Mitsugu frowned and looked ahead.

He understands Yuezhi Yueguang, the opponent will not choose to release water because of the opponent's poor strength.

Bang! The holding arm turns into an afterimage and disappears.

The tennis ball suddenly stagnated in the void, and then burst out.

In an instant, it disappeared within the time limit of everyone, and the sphere glowed with the speed of golden light, and the speed exploded to the extreme.

"This ball..."

Tanegashima's eyes widened, and before he could speak, two other voices came.

.................Subscribe .................................Boom!Boom! Tennis hits backcourt wall, bounces back to Mitsuguya Jiudou's feet.

Mitsugu Yajiudou's mouth widened and he couldn't say a word.

When everyone reacted, the tennis ball rolled out of bounds with a faint black smoke.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 15.

After the score was announced, Lin Bing's mouth twitched slightly and gave an order to the system.

Ding Dong! Yuezhi Moonlight, physical strength level 5, soul strength level 4, ball skills: sonic serve, Mach serve, mental suppression! "Evolved to level 5 body and... Mach serve has been developed."

Mach's serve not only speeds up the ball, but also makes the arm swing: faster and less impressive.

"New serve, 24.

Well done."

A cold voice came from Lin Bing's mouth, and the audience fell into a sluggishness.

2 What is this concept? Throughout the entire history of Japanese tennis, no one has played such an amazing speed in the country.

Yuezhi Yueguang's new serve broke the national speed limit in one fell swoop.

"A new serving technique?"

Tanegashima smiled wryly.

At the moment when Yuezhi Yueguang hit the ball, not only was it difficult for him to see his swing, but the shadow of the ball that he could still see in the past has completely disappeared.

With his discernment he can't see it, let alone anyone else.

"Is Moonlight just evolving or..."

Watanabe took a deep breath.

With his current strength, he will definitely not be able to return Mach's serve.

I can't even see it, so what are you talking about!  …"Mach serves, this is my new game, speed..."

Yuezhi Yueguang said calmly, then turned and walked to the teeing area on the other side.

On the field, Mitsugu's face sank to the bottom.

Originally, according to the data, he knew where Moonlight would most likely serve the ball, and was ready to rush forward and swing his racket to intercept it.

The appearance of Mach's serve completely broke the previous data. His hitting habits, hitting speed, and flying speed completely muddled his data.

And the surrounding atmosphere also began to spread a thick obscure atmosphere.

"It's really not holding back, Moonlight."

Mitsutani Yakuto took a deep breath, and stared at the moonlight with both hands.

If Mach's serve can't be parsed as quickly as possible, he won't have any almost in this game.

But it took him a week to analyze the sonic serve, and now facing a faster Mach serve, how could it be possible to analyze quickly.

"Serving degree means that in the middle of the country, Moonlight can guarantee the score of the serving game in the hands of most people."

Irie said with a frown.

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Chapter 215: The birth of Mach's serve (8 more)

Chapter 25: Guaranteed service points, which means that with or without... starting rights, they have an absolute advantage.

As long as the opponent makes a big mistake in one game, Yuezhi Yueguang's winning rate is as high as 80%.

The speed of Mach's serve is very scary for middle school students.

As long as this move is used in the serve game, it is almost impossible for the opponent to score.

"Originally, Mitsugu's odds of winning were not high, but now the sonic serve has become a Mach serve, and the odds of winning are even lower."

Irie shook his head and said.

Excluding the situation of the tiebreaker, the person who scored 6 points wins first.

The existence of Mach's serve means that Mitsuya must ensure the victory of his serve, so that he has a few chances to win the game.

On the arena, Mitsuya Yakuto took a defensive stance again.

However, Yuezhi Yueguang obviously wants to end the game as soon as possible, and does not want to give the opponent time to collect and analyze data.

Swish! The tennis ball flew up from the fingertips, the racket turned into an afterimage and flashed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The three banging sounds were almost continuous. When everyone turned around, they saw that the tennis ball was rolling out of bounds, and the ball was too fast to be seen.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 30.

Mach serves to score again.

" fast, how could someone be able to hit back at this speed."

"Mach serve, what a joke, the speed of sonic service can't hit back, and now it's a Mach serve, what a joke!"

"Alas, the Ice Emperor's strength is getting stronger and stronger, Caiguo Yi... hit a ball speed of 245, and later..."

Everyone watched the game nervously.

I want to see if Mach's serve can be played continuously.

It turns out that what they thought was correct.

Boom! Boom! Boom!! Yuezhi Moonlight scored a score of 40.

.....Bang! Boom! Boom!! Yuezhi Moonlight scores, the score is 1.

Four consecutive 44 ultra-high-speed serve, the speed remains unchanged, completely breaking the line of sight speed of everyone present, and even Mitsuya Yakuto has no power to fight back.

Seeing that it only took half a minute from the beginning to the end, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

"This kind of high-speed ball...I can't see through it at all. I can't even see the serve posture. How can I collect data."

Mitsugu Yajiudou's forehead is in a cold sweat.

All of his strength relies on data collection, and with the data in hand, he can make a 55 with anyone.

Just when he thought that he had integrated all the data of Sonic's serve, and was ready to play a close match with Yueguan, he found the existence of Mach's serve.

"You can only try to win your own serve..."

Mitsugu Yajiu gritted his teeth, and his heart became: dignified.

Aside from Mach's serve, Yuezhi Yueguang is very strong, and it is difficult to win Fei Haicang in the opponent's hands.

In the second game, Mitsuya Yajuto serves.


Mitsugu Yakuto took a deep breath and his eyes were sharp.

Knowing that my situation is not good, I must live my own serve, this game has just begun, how can I give up.

Swish! The tennis ball rises in the air, and the racket moves quickly.

The tennis ball ran through the court, turned into a golden streamer, and hit the ground.

Yuezhi Yueguang glanced at her tightly, then moved her footsteps to fight back, her face expressionless and very calm.

"According to your character... If you face a big angle, you will not choose to fight back. The probability of my score is [*]%...!"

Mitsuya Yajiu's mind quickly turned.

............Please read....... Yuezhi Yueguang calmly catches up with the tennis ball, swings the racket, and hits the tennis ball out.

"Fortunately, the counterattack has not evolved."

Mitsuya Yakuto sighed softly.

Although the sonic serve has evolved into a Mach serve, the moonlight's ability to counterattack has not increased much, it is still the same as usual.

If this is the case, then in his own serve, the probability of scoring is still very high.

"Mitsugu, Moonlight's physical strength has evolved to level 5. Although I don't know what attribute it is, you will be finished if you take it lightly."

Lin Bing looked at Mitsugu's appearance, and a thought flashed through her mind.

Bang! Mitsuya Yakuto threw his hand and hit back, hitting him at another position at a high angle.

Knowing that Yuezhi Yueguang's basic strength has not changed from before, he simply relaxed his vigilance and hit the ball from a wide angle to score.

Bang! Sure enough, just as he thought, the tennis ball landed in the near corner of the front court.

The speed of the ball is not fast, Yuezhi Yueguang has every opportunity to rush to intercept, but in order to save his stamina, he did not choose to move his footsteps.

The diameter of the tennis ball flies out of bounds.

!Akuto Mitsuya scored with a score of 15.

"Moonlight still can't change his habit, and gave up chasing the ball again."

Yuuma Mutsu, who had just finished the game, came over, looked at the arena and said with a smile.

During the game, the two of you came and went, Yuezhi Yueguang did not show much desire to fight back in Mitsugu's serve.

It's not easy for Mitsuya Yajiudou to get this point, but it's not too difficult either.

Bang!! Mitsuya Yakuto scores, the score is 30.

............Bang!! Mitsuya Akuto scores 40.

....Bang!! Yuezhi Moonlight scored a score of 30.

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