"This pose...returning the minister's shot is unbelievable."

Mitsugu said in shock.

Huh! Lin Bing was expressionless, stepped forward, rushed to the ball in a blink of an eye, and then swung the racket.

The arm holding the racket waved quickly, and the speed of light ran through the arena.

Echizen Ryuya was slightly startled and raised her head, only to see the tennis ball rushing towards her with a strange light.

Boom! The tennis ball hit the ground and flew towards the bottom line.

Spiral laser beam! "New ball skills, very fast swipe speed and strong spin!"

Moonlight eyes narrowed.

Echizen Ryuya turned around and ran towards the backcourt quickly, her body glowing, and her five-dimensional body rose rapidly.

The realm of no-self is opened! The speed of the footsteps is accelerated, and an astonishing afterimage is pulled out from behind, and the ball is caught in the moment it flies out of bounds.


With a cold snort, he swung the racket vigorously.

A thunderous roar resounded, and the tennis ball shot out, like an arrow from the string, tearing through the air and penetrating the arena.

However, before the tennis ball could land, it was intercepted by a silver-white racket.

Boom! Lin Bing used the advantage of her own strength to forcibly intercept this Xeon ball.

"Too...too strong, and the first shot forced out the captain's samurai volley and selfless realm one after another!"

Duduou's eyes were shocked.

"Not bad response...then! Try it and see if you can get it!"

The one that the cold words wore... Under the attention of everyone, Lin Bing's arm turned into an afterimage and fluttered, and the tennis ball disappeared in the half court in an instant.

Its speed is like a storm! Boom! Tennis runs through the field like a ray of light, hitting the outside world.

!Atobe Rin ice scores, the score is 30.

"It's...it's as fast as the wind is wrong, I feel like I've improved a lot in my skills!"

"It's as fast as the wind and it has improved Senior Rinbing."

Sanada Genichiro's pupils shrank sharply, looking at the arena in disbelief.

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Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 236: The real game has just begun (5 more)

Chapter 236: The real match has just begun. 5 more "Longya, your strength is not only like this, show it to your heart's content."

Lin Bing spoke calmly, turned to the bottom line, and the cold voice continued: "I have high expectations for you...don't let me down."

This remark made the entire audience stunned.

The confrontation just now... It's too exaggerated to not show all your strength! "Ah, your insight is really amazing."

"Since that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Echizen Ryuya smiled playfully.

The voice fell, the milky white mist floating on the body became more intense, and the breath of the selfless realm continued to rise.

The original hilarious expression slowly faded away, replaced by serious and sharp.

Feel the "[*]" on the field

With the change, the expressions of the Japanese team members changed slightly, staring at Echizen Ryuya in disbelief.

"He... he was useless just now, but the confrontation between the two..."

"It seems that Echizen Longya's strength is still higher than ours. The confrontation just now was so intense for the two of them, it was like a warm-up."

"The captain didn't show any skills, maybe the next game is the real game..."

The Japanese team members talked a lot, and looked at the two of them in shock again.

Warming up with such strong ball skills, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire country.

"These two little guys..."

In the auditorium, Tian Yu Jifeng showed a dignified expression after seeing the change in Longya's aura.

It is also in the realm of no-self, but Long Ya's use is stronger than the opponents he has encountered in the past, and his talent is only higher than that of the Byodoin Phoenix.

"So strong, is this the strength of Senior Lin Bing, and that... Echizen Ryuya."

"No, the real strength hasn't been displayed yet, just now they... More just warming up."

"I have a hunch that the next game of my brother and the others will exceed our knowledge of regular tennis."

The four little ones stood in the audience, their eyes stretched out with admiration and admiration.

At the same time, I also look forward to the level of confrontation in the next game.

"To be honest...the so-called warm-up has exceeded the intensity of confrontation of our group."

Fujimura took a deep breath and looked at the arena solemnly.

"Indeed, this new class is really scary enough..."

Sanji Yuan shook his head.

Bang! On the field, the roar resounded throughout the field, attracting everyone's attention.

Lin Bing threw the ball, threw his hand and hit the ball with light, and the bright light shone on the field.

Light hits the imperial power! This is still the light under the power of Lin Bing.

With full force, the tennis ball fell from the sky like a meteorite.

The strong momentum slapped the dots, the dust and mist floated up, and the air waves rolled down.

Boom! The tennis ball hit the ground, the ground trembled violently, and the air waves hit Long Ya's feet.

Clap! It was the first time that Long Ya, who was hit by such an air wave, knelt down with both feet.


Echizen Ryuga shouted loudly, his selfless radiance shone brightly, he stood up with strength on his feet, and held his arms in a posture of drawing a sword.

The tennis ball bounces and the racket crosses out.

The tennis ball collided with the edge of the racket.

The ultimate power raged, and Echizen Longya trembled.

But this force was quickly resolved by the special effect of the samurai interception, and the ball flew back with extreme strength.

..........................................................."Interesting, system, give me the information of Longya again."

Lin Bing looked at the tennis ball that flew straight in, and did not choose to retreat, but continued to use the light shot to counterattack.

Echizen Longya, physical strength level 5+, soul strength level 6.

Skills: Samurai swipe, Samurai slam, external spin, Samurai volley, no-self realm.

"It's no wonder that being able to resist light hits, the selfless realm directly increases the physical strength by one level."

"The protagonists of the late Net King have almost all status skills. It seems that status skills are indeed a magic trick."

The thought flashed, and the racket shot out.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Tennis shot back and forth on both sides of the court, the dust and fog filled the air, and the ground wall was broken in a large area.

The deafening roar exploded, and the audience could feel the strong vibration under their feet.

The audience's eyes were full of shock. Now they finally know the meaning of that sentence. impact.

The strength of confrontation between the first two balls and this ball is the difference between heaven and earth.

Boom! The ball of light slammed down, and the cobweb-like cracks spread again.

Echizen Ryuya's feet softened slightly, and she almost fell to her knees, but after this shot, she has gradually become accustomed to the impact of the air waves.

The tennis ball bounced up and went straight ahead, with an amazing impact.

"Hey, what a terrifying skill..."

Echizen Ryuya smiled slightly: "But, I can't score points in this way."

The body took a step forward, again drew the knife, and pulled out horizontally towards the tennis ball.

Bang! Two 2 forces collided, the tennis ball light quickly dissipated, the tennis ball flew upside down, and swept across the half court.

Lin Bing's expression was calm, and the racket moved, once again increasing the power of the light shot by [*]%.

Strong shocks spread throughout the arena, and everyone could feel the power of the ball.

Echizen Ryuya's expression darkened slightly.

Although he can continue to fight back, if Lin Bing continues to increase the strength of the ball, there will be a limit for him sooner or later.

Bang! The racket flashed, cutting the tennis ball at high speed.

Zilla! A screeching screeching sound appeared.

With the cross-cutting of the racket, the tennis ball slid into a delicate arc and slammed to the ground.

6 sides.

After the tennis ball hit the ground, it bounced back at a high speed and rushed straight out towards the location where Lin Bing was.

Lin Bing quickly caught up with the ball, jumped up, and pressed down with her arms.

.........."Longya, if it were you, you might be able to withstand this move..."

The ice-blue pupils slowly turned, and a transparent ripple spread throughout the audience.

A wretched middle-aged man in a temple somewhere in Tokyo showed shock after seeing this scene, and quickly stood up and put on his clothes: "Lunzi, help me prepare the car, I'm going to the scene,."

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Chapter 237: The whole family uses plug-ins (6 more)

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