But he couldn't say anything.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts, he looked up at Lin Bing, the eye track department, and the ice-blue pupils of the other party made him feel the cold in the summer.

Huh! Too late to think about it, the serve time was coming, and he threw the tennis ball into the sky.

His expression was extremely serious and serious, and he entered the competition state in an instant.

After finally winning the next game, Rin Bing's Icemourne pulled the score away again, and he had to fight with all his strength and find a way to fight back against Icemourne.


With a low groan, the racket swung.

This time the swing speed is extremely fast.

There was a piercing cracking sound from the arena, and the racket hit the tennis ball hard.

Boom! Boom boom.

Level 9 physical fitness, even if you don't use special power skills to play the ball, your own power cannot be ignored.

What's more, Polk didn't show mercy, the ball glowed with a cyan streamer, running through the arena, and the strength was condensed at one point, and the penetration was amazing.

The air was split open, and it shot towards Lin Bing with the ultimate power.

Boom! The roar exploded, and the ultimate ball hit the ground.

Although the audience couldn't see the tennis ball, they always thought that Lin Bing couldn't fight back.

In the previous game, Polk's serve Rin Bing was not even qualified to catch the racket.

However, this serve is not only extremely fast, but also frighteningly powerful.

The moment the tennis ball hit the ground, the ground was crushed, and a large number of cobweb-like cracks appeared.

When the audience saw this scene, they exclaimed in surprise.

Unexpectedly, after Rin Bing's serve, Polk broke out this amazing serve again. Could Rin Bing be crushed as before? Although the ball hit the ground to relieve some of the force, it was still amazing.

"If I just hit back like this, the racket will go out of bounds..."

Lin Bing calmly looked ahead, her body glowing faintly.

The property bar jumped out from the bottom right corner.

Host: Atobe Rin ice.

Physical Strength: Level 7.

Soul strength level 8 +2.

Skills: Ice Kingdom, Ice Mourning.

Nirvana, Emperor's Domain, Shuiyuejinghua, Light Strikes Imperial Power, Ice Flower Sky Burial, Glass Like Snow, Supernova Explosion, Sixth Sense, Shinto.

The different-dimensional water moon mirror flower is activated.

Alternate between reality and reality! Shah! Lin Bing instantly disappeared in place, and the racket swung the anti-tennis ball to intercept the ball.

Just when everyone thought that Rin Bing's racket would fly out, Rin Bing held on.

It's just that the string keeps cracking, and the strings of the racket in my hand are broken one by one.

If you continue, it's not hard to see that the racket will be directly penetrated.

"How... how can it be."

But not hitting the racket, still shocked Polk.

Lin Bing was just an ordinary swing, without any skill at all, how could he intercept his serve and the racket trembled so strongly, but his arm was intact.

"It's strange, Polk, this is your stunt, why my arm doesn't respond at all."

Lin Bing opened her mouth coldly, her expression relaxed.

It didn't look like she was struggling at all.

................................"The racket is about to break, get a new one."

Before Polk could react, the next thing shocked him again.

I saw that the racket with several strings that had been broken was actually connected... The surrounding audience all looked calm, as if the phenomenon in front of them was normal.

"This is!!! It's mental ball!"

Polk's pupils shrank.

Before I could think about it, Lin Bing had already swung the racket, and the racket was picked up.

A harsh friction sounded, and the originally stagnant tennis ball ran through the court and rushed out.

Huh...!! The tennis ball slammed and hit the ground hard.

Polk was horrified by Lin Bing's spiritual skills, but he didn't dare to gamble, and he didn't dare to bet on whether the counterattack in front of him was real or fake.

He knows that the spiritual skills created by top spiritual players can not only affect the vision, but also affect the other five senses, even the sixth sense! Rin Bing is suitable for his level of genius, if he steps into a different dimension, Rin Bing is impossible Only such power.

Boom! A dull thump echoed through the arena.

The power of Xeon's ball was quickly disintegrated in an instant, and the power of different dimensions ran through the whole body, and it was impossible to break Polk's defense with a simple counterattack.

But Lin Bing seemed to have anticipated all of this, and said calmly, "Have you been caught, let's do it again."

Before Polk could understand the meaning of this sentence, the racket suddenly lightened, and the racket lost its pointer and swung toward the sky.

Bang! On the court, tennis appeared in front of Lin Bing at some point, and was hit again.

"Are all hallucinations..."

Polk gritted his teeth and swung his racket to catch the ball.

The whole person jumped up, the racket was swung, the tennis ball was pulled up to the sky, and then dunked down.

Boom! Horrible bang down.

A strong whirl stirs everything around.

"It's a very strong counterattack, I can't help it, let's do it again."

Just as the tennis was about to cross the net, Polk's heart-pounding voice sounded again.

The tennis ball disappeared again and appeared in front of Rin Bing.

"Damn!!! Break me up!!"

Wang Hao of "Finally....Is it finally broken?"

Feeling that the strange feeling around him disappeared, Polk let out a long breath.

"Player Polk, the serving time has expired. If you don't serve again, you will be sentenced to lose points again."

The referee's voice made Polk subconsciously look at the score.

I saw that the score was tied with a score of 40.

"Just go in for a while, and three 3-point time limits have passed, Atobe Rinbing, you really can't underestimate it."

................................. Ask for a subscription.......... ......................................

Chapter 329: Water Moon Mirror Flower (2) ([*] more)

Chapter 39 "Drink!"

Without hesitation, Polk hit the last shot of the time limit and hit the ball.

The ball sank, making a harsh sound of breaking through the air, and the tennis ball slammed into the ball.

Boom! Boom boom.

The tennis ball is like a bullet that has been hit, and it flies out with the blow.

In order to ensure that he can score a goal, this time he specially used his stunt, Vortex Strangulation:.

The air twisted and flew towards the location of the ice with extreme rotation.

Boom! A ball with extreme spin hits the ground, the speed of the ball is amazing, and the power is terrible.

The rotation is unimaginable.

At the moment of landing, the power is more powerful under the amplification of different dimensions.

The dust mist rose up beautifully, spreading towards the surroundings, and some debris also sputtered.

"Recovered...recovered brother recovered!"

From the sidelines came Bertie's cry of joy.

But Polk didn't pay too much attention to it, he should focus more on chasing points.

Huh...!! The tennis ball bounced off the ground, and the impact did not weaken the power of the ball, but made the spin stronger.

As if feeling the power of this ball, Lin Bing did not choose to retreat, but took the initiative to attack.

Boom! The racket intercepts a bounced ball from 063.

The surging power erupted, causing Lin Bing to tremble.

"Good.... so strong."

Lin Bing's pupils narrowed.

The power of Vortex Strangulation is beyond imagination.

The sound of high-speed friction reverberated around.

The string kept breaking, and the racket in Lin Bing's hand became: a mess.

If it continues, the tennis racket will definitely be penetrated.

Seeing this scene, Berti and others all cheered.

But Polk couldn't laugh, because the scene in front of him was exactly the same as what he saw in the fantasy.

This made him a little worried.

Thinking of this, the different-dimensional aura surrounding the body became: more and more intense.

The light shines again.

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