
The whistling tennis ball flew over the left side of Dashi, and Dashi, who had calmed down, flashed in his mind and found a way to break the game.

Dashi stood drastically with his feet, then twisted his waist and abdomen, rotated his body, and the racket in his hand poked out.


An extremely accurate volley instantly hit the ball back, and the angle of tilting downwards hit the racket in Minami Kentaro's hand unbiasedly.


Minami Kentaro was slightly shocked, is it a coincidence? Can this egghead actually hit the ball with his back to his racket with such precision?

The tennis ball fell back into the field of Qingxue with the help of the rebound force generated by the collision with the racket, and Dashi hung on the ground with his back to the racket.



The violent friction between the frame and the ground leaves a clearly visible trace, and a trace of sparks can be faintly seen.

Dashi stared, and his abdomen contracted and his arms were raised.

"Moon climbing volley!"

A transparent glow rose up, and the slightly sharp chill swept through Minami Kentaro's eyes straight into the sky, and finally smashed on the bottom line of the no-man's land in the shocked gaze of Minami Kentaro and Masami Dongfang.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:40."


"Hair... What happened!

"What kind of ball was that just now?" Flying so high actually did not go out of bounds? "

Awesome! That's awesome! The

audience immediately fried the pan, and the narrow and huge crescent moon with a narrow arc shocked them.

"What a beautiful high hanging ball! Coach Ryuzaki! Kan

Tan, who was on the sidelines, also said with a smile towards Ryuzaki Jin.

"It is really an honor for Dashi to be praised by your companion."

Ryuzaki Jin is also a little proud, although Yamabuki's first grade is very strong, but their youth learning is not weak.

"Oh? It's really awesome! With your back to the tennis ball, you can actually hit the position close to the bottom line with a high hanging ball. "

Kentaro Minami's left hand dragged the frame, and he really couldn't react to the ball just now.

"Not really! Dashi, he didn't hit a place close to the bottom line! "

It is naturally very happy to see Daishi successfully fight back against Kikumaru, and as a partner, he also feels honored when others praise Daishi.


Minami Kentaro and Oriental Masami looked at Kikumaru with a surprised look, what did this mean.

"Hey, hey! Oishi he hits the bottom line! Kikumaru

put up a finger, and Dashi's moon climbing interception was as precise as a needle thread, and there would definitely be no mistake.

"Remarkable! It's amazing! Minami

Kentaro and Oriental Masami looked back at the imprints on the bottom line, and there was indeed no deviation.

Such possession deserves their praise.

"Eiji, keep you waiting, let's start fighting back!"

Having regained his true color, Oishi weighed the weight of the racket in his hand, and now it was time to fight back.

"No problem, Dashi!"

Kikumaru nodded heavily, he had already waited for most of the time in frustration.



"Game, Youth Academy, 30:40."




"Game, Youth Academy, 40:40."

Oishi and Kikumaru's performance after regaining their strength was surprising, whether it was Kikumaru's stunt or Oishi's moon climbing volley, it caused a lot of trouble for the south and east.


Kikumaru and Oishi clapped each other, and both saw the excitement in their partner's eyes.

It turns out that playing doubles is such a fun thing!

Kikumaru also made up his mind to play doubles because of Oishi's request and the reinforcement of the Seigaku tennis club, but now Kikumaru finds himself falling in love with doubles. It's a great feeling to be working side by side with your partner!

"Did you make a mistake about something?"

Minami Kentaro chuckled when he saw that the excitement on Kikumaru and Dashi's faces had not yet faded.

"Looks like we're going to have to get serious, Minami!"

Oriental Yami's tall and burly figure brought a shadow to the top of Kikumaru's head, and the scorching summer sun seemed to be dispelled at this moment, and Kikumaru's originally fiery heart instantly calmed down.

Kikumaru and Dashi, who were crouching on the field again, tensed up again in their hearts, knowing that the real test was about to begin.


Kentaro Minami threw the ball, and then the elbow internal rotation led the racket without hesitation to swing a clear white glow.

Kikumaru did not dare to be careless, stepped out and chased out, and then scooped the ball off the ground.

"Okay, I see!"

Out of the corner of his eye, the avant-garde Masami Oriental saw the instructions given to him by Kentaro Minami from the backcourt, and then intercepted the flying tennis ball forward.

"Good opportunity!"

Dashi's eyes lit up, and the gap area caused by Oriental Yamei's replacement was completely exposed in front of his eyes.


Short Burst Volley!

The fast and ruthless ball fused the strength and skill of Dashi's whole body, and the rapid short curve Wuyang Wuyang turned out a golden perfect arc.


A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Dongfang Yamei's mouth.

"You're fooled, egghead!"


Dashi raised his head in amazement, and Minami Kentaro's figure emerged from behind Masami Dongfang's broad and thick body, and he had actually arrived at the front court.

Dual Internet Tactics!


Kentaro Minami lowered his center of gravity and won the game with an antelope-like ball in the incredulous eyes of Kikumaru and Oishi.

"This game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 5:0."

"The two sides change the field!"

The long-lost code tactics reappeared in front of him, and the tacit cooperation with the superb skills of the south and the east is simply like a tiger.

The match point of Yamabuki Middle School arrived.

"Yamabuki! Yamabuki! "

The members of Yamabuki began to get excited, this face is very familiar to them!

"Wuhu! It's really worthy of our Yamabuki's ace doubles! Potato Male Soldier Combo! Qianshi

whistled, the front is not the real strength of the potato male soldier.

"Please! Trouble don't want this title to work! Who would admit such a shameful title! Kentaro

Minami and Masami Dongfang, who were passing by the sidelines, blushed when they heard Chishi's voice, what potato soldiers they wouldn't admit it.

"Yamabuki! Yamabuki!

"Come on! Potato Soldier! However

, the title still spread, and it became more and more widespread with the shouts of the Yamabuki members.



"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 15:0."




"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 30:0."




"At the end of the match, by Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, the Touhou Masami group won, the score is 6:0."

In the end, Kikumaru and Daishi still failed to win any of the games, and were directly taken away by Minami and Dongfang 6:0.

"Thank you for your advice!"

The loser does not lose the battle, and Oishi and Kikumaru shook hands with Minami and Dongfang in front of the net.

"Let's compare it next time!"

Although they won the competition, Minami and Dongfang still recognized the progress of Kikumaru and Oishi, and they could clearly feel the progress of Oishi and Kikumaru during the competition. They believe that in time, the combination of Kikumaru and Oishi will definitely support the sky of Qingxue doubles.

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