"This first grade has so much strength!"

Suzuki Taro, who rushed up in the face of Yakuzu's counterattack, frowned slightly when he felt the heavy force coming from his hand, and the other party did not look very burly, but he actually had such strength.

The sharp-eyed Taro Suzuki noticed Yakuzin's online movements, and although he admired the courage of this first-year student, this did not mean that he would show mercy to his subordinates.


Taro Suzuki's wrist turned, and a straight curve went straight to the foot of the foot that Yakuzu stepped on.

"Awesome! He actually aimed at the most difficult foot of Yakuzu, who was volleyed on the Internet, to fight back!


pure and super dynamic vision allowed him to clearly see the trajectory of this ball, and even he couldn't help but sigh in admiration, he really deserved to be a Lion Le player, and he responded so quickly on the spot.

"Huh! Not bad!

Yakuzu chuckled, not too flustered, stepped on his right foot and raised his arms flatly, and flew upside down into the sky with a light posture.

Only after the bouncing tennis ball flew to the right high point did Yakuzu swing his arm in the air and smash it heavily, and suddenly there was a dull hitting sound from the air.


"Game, Yakutsuhito, 15:0."


"What a joke!"

"What kind of posture is that guy?! Can you play in this pose?

"What a monster!"

There was a sudden discussion around them, and it was obvious that they were very surprised by Yakuzu's upside-down action just now.

"Huh! The guy Yakuzu is always able to hit back at his opponents in unexpected ways.

Minami Kentaro chuckled.

"Yes, this is his Yakuzu's style of play."

Kimuraji smiled slightly.

Taro Suzuki had obviously never met such a player, and he was a little stunned, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and returned to the left end line.


Another powerful serve, which was also given a complex spin while being powerful.

"There is progress!"

Yakuzu's gaze swept, and then the corners of his mouth rose contemptuously.

There has been progress, but that's about it.


Bowing forward, Yakuzu's left hand hung low on the ground to control the balance of his body, and his right hand jerked out with a racket, and a muffled thunder suddenly resounded throughout the audience.

Taro Suzuki did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and pulled away and rushed towards the landing point of the tennis ball.

Unexpectedly crosses the ball in a straight line, trying to take the ball before Yakuzu can react. But how sharp Yakuzu's reaction was, he already sensed his opponent's intentions when the afterglow from the corner of his eye swept into Suzuki Taro's line of sight.

"You are so naïve!"

Yakuzu sneered, the muscles of his legs on the ground on his toes squirmed wildly, and his figure rushed out like a cheetah like the wind between running.

"What a fast foot power!"

Tachibana raised his eyebrows, I don't know why this player from Yamabuki has been giving him a very strange feeling, making him feel very uncomfortable in his heart.


With a tooth for a tooth, the racket in Yakuzu's hand streaked in front of him at a very fast speed, bringing a clear pumping curve.


Without leaving the slightest chance for Suzuki to react, the goal went straight into the bottom corner of Suzuki's no-man's land and popped off the field.

"Game, Yakutsuhito, 30:0."


"It seems that you are only like this, then I won't play with you!"

Yakuzu chuckled, his eyes suddenly revealed a dangerous aura, and the momentum on his body began to condense continuously.

"This... This is! The breath of a lion in Kippei? Suzuki

Taro's pupils shrank, and the constant sense of oppression on his opponent made him think of his own junior at once.


the rest of Lion Music Middle School also turned their eyes to Jihei Tachibana, what was going on!

"So it is!"

Tachibana Yoshihira's eyes burned, he finally understood why he was inexplicably hostile to Yakuzu, this is the instinct of the beast!

The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers, the beasts are very sensitive to the induction of qi machines, and the breath on Yakuzu's body evokes the confrontation of the lion aura on Tachibana Yoshihira, so it will make Tachibana Yoshihira feel very uncomfortable.

"Senior Suzuki, he has no chance at this time!"

Although it was only two balls, when Yakuzin's body appeared with an aura that was indistinguishable from Tachibanayoshi, Chitose Chisato dared to assert the victory or defeat of this game. As the wisdom tank of Lions Music Middle School, his judgment has never been wrong.

"What a monster first-grade..."

sighed Matsumoto, the minister of the lion music, and he naturally saw this. The opponent originally had the advantage in strength and speed, and now he opened the state technique that seemed to be the same as Tachibana Yoshihei, if he guessed correctly, the opponent's strength with that aura would greatly increase his speed, so Suzuki was even less likely to be the opponent of the first year.

Sure enough, after Yakuzu became serious, Suzuki suddenly became extremely passive.

"Struggle as best you can, you useless fellow!"

Akuzu's words were extremely provocative, which made Suzuki, who was already anxious because of the suppression, even more irritable.

But he was helpless, he really didn't have any way to take this arrogant little devil in front of him.

"I finally know now why Yakuzu likes to fight so much, maybe it's all caused by his mouth."

Chiseki shook his head with a smile, since he gained the upper hand, Yakuzu's mouth has not stopped mocking his opponent, ordinary people have been so excited by Yakuzu, they have long been unable to stand it, and the players of Lion Music can endure until now can be regarded as strong-willed.

When Kimuraji thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case. His first unpleasant meeting with Yakuzu seems to have been caused by Yakuzu's broken mouth.


"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 1:0."




"The game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 2:0."




"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 3:0."


Although Suzuki of Lion Music is struggling very hard, how can he possibly withstand Yakuzu's super attacking style!

"This ball is over!"

In the face of Suzuki Taro's counterattack, Yakuzu once again stepped on the ground and flew backwards, stretching his arms and flapping his wings like wild geese.


Suzuki was shocked and retreated two steps further back, so that he could fight back against his opponent's smash.

"Hey, hey! You guy is really naïve enough! With

a wanton mockery at the corner of Yakuzu's mouth, he flipped in the air and accelerated his body to fall, and immediately after landing, the racket turned into a little cold and cut in front of him.

"Feint to put a ball?!"

Chitose Chisato was a little surprised at this moment, this guy who was as disorganized as a beast actually had such a delicate side?

"The match was over, and Yamabuki Junior High School Yakuzuhito won, and the score was 6:0."

Yakuzu carried the racket on his shoulder and enjoyed the cheers and admiration of the surroundings. Before he knew it, he seemed to have fallen in love with tennis.

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