The referee reminded.

"Excuse me!"

Swish! Yasushi Tanigawa threw the tennis ball up, the ball volleyed, knees jumped, and the racket slid across his shoulders and pressed down straight ahead.

Bang! The dull crashing sound resounded through the arena, and the audience couldn't help but look sideways.

Looking at Yasushi Tanigawa's skinny appearance, he can actually play such a powerful serve "Senior Yasushi Tanigawa! Be careful!"

Watanabe roared, looking at the tennis ball slamming down in front of him, the surface of the racket glowed faintly, and the air quickly condensed towards the center point.

0.........Third base! No hesitation, no extra action.

The dull air pressure permeated the entire court, the racket hit the tennis ball, and the ball was shriveled and covered by fluorescent light.

At this moment, the racket seems to become a baseball bat, and the ball is rolled into a shape.

Boom! A terrifying roar sounded, and third base exploded, rushing across half court with extreme impact.

"How... how can it be."

Yasushi Tanigawa's eyes widened, and the tennis ball in front of him continued to enlarge, covering the entire court in no time.

The air waves collided, and every muscle in the body tingled.

The unavoidable Yasushi Tanigawa could only hold the racket in front of him, trying to make the last bit of resistance.

Boom! The dust and fog filled the air, and the field of vision was rented out. Yasuo Tanigawa breathed stagnantly, his eyes were white, and he felt that the ball was loaded like a train.

The terrifying power instantly ravaged the whole body, and he couldn't hold the racket with his ten fingers clasped together, and the whole person flew out and collided outside the bounds.

Boom! Tennis took Yasushi Tanigawa out of bounds and hit the fence.

In an instant, Yasushi Tanigawa fell into the wall and lost consciousness.

People looked at the arena with deep shock.

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Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 126: Iryue Soto!Come up! (6 more)

Chapter 16 : Irribee! Come up! 6 more booms! Yasushi Tanigawa passed out on the fence, the racket in his hand broke and fell to the ground.

Countless debris sputtered out, and dust and mist filled the arena.

But when the dust cleared, the audience took a deep breath, and their faces showed shock.

The originally intact wall had burst, and there were large cracks at the impact point of the arena.


The audience gulped when they saw this.

A ball smashes the court and smashes the wall. Is this still the tennis you know?

"Really...really over the look at that guy, he's lost consciousness."

"Referee! Call the medical team, it's bleeding! It's bleeding!!"

People were alerted, "[*]"

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Tanigawa Kang's body deeply inlaid like a wall, blood gushing out from all parts of the body, and there were faint bloodshots flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Before the medical team could feel it, his body slipped and fell to the ground again.

The ultimate power of third base completely destroyed Yasushi Tanigawa.

Yasushi Tanigawa didn't have Oda's willpower, and this shot not only broke his body, but also dissipated his willpower.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone.

Watanabe walked off the arena, and there was an uproar in the arena.

Especially those who have watched the previous game, the fear of looking at Watanabe has become more intense.

On the field, after the referee summoned the medical team, he carried Yasushi Tanigawa out of the field.

The relevant staff are also repairing the ground as soon as possible.

"I lost..."

Sanji Yuan's face paled.

The singles 2-[*] match had just begun, and Yasushi Tanigawa was instantly bombed to end the match.

Third base not only shattered Yasushi Tanigawa's ability to play, but also shattered Yamabuki's championship.

With a total score of 3, Yamabuki has lost the game, and in the worst way possible.

"Follow the mission!"

Watanabe said innocently.

Beep beep! The arena is repaired, and the finals of the tournament will begin. Ice Emperor will face Yamabuki, and the singles match will begin! Please prepare for both players!

Rin Bing spoke indifferently, stood up from the seat, the coat on his shoulders fluttered in the wind.

The moment he set off, the temperature of the audience dropped sharply, the noise quickly quieted down, and everyone looked at Lin Bing and felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Huh! Grab the racket, put a coat over his shoulders, and walk towards the field step by step.

The indifferent look, the emperor's steps, the footsteps are like a big bell, ringing in everyone's heart.

"Sato Irie!...Come up!.

Lin Bing locked his gaze in the direction of Shanbuki, the cool tone of a curly-haired boy, and the heavy aura, all the audience were shocked.

Even though they knew that Rin Bing was not looking at him, the next second when Yamabuki and others saw Rin Bing's eyes, they lowered their heads and couldn't help but feel surrendered.

"Atobe Rin ice..."

Irie took a deep breath, squeezed his fists, and dispelled the momentum that was pressing on his heart.

From those icy blue eyes, he felt a huge pressure.

No reason, grab the racket and walk to the court step by step.

He walks very slowly, Mei gets closer to the arena, and the pressure will increase by [*]%.

When he walked to the center of the arena, the dust and mist on the ground floated up, and Irie couldn't even breathe.

"Student Lin Bing's momentum is really strong, I don't dare to continue the competition."

Irie pretended to be afraid and looked at Rin Bing cautiously.

.................Please subscribe ................."Ijiang Zuoduo, put away your clumsy acting."

Lin Bing knew that the opponent needed stimulation to play seriously.

And the exciting point is... to criticize the acting.

"What did you say! You said my acting was poor!"

Irie's face sank, and his previous smile was gone.

"Really bad."

Bang! As soon as the voice fell, the invisible momentum broke out again, sweeping the entire arena.

At this moment, the surrounding air flow was affected and changed, and the surrounding trees were shaking violently.

Irie, who was still angry at first, quickly turned pale.

"This momentum... He kept taking a deep breath of cold air to prevent his mentality from collapsing... 0's originally brewed emotions were also crushed by Rin Bing and quickly pumped.

Before the game started, there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead.

"Play seriously, I'm not interested in these poor acting skills."

Lin Bing turned and walked towards the bottom line, the momentum that was crushing around Xu Su disappeared, and the atmosphere of the entire arena returned to its original state.


The stone pressing on their hearts disappeared, and the audience couldn't help swallowing, looking at Lin Bing full of fear.

Some were even trembling.

The aura of Lin Bing's explosion just now was so terrifying, even if they were in the audience, they could feel the suffocating pressure.

Beep beep! Begin! Naruto Irie is the first to serve!.

The referee hurriedly blew the whistle to start the game.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Irie squeezed the tennis ball and slapped it on the ground.

The orderly beating sound resounded through the arena again and again, and the state gradually adjusted back to normal.

Swish! The tennis ball is thrown high, jumping sideways, swinging the racket and hitting it down.

A set of serve actions is very standard, and the tennis ball is quickly knocked into the air.

"You haven't played seriously yet."

Bang! The tennis ball bounced off the ground, Lin Bing glanced at it, and threw the ball back.

From the strength of the ball, I could tell that Irie didn't play seriously.

Just a random swing, ball 1.

6 body slumped, burst shot and flew out.

"Amazing arm strength!"

Irie glanced at Rin Bing with a look of astonishment, but quickly rushed towards the tennis ball.

Swing the racquet arm to hit the ball to the other side.

Swish! The arena glowed with golden fluorescence, and a faint whirlpool floated around.

Irie looked up suddenly, and saw Lin Bing making a swing, and the tennis ball flew towards the position.

"This is... the realm"

A single ball formed the domain. Irijiang's pupils shrank, and looking at the mirror in front of him, he quickly judged that it was the domain.

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