intercept Kimura's attack at all.

"The game was scored by Kimura, the score was 2:0."

This side finished much faster than the next squash field, and Tezuka on the other side was just worthy of winning the first game.

"No, he... Completely suppressed!

Kikumaru noticed the unusual fine sweat on Fuji's head, and this level of sweating showed that the pressure in Fuji's heart was also extremely great now.

"So strong..."

Oishi looked at Kimura stunned, Kimura's terrifying strength reminded him of Tezuka.

"Drink... Drink..."

In just two short days, Buji's breathing had already begun to become rapid. It is not only the sequelae of strenuous exercise, but also the consequences of mental coercion.


The serve that will disappear is useless, and such a trick can only be used as a miracle move, and once it is seen, the power will drop sharply, so Noji did not play that serve again but changed to a normal topspin serve.

Kimuraji stepped forward, and the racket cut through the bottom of the tennis ball like a blade, instantly pressing the tennis ball back into the field.


In his mind, the racket poked out to raise the tennis ball high.


Kimuraji's figure bathed in the sunlight soared into the air, covering down like a god of war.


The killing ball fell to the ground like a meteorite, and the sound boomed the four fields.

Fuji knelt on one knee with his back to the tennis ball, and raised his hands horizontally like the wings of a peng.

"Appeared! The only brown bear caught in the net!

Kikumaru jumped up excitedly, this is the only defensive stunt specially used to deal with killing balls.

The moment the tennis ball smashed on the racket, the palm of the hand unconsciously loosened the control of the racket.

Kimura's strength ranks first in his five-dimensional data, and with his full strength, he has hit more kills than he can resist.

"How is this possible!"

Dashi couldn't believe that the brown bear was actually invalid?

"Kimura is not only superior in technique, his strength, speed and endurance are all first-class strong!"

Dongfang Yamei glanced at Qingxue and said lightly.

It's really rare and strange!

Kimura, he's a monster!

"No, you should have other tricks, right? You have to use them all!

Kimura looked down at Fuji who was half-crouched on the ground and said lightly.

"Then as you wish!"

Fuji suppressed the throbbing in his heart and looked at Kimura Michi tightly.


Kimura swung his hand again, and the strong upspin made the ball amazingly fast.

Buji's azure eyes opened slightly, staring closely at the flying tennis ball.

A strong topspin serve is just his chance!

He lifted his shoulder and quickly cut down from the right high point facing the bouncing tennis ball.


A curve of large arcs quickly fell from Fuji's hand towards Kimura's front court.

"Appeared! It's the two flying swallows that return the nest! Kikumaru

clasped his hands in front of his chest, and for him, the flying swallow was also very powerful, and it had a gorgeous appearance.


Kimura surged forward with his hands swinging at the waist, the essence of the ball revealed in his eyes.

"Use a powerful cut ball against the topspin ball, this ball should not bounce up!"

Kimura chuckled, then bent down to pick up the ball, and re-offset the downspin on the tennis ball with the top spin.

"The only two flying swallows were beaten back before they landed!"

"What a terrible foot power, what a terrible eyesight!"

Kansadaharu quickly recorded in his data book, not only Kimuraji's information, but also collected the information of Jiji.

Facing the tennis ball that was beaten back, his eyes narrowed slightly, so that he only had one last move left.


The backhand quickly cuts through the bottom of the tennis ball, and the powerful chipping of the backhand makes the tennis ball go straight to Kimuraji's face and straight into the sky in front of Kimuraji.

"So high? This ball will be out of bounds, right? "

Kentaro Minami looked at this ball with some surprise, did this guy called Fuji Shusuke from Qingxue miss a shot?

"Not really! This is one of the two or three return balls of Moby Dick!

Kikumaru, who had seen the duel between Fuji and Tezuka, said angrily, he would not allow anyone to denigrate Fuji's trick.


The ball that fell quickly above the baseline flew backwards under the push of the reaction force, and Kimuraji held the handle vertically in his hand, moved half a step under his feet and passed the racket to wait for the rabbit.

The ball hit the center of the racket in Kimura's hand impartially, and Kimura's racket then pressed the ball back into the field.

"The only three kinds of balls... It's all cracked! The

faces of the young students were shocked, leaving a few drops of cold sweat on their foreheads. They never thought that anyone other than Tezuka could hit back with such an understatement.

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