"Let's make a bet, if you lose you have to promise me something."

Kimuraji rolled his eyes and thought of how to get Akuzu to join the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School.

"So what if you lose!"

Yakuzu asked rhetorically.

"If I lose, how about I promise you one thing?"

Kimuraji smiled.

"Hmph! Then there is no need, if you lose you have to let me beat me up, I can't fight back. There

was a dangerous aura in Yakuzu's eyes, he had always wanted to get the last scene back from Kimura's body.

"Okay, no problem."

Kimuraji nodded, he wouldn't lose anyway.

"The opportunity to serve will be given to you, and the province will say that I bully you when the time comes."

He is very confident in his athleticism and talent, and although he has no orthodox tennis education, he has beaten many people just by watching and practicing casually with himself, and no one has been able to beat Yakuzu in tennis so far.

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful."

Kimuraji smiled slightly and did not refuse, the more confident Akuzu was, the more painful the bitter taste after defeat.

After Kimuraji walked slowly to the right end line, he gently brushed his toes on the ground, and then took out a tennis ball from his pocket.

"Take it, Yakuzu!"


Kimuraji waved his racket without hesitation, and the mustard yellow ball came out like a bullet. This was exactly the first skill Kimura got from the system, the bullet serve.

Although the name sounds like a bad street game, combined with Kimuraji's strength and skill, the ball speed and rotation are very amazing.

“ACE! 15:0."

Yakuzu seemed to have lost his mind, and when he noticed the tennis ball, it was too late to pull away, and the ball bounced off his feet and quickly flew out of bounds.

"Do you dare to be distracted by fighting me? Yakuzu, you may be a little underestimating me.

Kimuraji smiled slightly, the ball just now was just a warm-up.

"Cut! Come back and come again!

Yakuzu turned his head to look at the marks on the ground, and his heart was also raised with twelve points of vigilance. Unlike Bai Yu, who had just received some advanced tennis education at the age of five, he could feel that the strength of this guy Kimuraji was far above Bai Yu.

After switching to the left end line, Kimuraji glanced at Yakutsu in front of him, and then swung again.

"Bullet serve!"

The rotation and force prompted the ball to quickly cross the net, and after landing, it suddenly bounced.


Yakuzu took half a step back, and then the racket was thrown from the bottom up, and his movements looked as fast as a beast.

Kimura was on tiptoe, quickly running towards the landing point of the tennis ball from the spot, and not long after the tennis ball bounced up, Kimura's racket had already hit the ball.

Half volley!

Kimura's half-volley was not the color of Baiyu's half-hanging, and the ball faster than the serve whistled past Yakuzu's ears, and Yakuzu, who had already sprinted to the midfield, turned his head and saw that a mustard tennis ball had reached the bottom line.

“30:0。 Yakuzu, your movements are too obvious. "

Kimura had already spotted Yakutsu's online move, and randomly scored a beautiful crossing ball with a half-volley.

"Less pointing fingers at me there, you haven't won yet!"

Scored by Kimura again, Akuzu's eyes began to become dangerous. If he hadn't been able to beat Kimura, he would have taught Kimura a hard lesson based on what Kimura had just taught him.



“1:0。 Yakuzu, you don't seem to be very good at tennis?

Kimuraji chuckled, Akuzu's tennis is unorganized, purely relying on his physical talent to play, but even this is how Akuzu already has the level of the second class of Kanto.

"You fellow!"

Yakuzu's face was gloomy, he could already see that Kimuraji's tennis was definitely not that simple. Kimuraji was one of the strongest tennis players he had ever met, and he was not at all on the same level as those he had compared before.

After changing sides, it was Yakuzu's turn to serve.

"Die, you nasty fellow!"

Yakuzu shouted angrily, and then swung down his right hand with the anger in his heart.


Although he is only in the first year of junior high school, Yakutsu's physical fitness is too good, and the strength of this ball even exceeds Kimuraji's expectations.

"But that's what it's fun."

Kimuraji flicked his arm, and a golden curve fell from his hand into Yakuzu's field. For Kimuraji, the stronger Yakuzuna, the better.

Yakuzu stood with both feet straddling, and as soon as he was about to go online, Kimuraji's counterattack was already nailed to his feet, such a fast-paced attack and defense was something that Yakuzu had never experienced.


As soon as Yakuzu picked up the racket, a high parabola flew into the air from the bottom line.

"You are so naïve, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji sprinted forward two steps, and the super bouncing force made Kimuraji catapult and jump like a god.


The powerful kill ball directly slammed the ball to the sideline of Yakuzu's flank, and then flew out of the field in a puff of smoke.


The anger in Akuzu's heart increased a little, and Kimuraji's hatred in his heart rose a lot.









"You lost, Yakuzu!"

Kimuraji laughed loudly, and his hand was slammed down mercilessly, and what he liked the most was the feeling of this powerful smash.

The straight curve that hung straight down hit the ground heavily, leaving a deep imprint and quickly bounced off the sidelines, while Yakuzu was still three or four positions away from the ball.

“6:0。 It was I who won, Yakuzu! Kimuraji

fell from the air and then pointed his racket at Yakuzudo.

"Boom! Say, what do you want me to do. "

Yakuzu, who lost the game, looked unhappy, but Yakuzu is a person who can do what he says despite his bad personality, and since he promised Kimuraji, he will not break his word, of course, this is also the reason why Yakuzu can't beat Kimuraji.

"I want you to join me in the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School!"

Kimuraji looked at Yakuzu and said solemnly.

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