Kimuraji and Yukimura stood face to face, and behind them were their respective team members.

An aura of slaughter suddenly permeated this parking lot.


As if there were sparks rising in the air, the atmosphere solidified to the freezing point.

Originally, there were a few passers-by around them, who had already run far away after feeling this uncomfortable tension.

But they did not go far, but quietly looked at the situation on this side.

It's a pity that the explosive picture they imagined did not happen, and in the end, Yukimura opened his mouth to break the silence of the scene.

"Hope to have a great game today!"

Yukimura said lightly.

"I'm sure it will, today's game will be wonderful."

Kimuraji nodded.

Then the two of them took their own steps, and the long yellow dragon and the dark green long dragon walked side by side on the way to the reporting office.

Everyone along the way was shocked by the amazing momentum of these two teams and gave way one after another.

"Hello! Yamabuki Middle School (Tachikai University High School) had all eight players here. Kimura

and Yukimura handed in their lists of matches at the same time, although they were handed over to two different staff members across a trail.

But this synchronization still made Kimura and Yukimura turn their heads and look at each other.

Subsequently, led by the staff, the two teams were brought to the venue of today's competition.



There was a noise above the heads of the spectators, and everyone looked up.

The dome that had been closed above their heads suddenly opened, and the August sunlight dispersed into the venue, and the originally somewhat gloomy and cold venue suddenly became hot.

"Let's invite the protagonist of the final of this national competition to appear!"

After the top of the venue was fully opened, the host's roaring voice sounded in the venue.


A white dust mist erupted from the two sides of the tunnel, and several figures stepped out in the white expanse.

The atmosphere of the national competition final is different, even the opening is so formal.

The two sides bowed in front of the net, and soon after each took their seats in the players' seats on the left and right sides of the court.

"The finals of this national competition are about to begin, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will play against Kanagawa Prefecture against Tachikai Daisuki High School Singles No. 3, and Yamabuki Junior High School Chiseki Kiyojung will play against Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Sanada Kenichiro!"

"Please play from both sides!"

Soon, the scene sounded the host's passionate shout again.


"Yamabuki! Win! Yamabuki! Win!

"Chang Sheng! Tachikai is big! Always win! Tachikai is big! The

enthusiasm of everyone at the scene was immediately ignited, and the shouts of the mountains echoed inside and outside the venue.

They came from all over the country, and there was only one reason why they were able to gather here.

That's the powerful dialogue at the pinnacle of the nation.

"Come on, Chiseki!"

"Come on!"

The crowd of Yamabuki cheers for Senseki, who is about to play.

Although they believe in Chishi's strength, their opponent is Sanada Kenichiro, who is known as the Great Emperor of Tachikai!

The horror of its strength is also obvious to them.

"Leave it to me!"

Chiseki took a deep breath and forced a smile out of everyone's face.

The shadow of the famous tree, and before the game had even begun, Chiseki had already felt the great oppression brought by the name Sanada Kenichiro.


Kimuraji looked at Chishi's distant back, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In fact, from the beginning of this fight, Kanya Fuda and he did not think of winning.

According to Kanya Fuda's estimates, Tachikai, who suffered a small loss in the Kanto Tournament, should slightly adjust the order of appearance.

The biggest possibility is that they will bet on the first three games as they did before.

Aim to finish the first three matches or before the singles arrive.

And their singles number three and single number two will most likely be their minister Seiichi Yukimura and deputy minister Kenichiro Sanada.

Therefore, after asking Sanada Kenichiro and Mori Shouzaburo who is stronger and weaker, Kan Fuda also made preparations to give up singles three.

The purpose is to maximize the line possible in Yamabuki.

"It could actually be Senseki?"

Yukimura and Yanagi were a little surprised, and Yamabuki's formation surprised them.

For some reason, a shadow appeared in Yukimura's heart.

On the field.

Chiseki and Sanada stand across the ball site.

"Positive or negative?"

After shaking hands, Sanada said in a deep voice.

He was a little disappointed that his opponent was Chiseki and not Kimura Sanada, and he thought that Yamabuki would continue his previous appearance arrangement.

This time, Sanada was destined to be unable to launch a revenge challenge against Kimuraji.


Chiseki looked at the flash of disappointment in Sanada's eyes, and the fire of nameless karma rose sharply in his heart.

What does that mean?

Look down on yourself?


Chiseki and Sanada all focused their eyes on the end of the racket on the ground.

“LUCK! Super lucky! Chiseki

whistled, and the pressure in his heart was relieved by the fight for the ball.


Sanada snorted coldly, he couldn't see this frivolous appearance of others the most.

If he was in Lihai, such a game attitude would have been scolded by him a long time ago.

"What for? Be all abroad? Chiseki

was startled by Sanada's suddenly pulled down stinky face, and couldn't help but complain twice on the way back to the bottom line.

"The match begins, a set of tiebreakers, Yamabuki Middle School Chiseki pure serve!"




Chiseki gently patted the tennis ball in his hand, constantly calculating in his heart.

Sanada, on the other hand, crouched in the back, staring at Chiseki tightly.

The lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, not to mention that Chiseki is also the number three person in Yamabuki Middle School, and Sanada does not want to appear in any basket because of his own carelessness.


Chiseki grabbed the tennis ball and threw it upwards, then bent his knees and racketed.


The essence of boxing tennis is to play the strongest serve with the least force, and the special thing is to break the face with a point.

"Too slow!"

"Look at my move, fast as the wind!"

Sanada's figure suddenly broke into Chishi's sight, and the cold snort full of domineering intent made Chishi's heart sink.


A crisp sound suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.


A drop of cold sweat flowed from Chishi's forehead, he actually didn't see Sanada's action and the tennis ball that hit back?


Right at Chiseki's feet, the sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground sounded.

The wind and waves that brought up made Qianshi's sweaty hair stand up.

Chiseki has always been very confident in his dynamic vision, but when he really faced Sanada, he found that he couldn't keep up with his opponent's movements?

How is this possible!

"Poof... Sanada, he is still the same.

Renwang chuckled.

There is no word temptation in Sanada's dictionary, and Emperor Sanada made his own trick as soon as he came up.

It's as fast as the wind!

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