At this time, the singles and two matches were being held in the youth academy, and their opponent was Maikozaka Junior High School from Kyoto.



Yamato Yuda made a strong volley, and the powerful backhand went straight to the bottom line of the diagonal, and won the score neatly when the opponent could not chase the ball.

"This game was scored by Seishun Gakuen Daiwa Yudai, and the ratio was 4:3."

"The two sides change the field!"

In the crowd, Inoue took a long breath. Finally... Yamato finally broke serve halfway through the match, setting the stage for victory.

As a big fan of Echizen Nanjiro, Mamoru Inoue has always had a different kind of affection for Seigaku. Since he started his career in professional tennis and followed the tournaments in the middle school tennis world, he has visited the youth school every year.

After Nanjiro's generation, the youth school was deteriorating, and the generation was not as good as the next. For Mamoru Inoue, what he hopes to see most is that Seigaku can one day rise again, so that he can live up to the name of Echizen Nanjiro.

And this year, he finally saw such hope.

Mamoru Inoue's gaze has been on the group of first-year children on the side of the school, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shusuke, and Sadaharu Kan, these three are all well-known players in elementary school tennis, and Kikumaru, Oishi and Kawamura, although they are not famous, but with the eyes of Mamoru Inoue, you can still see the potential they have.

With such a group of fresh blood, it is bound to rise, and this year's fact that they have made it all the way to the national competition proves this.

"It seems that Senior Inoue is very optimistic about Qingxue."

Kimuraji's voice sounded, making Inoue Mamoru slightly stunned.

Inoue Mamoru turned his head and saw that Kimuraji was actually standing behind him.

"If I'm remembering correctly, it's probably time for your Yamabuki Tournament too, right? Kimura!

Mamoru Inoue asked suspiciously.

Yamabuki's match started at the same time as Qingxue, could it be that Yamabuki had already solved their opponent? Mamoru Inoue knows that Yamabuki's opponent today is the national strong school Kyushu Overlord Lion Music Middle School, and it is said that they also have very powerful newcomers joining this year, and they have won the reputation of Kyushu Double Hero in the Kyushu area.

"The victory and defeat have been scored, and I don't need to play."

Kimuraji said confidently.

He firmly believes that his vision cannot be wrong, and he takes a step back and says that even if there is a mistake, others will come to him in advance.

"It's amazing!"

Mamoru Inoue nodded, a little shocked in his heart. He felt a sense of dominance from Kimuraji, which was absolute confidence in himself and Yamabuki. Thinking that Qingxue's opponent in the next game was Yamabuki, Inoue Mamoru couldn't help but worry about Qingxue.

Such a Yamabuki is undoubtedly very terrifying, and in Inoue Mamoru's opinion, Qingxue will most likely not be Yamabuki's opponent.



"This game was scored by Seishun Gakuen Daiwa Yudai, and the score was 5:3."

While Kimuraji and Mamoru Inoue were talking, Yamato Yuda on the court won his own serve with great speed. Perhaps because the break in the last game affected the mentality, Yamato's opponent obviously became a little impatient, and the impatience exposed more flaws, so Yamato Yudai won his own serve so quickly.

"It seems that Yamato senior, he is going to win for Qingxue!"

Kimuraji smiled slightly, his gaze swept over the scoreboard on the field, and Seigaku had actually won the match point 2:0. Immediately, Kimuraji's gaze swept over Seigaku's team, not only Kikumaru, and Dashi's face still had traces of the aftermath of the big battle, apparently the first two singles three and doubles two were won by the three of them for Seigaku.

"yes! This is also the best result in the history of Youth School!

Mamoru Inoue said with some emotion.

"It's a pity that they can only go so far!"

Kimuraji smiled, the next Qingxue will blow on their mountain.


Inoue Mamoru said suddenly, although he didn't want to admit it, but Seigaku really didn't have a high chance of winning if he fought Yamabuki.

"Yamato is barely qualified as a player, and he is still too inferior as a minister."

Seeing that Inoue Mamoru was speechless, Kimuraji smiled again.

In his opinion, Yamato Yudai's strength is acceptable, as a player he is qualified, but as a minister, he is obviously unqualified. Yamato's character is too old and good, as the ruler of a team, Yamato does not have a trace of majesty, such a person cannot suppress the discordant voice in the tennis club, so there is a guy like Takei.

In contrast, other schools, Jibu, Yukimura, Kimura, which one is not in their own tennis club, their will is the voice of the tennis club as a whole.


Although he wanted to refute, Inoue Mamoru found that he could not find a reason to refute Kimuraji.



"The game is over! Won by Seishun Gakuen Daiwa Yudai, the ratio was 6:3. "

In the third round of this national competition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government won 3:0 against Kyoto Maikozaka Junior High School on behalf of Seishun Gakuen and advanced to the semifinals."

Soon, Yamato Yudai won the competition, which also meant that Seigaku won this team competition and advanced to tomorrow's semifinals.

"It's a pity..."

Kimuraji's gaze swept over the bitter-looking Maikozaka Middle School contestants, who were also among the strong schools that fell this year. Last year's Maikozaka Middle School had two trump cards, Shuji Tachijima and Sodo Irie, and it can be said that it is second only to Myanoto Gakuen led by Byodoin in Kansai. It's a pity that this year, after all the main players of the third grade went to school, they also ushered in the same end as Makinoto.

Feng shui takes turns, and after successive national competitions in Kansai, this year it is finally the turn of the Kanto to dominate the national competition.

"Go first, Inoue-senpai."

Kimuraji said hello to Mamoru Inoue and left, and when he returned to Yamabuki's venue, the game was almost over. As he judged, the third-year doubles team of Lion Le Middle School, which can be said to have made no progress this year, suddenly fell into the downside when facing Hirota and Hirono.

"How is the situation over there at Qingxue?"

Chiseki asked casually after seeing Kimuraji return.

"Qingxue wins, they are our opponents in the next game."

Kimuraji stretched, it seemed that tomorrow he could finally loosen his muscles.

The only thing he is worried about now is that Seigaku may not be able to make it until he makes a single appearance, but Kimura would love to have a showdown with Tezuka in the official open.

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