He looked up.

I saw a leap in mid-air, the arm holding the racket moved, and dunked down towards the tennis ball.

Boom! A deafening roar resounded, and the tennis ball pierced through the court and rushed down.

He rushed out with extreme power.

Boom! The roar spreads.

The racket slammed into the tennis ball, causing strong fluctuations, and the harsh sound echoed in the ears of the audience.

Boom! The tennis ball ran through the court with a strong impact and hit the ground.

Polk looked calm, his body disappeared in the frontcourt, and he reappeared in the bottom line of the backcourt.

The ultimate movement speed is perfectly reflected.

Swish! The racket-holding arm spreads out, and the tennis ball falls and bounces up, just rushing to the position where Polk's racket was intercepted.

Bang! The racket was activated, and it hit the tennis ball that was flying.

The dull crashing sound swayed, a strong hitting sound appeared, and the tennis ball bounced out in an instant.

Because the strength of the sphere is also very strong, the two forces alternately collided with each other, splashing the dust and mist on the ground, covering everyone's sight.

Bang! The tennis ball bounced off the ground, the sound of a violent swing spread, and there was an obvious vibration on the ground.

This time Polk's counterattack is not only speed, but also stronger.

"Have you begun to exert your strength..."

Lin Bing knows that the opponent has a level 7 physical fitness. If he really exerts his strength to compete, he can't hold on for too long.

It's just a simple comeback, with a ball speed of at least 220.

Although it is a flat shot, it is close to his previous miracle storm.

The audience around was shocked.

Polk's counterattack seems to be ordinary, but every ball shows its own advantages, which makes people dare not underestimate.

The training system of the German team is to allow players to develop in all directions, so the development of the five dimensions of the body is very balanced.

This also creates an illusion for players from other countries that German players can only play this simple style of golf.

In fact, there is a heart-shattering danger hidden under that bland exterior.

Even with a flat shot, the power point and the speed burst exceed the skills of most Japanese players.

Plus that amazing physique and reflexes.

Seeing this, Lin Bing couldn't help but shook his head: "If it weren't for the talent of the Phoenix generation and the success of the Echizen Ryoma generation, it wouldn't be comparable to the German team at all."

Polk's game record is not clear to him, but he did defeat Oni Jujiro. In the game with two wins in three games, Oni Jujiro finally lost.

Although he is not clear about the plot behind him, he can guess that he won the victory after waiting for others to hang up.

Swish! I regained my senses, my footsteps moved quickly, and an afterimage crossed the arena.

Tatata! The ultimate movement speed, let him quickly retreat to the bottom line, and the racket is high.

The slender arm muscles suddenly swelled, glowing metallic in the sun.

Boom! The racket slammed out, and the deafening roar shocked the audience around.

Swish! The extreme rotation makes the ball tear the air, and there is a harsh sound of breaking the air, the air waves are rolling, and the tennis ball bursts.

"Good come!"

Polk's eyes flashed a cold light.

Although there is no ball skills, but in the use of small skills, the power of the explosion is stronger than the power of most people's ball skills.

Under the friction of the racket face, the ball explodes with incredible spin and power.

Such obvious progress surprised Polk.

............................................Shhh! Polk moves, racket is raised, and anyone can see the muscles The moving blue veins on the top make people not to be underestimated.

In the face of the force, he is also ready to play his own style of play.

Boom! The racket snapped out.

When the racket collided with the tennis ball, the surface of the racket was sunken, and there were obvious traces of depression.

The impact of the tennis ball was stronger than the audience imagined, as if it were about to pierce Polk's racket.


Polk was able to let out a cold cry, his muscles swelled and his strength poured out.

Step! Stepping in front of the net, Polk instantly condensed his power on his right arm and pushed the tennis ball apart.

Boom! The tennis ball came out of the racket, ran through the court with a more extreme impact, and hit the ground.

In contrast, Polk did not use any skills, and only relied on his strong physical fitness to play the strongest ball.

The tennis ball shot and flew out like a bullet out of the chamber, and the momentum was amazing.

"Polke...a monster."

Lin Bing narrowed her eyes.

Although the system's physical strength and soul strength evaluation, I will be more comprehensive than others.

But in terms of physical strength, he could feel Polk's level 7 physical strength, which was not much different from his own level 7...

Polk is strong, even most of the guys who train here are strong.

0.........Lin Bing's eyes were beating with excitement.

It was the right time to come to Germany this time. He could not wait to have a good fight with the opponent now and show his latest strength.


shouted angrily.

The racket moves quickly, the body rotates 360 degrees, pours power on the racket, and the body leans forward.

He poured all the power-enhancing techniques into it.

At the moment when the tennis ball came, the racket slammed violently.

Boom! Like the sound of a big bell, the tennis ball shriveled down in an instant.

The tennis ball is smeared with extreme strength, and then rushes out.

In an instant, the dust and mist on the ground swept up because of this extreme swing.

Boom! The tennis ball pulls a straight beam across the court.

When passing the net, it was obvious that the net was shaking violently, and the tennis ball almost flew out due to the strong impact.

"My God, is this still a flat shot, it's too exaggerated!!!"

"My God, I'm dreaming when a middle school student hits back at this level."

"I didn't expect to see such an amazing confrontation at the elite club today."

The spectators around the stadium exclaimed in amazement.

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Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 306: Even if there is only the basics, it can be extremely strong (5 more)

Lin Bing looked slightly surprised.

He thought that no matter how good the foundation was, it would be mediocre without any outstanding points, but he did not expect to be able to hit such an amazing counterattack.

Although it is not a ball skill, the impact of the ball is almost not as weak as Watanabe's light shot with the use of multiple force techniques.

Don't look at the superposition of various basic power skills, it seems to be very simple.

If there is no strong foundation for this kind of counterattack, it will only make a joke and make people laugh at it.

Boom! The tennis ball rushed through the net, and the strong impact and rotation shook the surrounding dust and fog, blocking Polk's sight.

"Since you can't see it, it's better not to see it!"

Again...under the shocked gaze, Polk closed his eyes, stretched out his senses to the extreme, and sensed any vibrations around him.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the "[*]" covered by a dusty fog.


His pupils kept shrinking, almost shrinking into a needle.

In his sight, the tennis ball became: more and more clear, and finally completely in front of him.

Polk squeezed the racket, an excited smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and there was a hint of happiness in his eyes.

Although he is only a year younger than him, he has cultivated it with one hand and one foot. It is natural to be happy to have made such progress.

It's like playing a game and assisting you to see your own five kills.

"! Attention, I should exert force next!!!..."

Polk suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flowed with strange light, and suddenly black streamers gathered around the shooting surface.

With a low groan, Polk raised his racket high, facing the incoming tennis ball, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Boom! The racket slammed back on the tennis ball.

The ultimate shot didn't knock Polk's racket away, but made a deafening roar.

The power of the ball quickly dissipated, and finally turned into an ordinary counterattack.

Polk didn't hesitate, his muscles bulged, and his arms swung wildly, "!!! Be careful...Black smash!..."


His expression sank, and just as he was in a defensive posture, he saw the tennis ball rushing straight in with black glare.

Boom! Along the way, waves of air burst out continuously, and they came straight towards him, like a bullet with a single chamber.

The ultimate penetrating force tore through the court.

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