"Finally waiting for the moment to fight you!"

Kimuraji does not hide his joy, for him Tezuka is undoubtedly the best opponent in the country at the moment, there is no one.

Even today's Yukimura is no stronger than Tezuka in Kimuraji's opinion.

"Hope to have a great game today!"

Tezuka's face was also a little more moved than usual, even if he was as calm as he was at this moment.

"Positive or negative?"

After a while, Kimuraji went straight to the point.

"The opposite!"

Tezuka said lightly.


The racket stood on the ground and rotated a few times before falling in response, and after seeing the letters of the racket's grip, Kimura's eyes became a little more exuberant.

Today even God is on his side.

"The match begins, a set tiebreaker, Yamabuki Middle School Kimuraji's serve."

The referee climbed into the high chair and the scene suddenly became quiet.

When the referee's voice sounded, the thunderous applause of the scene surged like a tide.

But anyone who chooses to watch the Yamabuki Middle School and Youth Academy match today has all the expectations for this heavyweight showdown.

Kimuraji gently pressed the mustard ball in his hand, and today he felt the excitement that he had lost for a long time.

"On! Tezuka!

As soon as the words fell, the tennis ball in Kimuraji's hand was already thrown away.

His gaze locked ahead, and Kimuraji's long-standing body moved.

His arm swung extremely quickly above his head under the pull of the muscles of his whole body, and there was a thunderous sound!

Quiet as a virgin, moving like thunder!

This is the Kimura family's martial arts secret method, and it is also the style of ball that belongs to him that he has established.

"So fast! So fierce! Such

a thought flashed through the minds of everyone present.

For them, although they knew that Kimuraji was very strong, they couldn't help but marvel at Kimuraji when they saw it.


Tezuka's footsteps were extremely fast, and there was no discoloration on his face in the face of Kimuraji's super-fast serve.

For him, it would be strange if Kimuraji did not have such strength.


With a muffled thunderclap, Tezuka's racket hit the ball directly, and the terrifying force penetrated the racket and hit the ground, and the dust wave swept around.

Even Tezuka's eyelids couldn't help but sink, and the heavy weight at hand almost crushed his arm.

If it weren't for the fact that his weekday exercise is also extremely harsh, I am afraid that the racket just now would have come out.

"That's awesome! It's really a guy that even Kimura values! So easily hit back Kimura's serve! Qianshi

did not have the same smile on his face, and the solemn atmosphere brought by the duel between these two great masters made even him no longer in the mood to joke.


Yakuzu's face was very ugly, and now these two guys on the field were the guys he dreamed of defeating.

Although it was only a short round of attack and defense, Yakuzu had already seen the gap between himself and Kimura and Tezuka.

This was undoubtedly as uncomfortable for Yakuzu as eating that thing.


After catching up with this ball, Kimuraji pumped hard, and the straight beam went straight to the bottom corner of the no-man's land on Tezuka's flank.

"What a beautiful diagonal draw!"

A corner kick at this distance at this angle is undoubtedly the best choice, and Tachibana in the stands nodded cautiously in admiration.

"No, you see."

Chitose pointed a finger.

The tennis ball, which had been galloping diagonally on the court, went off track and flew towards Tezuka as if it was being pulled by some force.

"What's that!"

There was an exclamation at the scene.

A stream of air rising from the ground around Tezuka formed a white cyclone visible to the naked eye.

The surging air blows, and the strong muscles under Tezuka's tumbling clothes outline perfect lines.

"Huh... Huh..."

Tankan was also smiling on the sidelines coach's seat, and suddenly he turned his head to look at Ryuzaki Jin and said, "Coach Ryuzaki, is this moment very similar to when we first fought as coaches?" Hearing

this, Long Qi Jin was slightly stunned, and a man's figure suddenly flashed in her mind.

Echizen Nanjiro!

Her first encounter with Kanya Fuda dates back to the Nanjiro period, when Seigaku first entered the Tokyo Tournament, but was severely educated by Yamabuki at the Tokyo Tournament, and lost all the matches except for the one that Minami Jiro had.

"You're not so lucky this time. Although this little guy is no worse than Nanjiro's guy, this time we Yamabuki have the same excellent fighter. Kanya

Fuda's voice sounded again, in fact, he purely wanted to show off this year's Yamabuki's luck in front of Ryuzaki Jin.

"This old fellow!"

Ryuzaki Jin skimmed his face with a look of displeasure, and no longer took care of Kanya Tanya.



On the field, the stormy sound of hitting the ball continued to sound from the bottom line on both sides.

"These two individuals!"

Tachibana Yoshihira's voice was cold, and the young lion king's eyes were full of shock at this time.

How long, how long have these two individuals been fighting like this!

At this moment, a circular closed-loop mark has appeared under the feet of both sides.

That's the trail left by the field.

Kimuraji reproduced Tezuka's domain, and the two of them competed in two halves.


Tezuka's gaze froze, and he took the initiative to withdraw the field and patted his head and lowered his head.

The sudden short ball smashed into Kimuraji's front court like an antelope hanging horns.

The tennis ball gently fell in front of the net, and then slowly rolled towards the net under everyone's shocked eyes.

Zero Short Ball!

"Game, Youth Gakuen Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

In the end, Tezuka's zero-style serve ended the lengthy first-ball showdown.

"It's amazing!"

Tachibana had to admit that Tezuka's hand was amazing.

Short balls that won't bounce!

Unfathomable imagination, unfathomable strength.

This is how Tachibana Yoshihei now has an impression of Tezuka.

One goal is scored, and Tezuka closes and stands.

"Kimura, is this the duel you want?"

Tezuka said lightly.

"I know, I'll show you my tennis ball next!"

Hearing a hint of disappointment from Tezuka's words, Kimuraji nodded solemnly.

He knew Tezuka wanted to compete with his own tennis, not a mirror.

And Kimuraji also knows that Huangse's imitation ability alone will not be able to defeat Tezuka, but will fall into the downside.

No one knows his own tennis better than Tezuka.

It was just a one-goal duel, and Kimuraji already felt a slight redness on his wrist.

Tezuka's tennis system relies on his personal strength, the most important of which is the spinning ball.

Tezuka's attainment on spinning balls is beyond even Kimura's, and rash imitation is undoubtedly more burdensome to Tezuka's.

Next, Kimura will use his own tennis to really fight Tezuka.

Ancient martial arts tennis!

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