"Phoenix! Did Dashi hear it! No, he said it was a phoenix, alas!

Kikumaru jumped up from the ground excitedly, hugged Daishi's body and said happily.

"Eiji... Don't get so excited.

Oishi reluctantly appeased Kikumaru, but he was also very happy about it.

It's hard for Oishi to imagine what kind of heroism the evolved Fuji will have.

"Boom! I didn't expect you to be able to struggle?!

Yakuzu stood tall, and his sudden outburst surprised him a little.

"Go on!"

Fuji chuckled and threw the tennis ball in his hand, then bent his knees and kicked his legs, jumped up with the force of the rebound, and buckled his arms heavily.


A golden drizzle scattered from the air, and the complex rotation on the ball made the ball bounce at a particularly tricky angle.


Yakuzu looked at the chestnut-haired boy in front of him slightly, the time when the phoenix fell back to the nest just now was much faster than the previous Feiyan returning to the nest.

To hit the ball back before it hits the point, you need not only super explosiveness but also extremely fast reflexes.

If you hesitate, you will lose the best chance to fight back.

Since that's the case, then defeat this guy head-on!

Yakuzu's heart was fierce, and the gray-white figure stepped forward.

Super Half Volley!


The trajectory of the inverted tennis ball in the air was almost straight, and Yakuzu's force caused the ball to push the air in its path to the sides.

Buji held a racket in his hand to greet him, and the moment the racket collided with the tennis ball, his body sank, and he almost lost his balance under his feet.

Fortunately, the soft body is extremely adaptable, and he quickly adjusted his center of gravity and threw the ball out like a shot ball.

"Watch me smash your face!"

Yakuzu's unruly voice sounded in Fuji's ears.

Although Yakuzu verbally said that he was going to smash Fuji's face, his goal of this ball was the bottom corner of the farthest end of the distance.


Yakuzu waved his arms wantonly in midair, his posture was a little strange but full of violent beauty.

Seeing this, he immediately pulled out and sprinted out, and he was not slow in speed with his dexterous figure.


The tennis ball constantly rubbed the beat line on Fuji's beat, and Yakuzu's strength made Fuji have to concentrate all his strength every time he hit back.

"Go and die!"

Yakuzu's gray-white figure jumped up from the ground, and the perfect muscles of his legs made Yakuzu's bouncing power far beyond ordinary people.

The mushroom's head rose, and Yakuzu's arm was wrapped in an unstoppable force and smashed down, and the powerful killing ball that came out was like a meteorite falling from the sky.

Buji took a deep breath, stepped out and squatted down on his back and bent his knees.

Holding the racket in both hands, he intercepted the terrifying killing ball from below.

"It's useless, just with your slender arms, how can you possibly resist Yakuzu's killing ball!"

Dongfang Masami smiled contemptuously, Yakuzu's killing ball was no joke.


Qian Shi and the others' faces froze, and a golden light soared into the sky from the two shots.

After sliding out of a huge parabolic trajectory in the air, it smashed heavily on the bottom line behind Yakuzu.

At this time, Yakuzu had just landed.

"Game, Youth Academy Noji Shusuke, 30:0."

"Qilin landed!"

Fuji got up from the ground and said lightly.

"What a gorgeous skill! Now Noji finally has some eye-catching skills.

Kimuraji said with some emotion.

Before this, the tennis ball had a gorgeous appearance, but it was not powerful enough.

But now it's different, and the evolved response has become both gorgeous and practical.

"This guy!"

Qianshi's face instantly became a little solemn, and he felt a thick pressure.

Qingxue's Fujishusuke actually improved again under the pressure of Yakuzu?!

"I must not lose to him!"

Qianshi secretly made up his mind, he must practice more after he goes back!



"This game was scored by the Youth Academy no two weeks, and the ratio was 2:5."

"The two sides change the field!"

He won the game very quickly, boosting morale and regaining a glimmer of victory for himself.

"Yakuzu, you know what? There is no creature more unpredictable than a weak person who has been cornered, and rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry, not to mention that your opponent is still known as a genius. Kan

Tana also looked at Yakuzu in front of him and said with a smile.

"Boom! What the hell are you trying to say, old man?!

Yakuzu asked with a look of displeasure.

What he hates the most is the appearance of Kanya Tanda, is there anything to say directly?

"What I want to say is that the lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, but don't underestimate any opponent standing in front of you."

"He can stand in front of you, which shows that he is qualified to be your opponent!"

Kan Tian also said with a smile.


Yakuzu pouted disdainfully, picked up the racket that was leaning on the side, and stepped onto the court again.


The wind blowing from the dome brings a hint of coolness.

Silently watching his racket, it was time for Yakuzu to see his other move.


Yakuzu's eyes glowed fiercely, and the unstable momentum on his body became more and more manic.

What lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, he doesn't care.


A ball infused with the strength of Yakuzu's whole body rolled and tore the air.


Out of the corner of his eye, he completely figured out the path of the ball, and he returned with a topspin draw before the tennis ball bounced up and was not fully ready.

"What are you happy about?!"

Yakuzu hated the way he looked now.

After strongly catching up with this ball, Yakuzu's arm swept out, and the frame swept out a bright glow in the sunlight.


just stood in the middle of the court, slicing out forcefully in the face of the flying tennis ball backhand.


A brilliant white glow soared into the air, galloping out like a white dragon.


Yakuzu raised his head, and the harsh sunlight completely obscured the shadow of the ball.

The dazzling whiteness made Yakuzu's heart sink.


The ball, which landed heavily on the baseline, changed direction and flew off the field from the right side.

"One of the three return balls, White Dragon!"

Fuji lowered his racket, and these were the three balls he returned after he was reborn.


Yakuzu suddenly burst out laughing, and the scene suddenly fell into dead silence, leaving only the sound of Yakuzu laughing.

"You guy, it's pretty bad!"

Yakuzu glared viciously.

Although Fuji's triple counterattack has evolved, this does not mean that Yakuzu has no reservations.

Who killed the deer is unknown!

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