"Thank you for your advice!"

Tezuka put away his racket and walked to the net, extending his hand towards Kimuraji.

This match was something Tezuka had been longing for for a long time, and although he lost the match in the end, he felt that he had benefited a lot.

"Try to get stronger, Tezuka, look forward to the next duel with you!"

A smile rose at the corner of Kimura's mouth and he put his right hand on Tezuka's.

He played this game very well.

"I will! I will definitely challenge you again next time!

Tezuka nodded solemnly.

For Tezuka, Kimuraji was already a landmark in his heart at the moment.

Since he was a child, Tezuka has aspired to step into the professional stage, and for this reason, he has always been very strict with himself.

Talent and hard work have allowed Tezuka to surpass almost 99% of the players in the middle of the country.

And among the opponents Tezuka had met before, only Sanada barely got into his eyes.

But now it's different, and Tezuka has a goal to catch up.

Defeat will not make him sink, but it will make Tezuka more courageous.

"Agreed, Coach Ryuzaki!"

Off the field, Kan Tian also looked at Ryuzaki Jin with a smile, he would not miss any opportunity to hit Ryuzaki Jin.


Long Qi Jin snorted coldly and didn't go overboard, she knew that she couldn't take the words of the old man at this time, otherwise she would be counted even more miserable.

"The semi-finals of this national competition will begin next, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will play against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government representative Yamabuki Middle School Doubles No. 2, and the group of Seishun Gakuen Kikumaru Eiji and Shuichiro Oishi will play against Yamabuki Middle School Hirota and Kono Group."

Soon, after the staff on the scene tidied up the court a little, the sound of the start of the doubles number two match sounded in the loud broadcast room.


Ryuzaki Jin was shocked in his heart, how could it be these two people, Hirota and Haoye!

In Ryuzaki Jin's expectations, Yamabuki Middle School's doubles number two should also be the combination of that one-on-one grade.

Her idea was that if Tezuka won Kimuraji, then Kikumaru and Oishi would try to fight Yamabuki's first-year doubles combination, and both of them would have no chance of winning on their own side, both of whom had never seen each other in the first year.

Once you can win two games in a row, the chances of Qingxue winning are much greater.

Who would have thought that Yamabuki would not play cards according to the routine.

"This old fox!"

The wrinkles on Long Qi Jin's forehead all came out, and she was put up by Tiangan.

This couldn't help but remind Ryuzaki Jin of more than 20 years ago, when she took Nanjiro's youth spirit and vowed to enter the Kanto Tournament and even the National Championship.

Unfortunately, at the Tokyo Tournament, they met Yamabuki Junior High School, which was already coached by Kanya Fuda, and in the end, everyone except Nanjiro won a singles victory.

In the end, the youth school regretted to stop the competition.

This time is so similar to that time, the difference is just as Kanya Fuda said before.

This time, although Seigaku also has a character like Nanjiro, Yamabuki also has the presence of Kimuraji.

"Huh... Huh..." As

if sensing Ryuzaki Jin's anger, Kan Tian also turned his head with a smile.

The forehead lines on his forehead were a little more serious because of the too wanton smile.


Long Qi Jin gritted her teeth in her heart, but she couldn't do anything with Tiangan.

"The match is over, Hirota of Yamabuki Middle School, and the Kono group wins, and the score is 6:0."

Although first-year Oishi and Kikumaru have talent, how can they be opponents of Yamabuki's third-grade ace doubles combination, and they quickly lose.

2-0, Yamabuki Middle School held the match point.

"Sorry... Everyone..."

Returning to the team, Oishi and Kikumaru looked a little down, and the 0-6 defeat left them faceless to face their teammates.

"It's okay Oishi, Eiji!"

Yamato Yuda smiled and patted Oishi and Kikumaru on the shoulders and held them under his arms.

"A momentary gain or loss is nothing, not to mention that the two of them have two more years than you, and losing to them is not an unacceptable thing. Senior, I believe you will become stronger next time!

Yamato Yu comforted the depressed duo in a loud voice.

For Yamato, he is already satisfied to be able to break into the national competition with this group of first-grade little guys this year.

As for the future, it belongs to this group of young people.


With everyone's comfort, Kikumaru and Dashi finally recovered their mood and regained their strength.

"Then I'm going to go up!"

Seeing that Kikumaru and Dashi were all right, he lifted his racket with a smile.

Qingxue's next singles match is him!

"The semifinals of this national competition are about to begin, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will play against the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on behalf of Yamabuki Middle School Singles No. 2, and the Youth Gakuen No. 2 will play against Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and both players will be invited to play!"

The loud horn sounded again, and the singles and second matches began.

"Sure enough! This old fox still refuses to put any water at all! "

This time Ryuzaki Jin is completely dead, and Tiangan is also aimed at her.

Kimuraji, Hirota Konogumi, Akuzu.

Kanya Tanja, this is the main combat power of Yamabuki, all in the first three games!

"No two!"

Tezuka stopped Noji, who was about to end.


Fuji tilted his head and looked at Tezuka with a smile.

"Be careful!"

Tezuka hesitated for a moment but spoke, Yakuzu's style of play was really dangerous, and he could feel that Yakuzu had become stronger.

"I know! Rest assured! Buji

was slightly stunned, but quickly nodded.

Watching Buji go away, Tezuka sighed slightly in his heart.

He knew that this year's national trip of Qingxue had come to an end.

"Please advise!"

Fuji stretched out his hand towards Yakuzu.


Yakuzu glanced at Fuji with his empty eyes, and then reached out and shook his hand.


Buji smiled slightly, he was actually ready to put a hot face against a cold ass.

"Positive or negative?"

Yakuzu urged.

I don't know why he felt disgusted when he saw the smile of the person in front of him.

He hates people who smile the most.

PS: Kimuraji likes to smile, and Kanya Byta.

"Face it."

Buji said with a smile.

Yakuzu put his racket on the ground and then gently swirled.



Looking at the letter of the racket grip, Yakuzu pouted disdainfully and turned away.

"The match begins, a set of decisive matches, the serve of the Youth Academy is not two weeks away!"

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