Echizen Ryuya's face darkened slightly, just after finishing a light shot, Wang Hao came to a shocking 'Kingdom of Ice' in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Lin Bing was in front of him, like a bottomless pit, completely unpredictable.

In the next game, Ralph kept trying to break the seal of the Ice Kingdom, but couldn't do anything.

Whenever a new game starts, Lin Bing will completely freeze him with the Kingdom of Ice, and he can only stay in place throughout the whole process.

!Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 3.

......! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 4.

....! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 5.

....End of the game!.................................Top ...... ............................son.

Chapter 209: Defeat Ralph Reinhardt (2 more)

Chapter 209: In the fierce confrontation, the score quickly opened, but only Lin Bing scored from the beginning to the end.

The appearance of the Ice Kingdom destroyed all Ralph's hope of fighting back.


With cold sweat on his forehead, Ralph clutched his chest and gasped.

After the continuous freezing, the physical strength and mental energy were greatly consumed, and there were bursts of tingling pain in the muscles.

He raised his head and looked towards Chai.

I saw Lin Bing's expression was calm, no sweat was flowing, and the majesty was blowing in front of his coat, and he felt a lot of pressure as he looked like a king over the world.

The appearance of the Ice Kingdom made his American fortress and fixed-point strike a display.

The body is frozen and nothing can be done.

Although he fought hard, he was always suppressed by Lin Bing, which made him angry and at the same time felt five generations.

"I didn't expect this game...I would lose so badly. The kingdom of ice, Asia known as the tennis desert, can actually have a strong player like you."

Ralph had a wry smile on his face.

With his willpower and determination, he did not intend to give up the game, and the American fortress reappeared behind him.

"Then let me have a good game with you."

When the voice fell, Lin Bing swung his hand to withdraw the kingdom of ice, and the castle turned into ice flowers and withered.

"Can you play with me... It can indeed be described as having a play."

Ralph laughed bitterly, and threw the tennis ball with his hands.

The ball falls, and the racket moves quickly.

Boom! The deafening sound of the blow rang out, and the tennis ball ripped through the court again with great force and rushed out.

Fixed-point strike power! Boom! The tennis ball slammed to the ground, the vibration spread, and it bounced straight in a loud noise.

Lin Bing's eyes were cold, she raised the racket in her hand, and swung it down.

Boom! The two forces collided, and the striking point extended a strong wave, and the force raged.

The cyclone exploded layer by layer, and the dust mist repelled all around.

The impact of the tennis gradually weakened, and Lin Bing turned the racket sideways and slid downward.

Swish! The screeching sound of sharp ears echoed, and the tennis ball went over the net with a strange spin and fell to the ground.

The strong rotation caused the dust mist to surround itself, and Ralph dared not underestimate it.

"Great spin, but...much better than light hits."

Tatata! The sound of dense footsteps rang out, and Ralph quickly rushed to the landing spot, slapping and beating.

However, the ball fell rapidly in the process of flying upside down, as if under the influence of some kind of pulling force, so that the ball could not pass the net.

"Guardian of the Hundred Armed Giant."

Shinobu Yuki murmured.

Bang!! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 15.

"Millions... Longya, the guardian of the hundred-armed man, recited unconsciously.

"Speaking of which, it's true and casual for the minister to name the game, with different styles."

"But after all, it's still the world of ice, the kingdom of Atobu, and the kingdom of ice. The others sound...a bit out of place."

"It's alright, the Emperor's Domain is also very good, and it fits the Minister's temperament very well."

The Mutsu brothers said one by one.

The next game seems to have lost its suspense, even if there is no light hitting, no ice kingdom, Ralph's score is under the control of Lin Bing.

Ralph fought back against the 'Guardian of the Hundred-Armed Giants' by using the method of fighting back against the realm of the emperor, but he was countered by Lin Bing with extreme power in a fraction of a second.

................................. Ask for a subscription ................................ ...Boom!! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 30.

....Bang!! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 40.

....Bang!! Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 6.

Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for defeating Ralph Reinhardt, the game rating: grade, reward: the number of draws once The whole game ended, the ice emperor players on the sidelines applauded first, but did not cheer.

Ralph deserves their respect, and it's not an official game, so there's no need to make a fuss.

In the hearts of the Ice Emperor, Lin Bing is absolutely impossible to lose.

The only difference is... the other side loses fast, or loses slowly.

"Your strength is good."

A cold voice awakened Ralph, who had fallen into a sluggish state.

Looking up at the stern boy standing at the net, Ralph had a wry smile on his face.

It was the first time that he had lost so badly, and even the match against Long Ya had never put him in such a predicament.

"You are very strong... strong and terrible, no wonder our captain is interested in you."

Ralph stood up and held out his hand.

"Interested, Longya?"

The two walked off the field one after another.

Rin Bing put the racket back in the bag, then turned to leave.

The Ice Emperor and the others looked at each other and could only follow, after all, it was not too early.

"Classmate Lin Bing!"

A playful voice came from behind, everyone stopped and turned to look, only to see Long Ya and the others following.

"Is there anything else?"

Lin Bing said indifferently.

Long Ya didn't care either, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "In one day, we will have a friendly match between Japan and the United States with the team arranged by the organizing committee. I wonder if you will play."

"Not notified, don't know."

Rin Bing opened her mouth with a look of indifference.

"If you can play, I'll wait for you in the singles... If you can't play, give me an address and I'll find you after the friendly."

The smile on Long Ya's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a serious look.

He really wanted to fight against Lin Bing. He was the first person to hang himself since he was a child, and he had never met a peer as strong as Lin Bing.

"Ice Emperor Academy... Lin Bing didn't say anything, turned around and left with the team members.

"Ice Emperor?"

Team USA and the others looked at the direction of Lin Bing's departure and fell into contemplation.

At the same time, in a tennis training base far away in the suburbs, a wretched man with drunken lees and several young people watched the big screen.

Shown above are the friendly matches arranged by the International Organizing Committee for each country this year.

Which are assigned to a group of official Japan and the United States.

"Team USA, this is trouble."

................................. Ask for a subscription ................. ........... Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 210: The open and secret fight in the friendly match (3 more)

Chapter 20: "Head coach, it's just a friendly match, why should we pay so much attention"

A young man with an indifferent expression asked.

"Saito, it is said to be a friendly match, but it is all to test the strength of each division to determine the division grouping of this year's World Cup."

"If we don't perform well, there's a good chance we'll be assigned to the senior division as a stepping stone, and then... we'll miss the 17 World Cup 32 winners."

The long-haired youth beside him sighed and turned his head to look at another screen, all of which were high school students in training.

"The friendly match is divided into two, one is the high school group and the other is the junior high school group. We all know the strength of the high school group, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the US team. Improve the evaluation of the International Tennis Association.”

A muscular young man said seriously.

Afterwards, all three of them set their sights on the middle-aged man with lees.

I saw the other party take a deep breath, and said in a cold tone: "According to my information, all the members of the US team for the friendly match have already arrived, and... they are all first-year students."


The three young men were stunned for a moment, then a trace of anger flashed between their eyebrows.

"The other party underestimates us too."

The strong young man gritted his teeth and said.

"It's not to be underestimated. This group of little guys are the future of the US team. It is said that... the leader is the eldest son of that boy Nanjiro."

"Unbeaten in the U.S. so far, it's the top few days in the club."

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