
Then Kanya Fuda and his father gathered everyone, and Kan Fuda also smiled and called out Kimura's name.


"You go up and try it first."

Kan also pointed to the toys made of wood behind him.


Kimuraji nodded, he was actually interested in these things.

The combination of these wooden piles, railings, rope areas and wooden walls makes the obstacle track look very tiring, and the reason why Kimuraji is also allowed to come with Takan is mainly because Kimuraji's skills and physical ability are also top-notch among everyone.

Stepping on the wooden stake, Kimuraji's body is as stable as Mount Tai, and he can easily cross. This kind of thing has long been commonplace for him.

This was followed by an obstacle zone made of car tires, and with the support of Kimuraji's strong physical fitness, he also quickly crossed this area to the rope area in the future.

With one hand, he tightly grasped the thick rope and swung in this rope area, and Kimuraji advanced at an amazing speed, which made Saeki and the others dumbfounded, because even they were already familiar with the site, it was difficult for them to achieve Kimuraji's speed.

"What a monster!"

Minami Kentaro complained.

Minami Kentaro looked at himself, and then at Kimuraji, who was swinging on the rope, and it was inevitable that he would have some envy in his heart.

"Cut! But that's it.

Yakuzu pouted disdainfully, confident that he would not play worse than Kimura.

But also, with Yakuzin's physical talent and motor nerves, maybe it can really be done.

In the blink of an eye, Kimuraji had already arrived at the last wooden wall area, and I saw him jump up with his feet on the ground, clasp the top of the wall with one arm, and then throw himself over the wooden wall with his arm.

"So fierce!"

Kuroba Harufu looked shocked, Rokkaku Middle School, which has always been known for his heroic batting, is a very muscular player, but they can't do it as easily as Kimuraji.


Kan Fuda also gave Kimuraji his own applause, which was similar to what he expected.

Kimuraji smiled slightly, his chest rising and falling slightly. To be honest, this set is indeed a little tiring, even his endurance is a little unstable.

"It's your turn next, line up one by one."

Kan Fuda then looked at Yamabuki and the others in Rokkaku, and this was their training for the afternoon. This obstacle course created by the father of the hexagonal is not simple, and it can fully exercise the physical fitness of the athletes.


Hearing this, everyone began to line up at the starting point, and the first person to climb the stake was Yakuzu.

Yakuzu wants to prove that he is no worse than Kimura, so he looks extra combative.

"Young man, come with me."

The father of the hexagonal gently called Kimuraji, and then regardless of Kimuraji's surprised gaze, he walked straight ahead with trembling steps to lead the way, and seeing this, Kimuraji had to follow the footsteps of the old man step by step.

Kan Bonda also silently glanced at the place where Kimuraji and Rokkaku Dad disappeared, in fact, this time it was Rokkaku's dad who proposed to take Kimuraji for special training.

For Kimuraji, his body will not be able to improve more for a while, and his physical tempering is far higher than Kanya Fuda expected. Kan Tian also didn't understand how a first-year junior high school freshman could polish his body to such an extent, which was really rare in the world.

In contrast, Yakuzu, who also has excellent physical conditions, has a much worse degree of physical development, so the main goal of this training companion Kanya is Yakuzu.

He believes that if he is given a little time, Yakuzu will be trained by him to become a truly top-level player.

"Whew... Call... Good... I'm so tired! Kentaro

Minami, who had finished a lap, sat on the ground with his butt, panting heavily.

Kentaro Minami couldn't understand, he didn't even sweat much after watching Kimuraji run before, why is he so tired when it's his turn now?

"Boom! Useless guys!

Yakuzu complained disdainfully.

Although Yakuzu said so, the unwillingness in his heart reappeared.

Although he was not as bad as Kentaro Minami after completing the course, he couldn't be as relaxed as Kimuraji. In other words, there is still a gap between Yakuzu's physical condition and Kimuraji.

After understanding this, Yakuzu's face suddenly became ugly, tennis he is indeed inferior to Kimuraji, but now even his body is not comparable, which makes him a little uncomfortable.


Kan Fuda also looked at Yakuzu with a smile, he had already detected the unwillingness in Yakuzu's heart.

This is good, so that Yakuzu will be more attentive to training. A proud person like Yakuzu would not allow himself to be inferior to Kimuraji everywhere, and this is exactly what Kan Fuda also wants to see.

"Okay, okay, hurry up! Start the second round now! Seeing

that the time was almost up, he immediately urged everyone to get up from the ground and start the second round of obstacle courses.

"Ah~~~ Still coming? Don't be old!

"It's going to die, it's going to die!"

Suddenly, everyone wailed, and they had just finished running a lap and had not yet slowed down.

"If you still want to take revenge on Lihaida in the national competition, stand up for me immediately."

At this time, Companion Tian Gan was also particularly strict, and he was such a person when he entered the training state.


Hearing this, Yakuzu immediately came to the starting point and stepped on the stake high off the ground.

Tachikai Da?!

Yakuzu will definitely not allow himself to lose to anyone on this team for the second time.

With Yakuzu taking the lead, the people of Yamabuki Middle School all stood up as soon as they gritted their teeth, and seeing this, Saeki of Rokkaku Middle School, Kuroba and the others were not to be outdone, and gritted their teeth and stood up.

Perhaps this is the role of the leader.

On the other side, Kimuraji followed Rokkaku's father down the quiet path.

Kimuraji raised his eyebrows, this seems to be the road up the mountain, right?

Not long after walking, the two came to a temple at the foot of a mountain, which was where Daddy stayed for his practice.

"Young man, do you want to see a higher landscape?"

The old man who knelt on the futon said softly.

"Higher view?!"

Kimuraji was shocked in his heart, so do you still need to say it?

If there is a higher realm, Kimuraji must definitely reach and cross that realm, and this is why Kimuraji constantly urges himself to become stronger.

He knows that even if he is now at the top of the national level, there is a world-class existence above the national level.

Another dimension!

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