
After changing sides, Yakuzu's eyes were fierce, and his arm held the racket and smashed down fiercely, and a golden streamer shot out.

He stepped out and swung his racket against the bouncing tennis ball.

Laugh at!

Laugh at!

Laugh at!

The tennis ball rubbed against the racket line, and the impact spread along the racket like a tarsal maggot to the wrist.

"What a powerful power!"

Buji was shocked in his heart, and the terrifying power of that moment just now made his racket almost fly away.

"Watch me break you!"

Yakuzu's voice sounded, and his heart sank, and Yakuzu had unconsciously gone up in front of the net!

Yakuzu jumped high, his empty eyes scanned the stadium in front of him, and his arm fell violently!


The powerful killing ball fell from the sky, and the huge momentum like a meteorite descending was terrifying.

The killing ball hanging down at a 45-degree angle pointed straight at the bottom corner on the other side, and after landing, it suddenly bounced off and hit the barbed wire fence in the rear.


The tennis ball stuck hard into the crack of the barbed wire, and there was a loud noise.

"Game, Yakutsuhito, 15:0."


"Huh..." The

corners of Fuji's mouth raised, he thought that Yakuzu would hit this ball next to him, but he didn't expect that Yakuzu finally chose the diagonal attack.

It seems that Yakuzu already knows how to win.

After switching to the left tee line, Yakuzu threw the ball without hesitation, and his fair skin was reddish, which was caused by blood flow.


A strong wind swept through, and the tennis ball shuttled through most of the court like a bullet, smashing into the corner of the receiving area.

Buji was awe-inspiring, if the previous Yakuzu was still a little rough in technique, the current Yakuzu is no worse than ordinary players in terms of technique.

Obviously, Yakuzu is also constantly improving.

However, he is a genius!

The corners of Buji's mouth rose slightly, and the excitement he had lost for a long time made him enjoy it very much.

Although he has never been too obsessed with winning or losing, he has always enjoyed the thrill of stimulating his opponent to walk between surpassing and being surpassed.


The bottom line of the volley, this ball landed on the right side of Yakuzu near the border.

Such a wide span of the ball can maximize the opponent's movements.


Yakuzu's eyes glowed fiercely, and his body had already rushed out strongly the moment he just struck.

Yakuzu's feet are slender, and his steps are not only extremely fast, but also the distance between each step is large.

After relying on his own foot strength to catch up with this ball, Yakuzu gathered his body, and the racket in his hand gently cushioned.


"Game, Yakutsuhito, 30:0."

Under the gaze of Buji, the ball gently fell over the net and landed in front.

"Short ball?!"

Kansadaharu frowned, this is not in line with Yakuzu's consistent style!

He didn't expect that Yakuzu's beast-like ball style actually began to change, and it actually became more delicate.

That's not a good thing!

Although the beast without wisdom is very strong, there is always a way to deal with it. Once the beast has wisdom, the risk to be taken by the hunter will be multiplied.



"The game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 1:1."

Yakuzu also won his own serve, and in this game he fully experienced the changes in Yakuzu.

Today, Yakuzu has changed his style of play, no longer relying on his body to forcibly break through, but has begun to put all his thoughts on winning.


Fuji tosses the ball away, and then the racket cuts slightly diagonally over the head.

Side spin serve!


After crossing the net, the tennis ball quickly lowered its height, and the ball that rushed into Yakuzu's feet bounced up to a height less than Yakuzu's knee.

Yakuzu had already crouched down, pressing the ground with his left hand and stretching his right hand back.


Yakuzu's arm was slightly pronated and thrust forward, picking the ball up from the ground.

The corners of his eyes rose, and his ice-blue eyes stared straight ahead.

"Feiyan returns the nest!"

The reason why Fuji chose to play a side-spin serve is to wait for this moment.

A pale golden arc flew out from Fuji's hand, and the rapid whistling sound was a little sharp and piercing.

"It's the cut ball that won't bounce!"

Yakuzu reacted immediately, and the best way to fight back with such a cut is to knock him back before he landed!


Yakuzu's toes outlined the ground, and he hunched his back like a beast and rushed out strongly.

That amazing speed stunned the audience.

As soon as he rode in the dust, Yakuzu's foot strength allowed him to successfully reach the landing point before the tennis ball landed.


Yakuzu's racket poked into the bottom of the ball, and with a flick of his wrist, the ball flew through the net.


"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 15:0."


"The only flying swallow still nests... Cracked?! Sadaharu

pushed his glasses, which was terrible.

Feiyan, one of the three major defensive stunts, actually failed.

"This guy Yakuzu... I actually did the same thing as Kimuraji! Kikumaru

puffed out his cheeks in displeasure, really angry.

"Whew..." Buji

let out a soft breath and swung his serve again, suppressing the waves in his heart for the time being.

"Watch me break you!"

Yakuzu's eyes were fierce, his feet kept stepping on the ground, and the rhythmic footsteps made people feel a burst of shock.


The sound of Yakuzu's backhand draw was very loud, and the destructive power was no less than that of ordinary players.

Buji's wrist sank, and the strong impact generated by the tennis ball constantly rubbing the beat line made Fuji's footsteps involuntarily take half a step back.

"Yakuzu's strength and speed are constantly improving!!"

Kansadaharu took a deep breath, such data made him feel shocked.

The speed and strength of this guy Yakuzu are actually still improving, he is simply a monster!


The hearts of everyone in the young school tightened, and they all became worried about it.

"Go and die!"

Yakuzu jumped up from the ground with a sinister smile, and the sassy sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.


Yakuzu's arm swung down without hesitation, and the weight of his body and the strength of his arm made this killing shot look particularly terrifying.

Fuji immediately crouched down with his back and raised his arms flat.

"The brown bear is caught!"


The racket in the second hand flew away, hit the ground a few times and fell to the ground.

"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, 30:0."

Buji's right hand trembled slightly at this time, which was an overreaction after being subjected to heavy pressure.

The power contained in Yakuzu's killing ball was too terrifying!

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