"So strong!"

Minami Kentaro's heart sank, these two guys on the opposite side were completely different from the players they had met before. Although they have also encountered doubles masters before, these two individuals are undoubtedly the strongest in terms of personal strength.

No wonder Kimura thinks so highly of them!

Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang finally understood at this moment why Kimuraji would look at these two individuals differently, and there was no other strength but strength.


After throwing the ball away, Kentaro Minami cut the side of the racket over his head.

Side spin serve!

As Yamabuki's master of cutters, Minami's attainment on side-spin serves is naturally extraordinary.

"Very good serve!"

The corners of Chitose's mouth raised, and his tall body bent his knees and bent his lower back, and the racket lifted over the surface of the tennis ball.

The golden streamer streaked across the sky, and a high hanging ball at the top of the arc immediately attracted the attention of Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang.

"Good to go! Look at me! Masami

Dongfang's muscles were ready to strike, and when the tennis ball was about to leap overhead, he slammed on the ground and soared into the air. The tall stature combined with strong jumping power and explosive power allows Masami Dongfang to volley high balls in midfield that ordinary players cannot intercept.


The powerful smash ball fell vertically, and the whistling sound of breaking the air made many people deaf.

"Don't get hurt! Look at my runaway lion! Tachibana

laughed and rushed forward to meet the hanging killing ball, and such a dangerous move stimulated his adrenaline rush.


Masami Dongfang's killing ball was actually hit back by Tachibana Yoshihira.

The galloping tennis ball immediately transformed into several ball shadows the moment it flew over the net, and each tennis ball felt like it was real to Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental, which was very impactful.


This sudden bursting ball left Minami Kentaro and Masami Dongfang at a loss, and the ball shadow passing through the side of the two disappeared, leaving only a mustard yellow ball shadow slamming to the ground, making a loud noise.

"Game, Shiraku Middle School Tachibana Yoshihei, Chitose Chisato, 30:0."



"The ball... Doppelganger?

"Is this magic? It's unbelievable!

After a moment of silence, the audience immediately exploded, and it was clear that Tachibana Yoshihira's violent lion had just shocked them.

"What was that just now? Kimura! Chiseki

looked at Kimura with an inquiring gaze, and although he couldn't understand it, he believed that Kimura must know the essence of that ball.

"It was Tachibana Yoshihira's trick to storm the lion, a very powerful bursting ball, that is, the illusion ball. Probably using his super wrist strength to give the tennis ball an extremely complex rotation at the moment of hitting the ball, so that the ball will appear to have many shadows after it passes the net due to violent movement.

Kimuraji said lightly.

The Yamabuki crowd nodded, although they still didn't understand well, but this did not prevent them from being greatly shocked.



"This game was scored by Chitose Chitose of Lion Raku Middle School, and Yoshihira Tachibana scored the ratio 2:1."

"The two sides change the field!"

While several people were talking, Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei on the field had already taken advantage of the victory to chase and win the game.

"Kimura, do you say that Minami and Dong still have a chance to win?"

Qianshi couldn't help but ask after looking at the solemn looks of Nan and Dongfang who walked in front of several people.

"A chance to win? Unless something miraculous happens! Kimuraji

sighed slightly, the gap in personal strength made Minami Kentaro and Oriental Masami look dwarfed when they fought against Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei, not to mention Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei are from doubles, their tacit understanding and cooperation are not bad at all, Kyushu Shuangxiong is not as simple as being famous.

And the miracle he said, naturally, is not that kind of nonsense that God blessed. The miracle worth in Kimuraji's mouth is the supreme field of doubles - homology!

But Kimuraji does not think that today's Kentaro Minami and Masami Orient will have a chance to step into that realm, and this match has actually been won or lost.



"This game was scored by Chitose Chitose of Lion Raku Middle School, and Yoshihira Tachibana scored, and the score was 3:1."




"This game was scored by Chitose Chitose of Lion Raku Middle School, and Yoshihira Tachibana scored, and the score was 4:1."




"This game was scored by Chitose Chitose of Lion Raku Middle School, and Yoshihira Tachibana scored the score 5:1."

In the ensuing matches, although Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang were very tenacious, they were just struggling. In terms of personal strength, Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato are both well-deserved national levels. With the blessing of national personal strength, their doubles combination has long been the only existence of this national competition, and it is difficult for ordinary people to compete with them unless they come up with the same configuration combination.

"What an amazing little guy!"

Kan Fuda also sighed with some emotion in his heart, and even he had to marvel at the strength of Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato. This year's Kyushu region actually has such an excellent doubles combination, which makes Kan Fuda somewhat envious, after all, he was also from doubles back then.

"The game is over! By Shiraku Middle School Chitose Chisato, Tachibana Yoshihira wins, the score is 6:1. In

the end, Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang still failed to regain any of the games from Yoshihira Tachibana and Chitose Chisato, and the doubles match was easily pocketed by Yoshihira Tachibana and Chitose Chisato, which finally saved a trace of face for Lion Raku Middle School.

"I'm sorry, old man! We lost! "

South and East looked a little lonely after the game, and being beaten so easily by a pair of peers was a very big blow to their self-confidence.

"You don't have to be too frustrated, the opponent is indeed stronger than you in terms of personal strength. You didn't lose in doubles this time, go back and work hard, next time I hope you can catch up and beat them. Kan

Fuda did not blame Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang, he knew that what Minami and Toufu needed most at this time was affirmation and encouragement.


Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang, who perked up a little, bowed to Kanya Fuda again and left, they needed a while to calm down.

Qianshi, who returned from warm-up, looked at Nan and Dongfang who returned to the team with a lonely face, and it was a little unpleasant for Nan and Dongfang to comfort themselves before, but now they have been replaced.

"Let me find the field for you!"

Chiseki clenched the racket in his hand, and Chishi, who had always been cautious, ignited a good fighting spirit this time.

"The third round of this national competition is about to begin, Tokyo Metropolitan Government representing Yamabuki Junior High School against Kumamoto Prefecture representing Lion Raku Middle School Singles No. 2 match, Yamabuki Junior High School Chiseki Kiyoshi vs. Lion Raku Junior High School Nobi Nara, please both players play!"

Soon the sound of the start of the singles number two match sounded on the radio.

"Go Chiseki, go and win this battle for our Yamabuki!"

Kimuraji's voice also sounded in time.

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