The ancient martial art of the Okinawa region of Kyushu - the method of shrinking the ground!

Few people present had an impression of Kimura's steps, except for Kanya Otada, the oldest old man, who had seen this trick when he led a friendly match to the Kyushu region. Moreover, at that time, such a step had only appeared in the martial arts performance at the opening ceremony, and Kan Fuda did not expect that he would see such a step on the tennis court again many years later.

Sanada didn't have time to think about it, Kimura's backhand draw was already close at hand.

"Look at my trick, Xu Rulin!"

Sanada raised his eyebrows, and the racket in his hand slanted slightly like a blade cutting through the surface of the tennis ball.

In an instant, the powerful topspin originally contained in the tennis ball was instantly engulfed by Xu Rulin.

"Appeared! Xu Rulin, Ichiro! A short ball at this distance should not even be able to catch up with Kimuraji! Liu

Lianji's slightly narrowed eyes revealed a thin slit, and the three giants had also fought in private, and when Liu Lianji forced Sanada into a corner, Sanada cracked all of Liu Lianji's moves with one move.

Xu Rulin's powerful Liu Lian Er is all too familiar.


Liu Lianer opened her eyes wide for a long time, because the scene in front of her was really a little amazing.

Kimuraji, who was originally in the bottom corner, had actually gone up to the net, and the racket at the bottom of the tennis ball was picked up, and an extremely high parabola jumped into the air from the front of the net.

"How is this possible!"

The wolf's wide eyes were like two huge light bulbs, which stood out against the background of his dark skin.

This time he really saw it, and Kimuraji of Yamabuki seemed to have gone up from the bottom corner to the net in just one step.

"Can't reach!"

Sanada glanced up and immediately judged that he could not reach the ball in front.

"This height! It's going to be out of bounds, right?

Himawari asked suspiciously as he covered the harsh sunlight with his right hand and looked up to see the tennis ball flying high.

What else does Sanada chase with this height?

"Out of bounds? Do you think it is possible with Kimura's strength?

Jibe scoffed, what the hell was this guy Himawari thinking.

Sure enough, after flying to the bottom line, the tennis ball fell sharply vertically, and the straight momentum pointed straight to the bottom line.


Sanada, who rushed to the backcourt, jumped, picked up the tennis ball that was about to touch the bottom line with a sharp blind field of vision in his crotch, and quickly turned back after landing.


Even the opponent Chiseki had to praise Sanada's reaction and actions, which was really worthy of being the emperor of the Tachikai Dai Sanada Kenichiro.

Seeing the tennis ball Kimuraji flying in front of him, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then his arm lifted the racket and quickly cut it across his chest.


"Game, Kimuraji, 15:0."

The ball that gently fell in front of the net instantly plunged the audience into silence, and Sanada stopped sprinting and looked at Kimuraji's pose in amazement.

"Xu Rulin?!"

Liu Lianer took a deep breath and said solemnly, he would not be mistaken, it was definitely Sanada's Xu Rulin.

"What's going on? Is it an imitation?

The jackal Kuwabara asked in shock.

"Imitation? Sanada's Wind Forest Volcano is born out of his kendo, and there is also the true meaning from the ancient books of the Oriental Art of War, such a trick is not simple to imitate.

Liu Lian'er squinted his eyes slightly, although he said so, he couldn't understand what was going on.

Sanada slowly came to the left and pulled the brim of his hat, so that he didn't believe that anyone could imitate his own wind forest volcano just by looking at it.


The tennis ball in his hand was thrown upwards by Sanada, slightly bent his knees and leaned back, and with the help of the force of the rebound of the foot, Sanada's arm held the racket at a very fast speed and slammed into the tennis ball that had flown to a high point.


The powerful upspin ball hit by the invisible swing is not only amazingly fast, but also bounces at an amazing angle.

"What an amazing serve!"

"Can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

On the Ice Emperor's side, Mukaiga, Ryo Shito, and others were shocked, is this the true strength of the Great Emperor Sanada Kenichiro of the Tachikai! It turned out that when facing their Ice Emperor, Sanada did not exert his true strength at all.


Trail lowered his right hand, Sanada's serve that even he could not underestimate.

"It's really you, Sanada, the serve has actually become faster!"

Kimuraji chuckled, and the figure burst into the bottom corner on the left, and the powerful thrust between his raised hands brought up a slightly curved golden curve.

Sanada's calf muscles condensed and burst out with an amazing burst of foot power, followed by a quick and silent pump.

"Look at my move, fast as the wind!"

A strong wind swept through the tennis ball, and in an instant the tennis ball disappeared into Sanada's hand. This is Sanada's all-out shot, Kimuraji's strength has been recognized by Sanada, and Sanada will no longer have reservations at this moment.

"Good to go, Sanada!"

Kimuraji praised, and then stepped out, and the shaky upper body came to an empty field in a blink of an eye.

Raise your hand, the same swift pumping ball!

The same slash, the same wind.

"Then, take me again! Aggression is like fire! Sanada

spun around in place, his left foot tiptoe scratched the ground and jumped, and the muscles in his arm instantly burst out with an amazing burst of power, and Kimura seemed to see a blazing fire in front of him.

That is the influence of spiritual power, everyone who has reached the peak of the national level, more or less has developed their own spiritual power usage, spiritual power is not only the key to touch the world, but also a prerequisite for ranking among the first class in the country.

The scorched brown aura in the air made Kimuraji shiver slightly, and then Kimuraji also spun around in the shocked eyes of the people of Lihai and jumped up.

"Aggression is like fire!"

In an instant, the temperature in the field skyrocketed, and Mars splashed. Kimuraji's furious fire is even more than Sanada's.

"What a joke! Look at my aggression like fire! Sanada

didn't believe that he would lose to others in the duel of the Wind Forest Volcano, and the anger in his heart seemed to spread to the surface of his body, and the angry fire cut out by his hand intensified the rise in temperature in the field, making the already hot July sky even hotter.



The fierce confrontation in the field stunned the surrounding audience, and many people were drunk back by the furious momentum sweeping in all directions in the field.

"These two people are really fierce!"

"Are these two individuals really middle school students like us? Their fight is probably too terrifying. The

audience swallowed, they realized that if they substituted themselves for anyone in the field, they would probably be engulfed in flames in an instant.

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