The strength of the Unbreakable Iron Man and his Mirror Hitomi Kimura have already been experienced, and now it is time to end this match. This was Yamabuki's first conquest of the nation, and he needed a big victory to raise Yamabuki's morale to the top.


The tennis ball left his hand, and then a racket quickly hit the thrown tennis ball with the blessing of Kimuraji's arm muscles.


This ball infused Kimuraji's whole body, and coupled with Kimuraji's initial results in the sweet zone technique, the straight beam seemed to hang straight at the feet of the unbreakable iron man without any resistance from the air.


"It's so heavy!"

Feeling the continuous impact coming from his hand, the heart of the iron man was greatly shocked, a first-grade actually has such a strength?!

The iron man took half a step back and pushed his arm forward forcefully after unloading part of the force, but when he looked up, he found that Kimuraji had been waiting in front of the net for a long time.


The corners of Kimuraji's mouth raised, the racket in his hand quickly cut through the surface of the tennis ball, and a rapid golden beam exploded on the front court sideline of the unbroken iron man.

"Game, Kimuraji, 15:0."


Unbroken Iron's face instantly became ugly, and he had already understood the opponent's intentions. First use strong power to play a violent flat strike to destroy his center of gravity, and then use the fastest speed to get up to the net to prepare for a volley when he is not firmly on his footing and cannot quickly fight back, I have to say that this first-year control of the battle situation is quite in place, and he also has the strength to do this.

"But you can't just underestimate me!"

The unbroken iron man roared angrily, and the momentum on his body rose again. Having succeeded as a minister from the hands of the seniors of the Byodoin Temple, he would definitely not let his opponent step on their Makinoto's corpse so easily.


Facing Kimuraji's strong serve again, the unbroken iron man went straight up. Face to face, head-to-head.

This time he was well prepared, his feet firmly grasping the ground, and his hands slammed out hard.

An explosive roar sounded, and the violent air flow spread around the body of the unbreakable iron man.

"What a terrible power!"

"Are these two individuals monsters?"

"Is this really a showdown between middle school students? Compared to them, we are really a fake middle school student.

The audience was shocked, and the fierce confrontation between Kimuraji and the Unbroken Iron Man made them stunned.



"This game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 3:1."




"This game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 4:1."




"This game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 5:2."

"The two sides change the field!"

The last game was originally Kimuraji's match point, he thought he would win the last game, who would have thought that the iron man suddenly broke out, and used his tenacity to win another game for himself to breathe.

At halftime, Kimuraji, who returned to Kanya Banda and took the towel handed by Kanya Baida and simply wiped his sweat, sweating in such hot weather.

"How, the other party is a master, right?"

Kan Tian also asked with a smile.


Kimuraji nodded, he still recognized the strength of the unbroken iron man. The opponent's foundation is very strong, it can be said that he has the strongest foundation among the players he has encountered so far, even Sanada is not as good as him, and even according to Kimuraji's guess, even Tezuka and Yukimura are not opponents of the unbroken iron man at the basic level, after all, the unbroken iron man is a third grade, which has such a long training time than them.

In addition to the basic thought, the double mirror pupil of the unbroken iron man is also a very tricky ability, almost comparable to his perfect imitation. It's a pity that the other party trusts his eyes too much and loses his heart to explore the essence of tricks.

After the three-minute break, the two sides stepped onto the pitch again.

This game is still Kimuraji's match point, and if he doesn't break the iron man's awe-inspiring expression, he can't step wrong again, especially if this game is still the opponent's serve.

"It's over, Minister of Makinoto! It's time for us!

Kimuraji gulped, and the tennis ball in his hand slowly climbed.


Under the heavy blow, the sound shocked Shino, and although Kimuraji's skills were not bad, he still liked the feeling of pressing people with force.

"You little ghost really dare to say it!"

Rao is not broken, the iron man followed the Pingyuan Courtyard to see the wind and waves, and was also shocked by Kimuraji's courage, this first-grade little devil really dares to say anything.



The Unbreakable Iron Man, who put all his body and mind into the game, found that this little ghost on the opposite side, his strength and speed actually improved again in the final game of the game.

"What kind of monster is this!"

The heart of the unbroken iron man was full of shock.

"Senior, it's over!"

Kimuraji's gaze froze, and he quickly stepped forward.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

Incorporating Kimura's perception of Sweet Zone technique, his striking power has improved. A golden light was compelling, and the iron man seemed to see a hanging white-fronted insect dripping with fishy saliva and rushing towards him.


The Unbroken Iron Man quickly reacted, this is the technique that the senior of the Equal Academy told him to use spiritual power to the level of oppressing opponents.

However, it was too late.

A huge impact hit his racket and spread down his racket like tarsal maggots to his wrists and arms.


The racket in the hand of the unbroken iron man was instantly shaken off, and the tennis ball was heavily smashed into the backcourt with the tennis ball, causing a cloud of dust.

"The match ended and Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School won by the score 6:2."

"So far, Yamabuki Junior High School vs. Makinoto Gakuen won the first round of the Kanto Tournament against Makinoto Gakuen by Yamabuki Junior High School with a score of 5:0 and advanced to the second round."

"Let's congratulate the players of Yamabuki Middle School!"

After the dust settled, the staff at the scene also announced Yamabuki's victory, which also meant that Makinoto Gakuen, who won the national competition for two consecutive times, unfortunately fell in the first round of this national competition.

For this result, many people are actually very surprised, for them have long been accustomed to the strength of Makinoto. The promotion of the third year of the main forces such as Byodoin has greatly weakened the strength of Maki Zhito, not only Maki Zhi Vine, but also many strong schools last year.

A new era has arrived, the diamond generation led by Byodoin and Oni Jujiro has come to an end, and the next active in the middle of the country will be a new golden generation.

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